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opinions please on these schools


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Hi all,we are moving to Perth from the Middle East where both my children were born.I have a14yr old and a 9 year old and they have both attended the equivalent of a British private school. We have almost decided on Applecross primary and Christ Church Grammer School.as we will be living in Applecross.I haven t read anyones opinions on either of these schools can any of you guys enlighten me please .

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Both schools are fine. I used to work at Christ Church. It is single sex school and one of the most expensive in Perth with fees at $20,000 plus. Have you checked if they have space as there are usually long waiting lists. It is academic and competitive with compulsory sport including a week long bush walk in year 10. If you have a non competitive, non sporty boy then I don't think it would be your best choice. Negatives - I think the kids are spoon fed a bit but that achieves results. Research has shown that many of the kids from the private schools bomb out at Uni partly because they are not getting spoon fed by teachers and don't have the organizational skills to cope. The school comparison stats for the year 2012 will be coming out in the next couple of weeks and I'd expect CCGS to be in the top ten. Personal opinion - I think coed schools are better - all the CCGS boys can think about from Year 10 is meeting girls in any shape or form, same for kids from Scotch. They have no avenue to hang out with girls and many have been in an all boy environment since age 4 - often with no sisters at home. Other comments from the many CCGS parents I know - great school if you are academic, but not so good at meeting the needs of boys who aren't.

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Both schools are fine. I used to work at Christ Church. It is single sex school and one of the most expensive in Perth with fees at $20,000 plus. Have you checked if they have space as there are usually long waiting lists. It is academic and competitive with compulsory sport including a week long bush walk in year 10. If you have a non competitive, non sporty boy then I don't think it would be your best choice. Negatives - I think the kids are spoon fed a bit but that achieves results. Research has shown that many of the kids from the private schools bomb out at Uni partly because they are not getting spoon fed by teachers and don't have the organizational skills to cope. The school comparison stats for the year 2012 will be coming out in the next couple of weeks and I'd expect CCGS to be in the top ten. Personal opinion - I think coed schools are better - all the CCGS boys can think about from Year 10 is meeting girls in any shape or form, same for kids from Scotch. They have no avenue to hang out with girls and many have been in an all boy environment since age 4 - often with no sisters at home. Other comments from the many CCGS parents I know - great school if you are academic, but not so good at meeting the needs of boys who aren't.


Thank you so much for such a quick reply this was my first attempt on this site.My son is sporty and academic but definately not arty !! so may suit him after all .He has been at a co ed school up until now so we will weigh up the odds .Cheers

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One other thought - how long are you likely to be in Perth as the other school to consider is Scotch - also in Claremont and just like CCGS. They are one of the few schools in Perth that do the International Baccalaureate so if you don't think you'll be here until the 14 year old finishes his education, it would be good for him to do IB and will transfer easily to another expat environment.

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My children and husband are all Aussie by birth so the plan is to be in Australia long term and try to belong somewhere! I believe the WACE is accepted by quite a number of British and American universities too. Kids with the luxury of dual passports eh? In my day it was up the road to the local comprehensive . Thanks for the support on this matter B

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  • 1 month later...
Guest clpsonoma@yahoo.com

I am sure you probably settled on a school. But if not I can tell you the Christ Church Grammer is very British. If it's too strick and you don't mind going up north a bit you could consider another alternative like West Coast Steiner in Nollamara but living in Applecross you should select a school close to home. It's much easier for the children and yourself since driving is a challenge here with all the round abouts.



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