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Child minding / family day care in rentals

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Hi guys

ive seen on a Facebook post that if your renting in Perth , you cannot use that property for child minding.

my wife is a registered uk child minder and was going to get accredited in Perth.

does anyone know if this is true.

they stated that a property used for child care ad to ave a 3 metre sand pit and other things .



thank you or any help




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Not having children myself, I wasn't aware of the specifics, but it does appear to be a heavily regulated area. The link below has links down the left side of the page that refer to the different types of child care (eg creche, family day care, outside school hours family day care etc) - maybe check them out, you should be able to get an idea of what is required.



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Not having children myself, I wasn't aware of the specifics, but it does appear to be a heavily regulated area. The link below has links down the left side of the page that refer to the different types of child care (eg creche, family day care, outside school hours family day care etc) - maybe check them out, you should be able to get an idea of what is required.




Thank you , I'll get my wife to check It out



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I've answered the thread on PIO - there are alot of regulations that you may find difficult to adhere to in a rental as you won't be able to adapt it e.g. shade .. not all rentals will have outdoor shade, (I put a link to the regulations). The regulations cover indoor and outdoor furniture, handles being so many mm from the floor, safety glass, identifiying a programme of activity to meet the developmental needs of the child etc., ... getting the first aid certificate and WWC check looked like the easy bit.


As I said on there, my concern would be that finding a rental anyway can be a little difficult depending on area, having to find one that specifically fits the regulations could end up being a nightmare. Additionally, you would need to declare that you will be running a business from it - this may stop you getting the rental in the first place as it may only be for residential lease or they may charge you additional rent.


Good luck with the venture I think it's a great venture, but one you may find easier when you have your own home so that the premises can pass inspection.

Edited by ali
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