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Broadband and phone???


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We are in a rental with a Telstra line but it's not active and don't know if it was active in the last 6 months with the previous tenants.


We cannot decide who to have for internet and home phone. There are so many plans around and some are confusing! HUSBAND HAD RANT IN TELSTRA TODAY AS THE SERVICE WAS APPALLING-WAITED 1 HOUR FOR A PRE BOOKED APPOINTMENT IN STORE AND WALKED OUT, TELLING THEM WHAT C**P service he got!!


Who have you chosen for your broadband and home phone bundle and why?


Also, who is the best mobile provider in your opinion at the moment: best price, best package.......


Any comments please and thanks in advance!:cute:

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For us im afraid it was Telstra for mobile as it is the only provider that reliable out on site for my hubby. Also telstra for broadband and home phoneline. Customer service is not the best but the package was right for us. Did try optus but they could not provide broadband to the area we live....... good luck. Will say though in the last 3 months I have not had a problem with Telstra fingers crossed it stays that way........

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Guest pom on the move

We are with Optus as has crap with telstra too, you can go into a shop or sort on the phone. We now have phone line changed to optus & broadband & our mobiles.

Everything over here seems to take ages to sort out I know how hard it all is but best to just pick one first then in a year have a better look round as you will be able to get a better deal. The home number you get will be yours for as long as you live in WA.


Good Luck & deep breath I feel your annoyance.

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We are in a rental with a Telstra line but it's not active and don't know if it was active in the last 6 months with the previous tenants.


We cannot decide who to have for internet and home phone. There are so many plans around and some are confusing! HUSBAND HAD RANT IN TELSTRA TODAY AS THE SERVICE WAS APPALLING-WAITED 1 HOUR FOR A PRE BOOKED APPOINTMENT IN STORE AND WALKED OUT, TELLING THEM WHAT C**P service he got!!


Who have you chosen for your broadband and home phone bundle and why?


Also, who is the best mobile provider in your opinion at the moment: best price, best package.......


Any comments please and thanks in advance!:cute:


Be carefull with Telstra, depending on where you live, you may only be able to deal with them, so dont go telling them how good they are !!!!! heres the deal, Telstra own ALL the phone and broadband infrastructure, they lease or rent to the likes of IInet, westnet vodafone etc, these companies will only go for the more lucrative areas, where competition is fierce, we live 25KM south from the CBD, Vodafone signal is crap, IInet or westnet cant get us broadband and even Telstra cant get us a port at the local exchange for broadband, so for the phone I switched from Vodafone to telstra, for internet we went with Vivid, but we are just in range for the vivid signal so dont have a very good connection, Telstra offered us 4G internet, but at twice the price of vivid, so we will stick to vivid for now

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have Iinet for internet and home phone. Changed from Optus in the past few months and halved my bill. Not had any issues at all with Iinet and when I rang to set it all up actually talked to someone in Perth who was Australian and they were incredibly helpful and efficient. Got so sick of Optus and their cr#p service and talking to their call centre in some obscure country that wasn't Australia - not to mention their escalating inaccurate bills. Have had to go Telstra with the mobile though as coverage is shocking with anyone else and I travel around the state a bit so needed good coverage.

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