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Nurse searching for an employer

Guest Piggy

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Hi everyone, first ever post for me but I have visited the site regularly. I am a registered nurse in the UK and I have been working on intensive care for the last 14 months. I recently received confirmation from AHPRA that they had accepted my application and that as soon as I get to their offices in Perth I will be entered onto the Australian nursing register. The problem is I did all this under the impression that getting employer sponsored through WA.gov would be ok after having 12 months experience. It now turns out I was misinformed and it is actually 2 years. (That will teach me not to triple check everything!!!) Does anyone know of employers who would be looking to sponsor someone with my skill set on a 457 visa. I am willing to work anywhere within 45 minutes of Perth and myself and my family are pretty much ready to leave at a moments notice if required.


Any help would be greatly appreciated guys



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Your best bet will probably be to actually start applying for jobs - Why not have a looke on seek.com and jobs WA for nursing posts. If you've got 12 months experience then you'll be looking at level one positions. You need to put on your application that you are looking for sponsorship.

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I'm well on with applying, thanks anyway, I just haven't had much luck as of yet. I have sent out a lot of cv's but I was hoping to narrow down my search so that I could be a bit more persistent with the right places.

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Make sure when addressing the selection criteria you write a paragraph on each section demonstrating how your learning/experience qualifies you for the role etc ( this is what is expected in oz and why a lot of Brits don't get through the first stage. Also contact the person named on the job advert, have all the questions you want to ask to hand, ask about the unit, what they are looking for in a candidate etc ( keep it informal but like an interview if that makes sense. Best of luck.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Hayleypiggy

Not great at the moment. It seems that any government hospitals want a minimum of 2 years post grad experience (I have been 15 months on ICU) and the rumour is that employers in Perth are not to keen on employer sponsored visas due to the amount of people who have let them down (which is understandable as the employers spend money on getting nurses over on 457's). I am planning on going to Perth myself if I haven't got anything by June and just visit the hospitals in person to plead my case, hopefully that will show my commitment.

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Not great at the moment. It seems that any government hospitals want a minimum of 2 years post grad experience (I have been 15 months on ICU) and the rumour is that employers in Perth are not to keen on employer sponsored visas due to the amount of people who have let them down (which is understandable as the employers spend money on getting nurses over on 457's). I am planning on going to Perth myself if I haven't got anything by June and just visit the hospitals in person to plead my case, hopefully that will show my commitment.



Why not start the skilled visa process - that way you'll not only have more experience but you'll also have the freedom to work where you want to.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi I'm also in the same situation, although I work in the community - just got my letter through from ahpra but need to save up for the re-locations costs first before applying for any jobs or putting CV on skill select, thought there might be no point if I get a job via employer sponsorship then cant afford to get over and set up lol.


In regards to the skilled visa process - i have heard that this is very expensive??? and also need to prove that you have loads in the bank? We are a family of 2;2. What are peoples thoughts? :-)

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