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Possible move from Melbourne to Perth

Guest Bessie

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My family and I moved to Melbourne in jan this year, even though we have managed to get good jobs and made some nice friends we feel that Melbourne isn't for us. We can appreciate what Melbourne has to offer but would like to live somewhere a bit quieter (at the moment we live in edithvale). There's other places we would really like to live in Melbourne further out of the city but it just hasn't got the weather, also we're not sure we will live in Australia forever so would like to try a different state.


We are a family of three with a 2 year old and dog. We would like to live near a beach, hopefully without as many dog restrictions as Melbourne has! We could live as far out as an hour from the city as long as its in an area where therers plenty of work for carpenters. A town like feel would be good, I know it's a bit different from England but at the moment we feel we are one of many in suburbia. We've just been to torquay angelsea and Lorne today which as so nice so something similar ish to that would be great, or like mount Martha, eliza or mornington. I know Perth is very different so it is said in a very loose term!!


We came to Melbourne blind as we couldn't afford to come over before we made the move, however this time we are planning a trip over in the new year to check it all out.


Any advise or help would be appreciated so we can start doing some research on the areas we would like to live.


In regards to work it would be good to get people's options on if there's lots of work about, it's got a bit thin here in Melbourne but still no where near as bad as the uk!!


Thanks in advance for replies.



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Hi Bessie


I've not been to Melbourne, but have heard that it's weather is a lot more like the UK :(

We moved to Perth and have so far only been out of the State and visited Adelaide. (it rained) The weather here in Perth is fabulous, though some people reading this may be complaining about the heat this week, we've got a full week of around 40 degs - I love it!!!


We live SOR in Rockingham, they call it a City, but as you will know and Aussie City is more like a UK town. We have a dog and walk her on the beach at least once a day, we find there are a lot of dog beaches and exercise areas down here, I think more so than in the Northern suburbs, but I'm sure someone on here will put me right.


Rockingham spreads out to cover Port Kennedy, Secret Harbour, Warnbro, Waikiki, and even Baldivis, the foreshore area does feel more town like. If you are looking for a UK type feel the closest we have found here is maybe in the Perth foothills, with Kalamunda having quite a community feel to it. Some of the Northern (and Southern) suburbs do (again in my opinion) feel like they are just big housing estates with no character, maybe similar to what you are experiencing in Melbourne.


My advice would be to take your time when you get here checking out the different suburbs, just drive and do day trips till you find somewhere that feels right.


Good luck with your research and if you have any specific questions on areas or anything else please feel free to ask away.



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Thanks for the replies they are very useful. How are you dogs coping with the heat? It can get to nearly 40 here but only for a day or two, our dog seems to be ok and we only have air con in one room. My husband and I like the heat, the weather here can be really nice here but it's so up and down and a big mix!! Also the winter is long, getting about 6 months of bad weather. When the weather is bad we miss home more as there's less to do and we don't have any family here to pop round too. The houses's aren't very cosy either.


We want to feel more like we are in Australia and love when we can eat and cook outside which we can do here but not enough, we all have olive skin so can manage the sun ok, i saw on the news tonight its been so hot!! I know Perth is far away from the rest of Australia but because we have travelled a lot of Australia and lived in Sydney we should be ok. We don't really have the money to go see more of Australia at the moment as we spent all our money coming here! And need to save up.


We don't mind living in a suburb but one with lots of amenities and doesn't have a city feel more of a village / town feel, at the moment we live in a city suburb, we are 20 mins walk from the beach but to get to it there's two main roads and a train track to cross. The shops and cafe's are right on the main road, there are nicers suburbs near us but we chose to to have nicer house in not as good suburb. We want to feel like we live somewhere more open rather than in millions of houses and to be able to drive out to some deserted beaches. My husband works all around the city and hates driving in Melbourne as its so busy with lots if traffic lights. I don't mean to be negative about Melbourne as there's loads of great places to visit but I think it comes down to the weather and how busy everywhere is.


Ive got lots of ideas in my head what Perth will be like so it's going to be great when we go for a visit, which we think should be in in feb my parents in law are here so my husband and I are taking advantage and going on our own so we will be able to see much more and have a good drive round with out our little girl getting grumpy in the back! I hope it's what we are looking for.


Thanks again for the advice.

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Ps could someone let me know the dog restrictions at the beaches you mentioned, you can take your dog on most beaches here but in the summer it's before 10am which I don't mind as we walk her early because of the heat, but then it's after 7:30pm if it's cooler we'd like to go a bit earlier.

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The dog beaches here are great. Although some parts are no dogs allowed its not really a problem cos there will be a dog friendly area nearby.


No time restrictions on these beaches


One of my fav dog beaches is South Beach, Freemantle. A couple of nice dog friendly cafes there too. Not too far a walk from the main cafe strip/ shops area of Freo either

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In terms of keeping pets cool, you need to make sure they have access to shade all day if they're outside animals. I also tend to hose down an area on the paving where our cat likes to lie down, it cools the bricks a bit and evaporates pretty quickly so it's not like it stays wet. Also they need plenty of water, which evaporates quickly in the temps we're having here in Perth. You can also do stuff like put a few ice cubes into their drinking water - we tend to do this just as we leave the house for work. Another idea is an ice pack or ice brick wrapped up in an old towel.

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My dogs been fine , he is an indoor pooch though ! .. walkies in the sea , early and late walks .. ( not daytime ) beaches are dog friendly or not , Period .. usually one direction they are allowed and opposite they are not :)

we put big bottles of water in fridge and give him his out of that and ice as well . Always leave fans and aircon on in a room if he is alone .. Yesterday he had a cold hose pipe session and aircon ( as he had a cruciate op last month he can't walk for 8 weeks ) .. and it's really not for long the weather that is and what i call evil hot !! lol ..


Perth tbh is a place thats a big town called a city .. i love it and some do not .. i suppose really it depends on your lifestyle choices and if you have children younger ones or older ones , what schools you need etc how far to travel for work ? Scenery as in the hills or beaches ..

think off a straight line beaches west Perth on the middle of that straight line , hills east to the east .. Prices are higher nearer the city and also prime beachy area's .

I have lived in 3 area's since being here and loved all 3 for different reasons .. My favourite was Leeming near the city 10 mins by train and 10-15 to freo .. i loved it because it was easy to get everywhere .. 20 mins to coogee dog beach :)

Baldivis is classed as semi rural , 9 mins to the nearest beach .. near Rockingham and Mandurah 20 mins .. but all the basics are near .. not a village though .. kalamunda in the hills was a fab village feel rural and great little shops high street , 40 mins to Beach and no trains but good bus service .


There is a good suburbs thread on here which helps with some places and up north , the only places i know are Woodvale as friends live there and Balajura again for that reason :)

Edited by jackboots
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If you like beach side suburbs you could try looking at and around the area of Secret Harbour... you can google earth it and see the suburbs along the beach in either direction from there.


Here is a little link to help you along the way



Good luck!

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Guest wishfulthinking

Hi Bessie, we moved from Melbourne to Perth. We lived in a place called Berwick(melbourne) and as nice as it was we just couldn't settle. It wasn't what i thought australia would be like. We made the decision to move to Perth and it was the best decision ever. We moved to a place called Mandurah(SOR) but after a year we bought land and moved up north to Butler. There is a couple of dog beaches, one being in Quinns. It was the best decision we made. x

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Hi Bessie, we moved from Melbourne to Perth. We lived in a place called Berwick(melbourne) and as nice as it was we just couldn't settle. It wasn't what i thought australia would be like. We made the decision to move to Perth and it was the best decision ever. We moved to a place called Mandurah(SOR) but after a year we bought land and moved up north to Butler. There is a couple of dog beaches, one being in Quinns. It was the best decision we made. x



Thanks so much for the post it's really reassuring to hear that, coming to Melbourne hasn't been a disaster for us we've done well here, however we think exactly the same as you it's not What we thought it would be like. Hopefully we will be making a visit in early feb to have a look at some area's.



Happy new year!!!

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