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First Twelve Weeks - Where did you Stay - How much did it cost?

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There seems to be a lot of issues surrounding new arrivals and the difficulty everyone is facing in terms of trying to secure long term rentals. It perhaps would be good if people could share their experiences and let others know what they did, or are planning to do, if they did not go straight into a long term rental or stay with relatives when they first arrived.


If you came over in the last couple of years or so:-


  1. Who was / is involved, i.e how many people?
  2. Where did you stay or Where are you planning to stay, i.e not with relatives or straight to a long term rental?
  3. What type of accommodation was it / is it, e.g. holiday home, short term let, rooms in a private home, granny flat, hotel, camp site etc?
  4. How long were you there for / Do you plan to stay for?
  5. How much did it cost per week?
  6. What did / does it include as part of the accommodation package cost? e.g. all utility costs, food starter pack, pick up from airport etc.
  7. Any other comments? e.g Was it a long enough stay?, Did you / Did you / Can you break the agreement if you get a long term rental soooner than expected? etc etc

Edited by StraighttothePoint
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1. 2 adults

2. Short term rental for 3 weeks (staying with an aussie)

3. House through airbnb.com

4. 3 weeks. Now in short term rental (6 months)

5. 350 a week (first rental)

6. First rental - all utilities including wifi and Foxtel

7. I would deifnitely recommend short term rental for at least 4 weeks whilst you look at other rentals as it is competitive. Make a rental pack including references and a profile on yourselves, pics of your last house, finances etc.

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2 adults

short term let via tracey at oz house rentals 8 weeks turned into 12 because of accident

$450 per week including utilities

extremely basic

extremely lacking luxuries

no foxtel no digi box 4 channels

landlady let us use her wifi :o)

landlady use to leave lemons and papers at the door for us also

landlady fantastic made up for what else was lacking pluis she gave us a fab reference for long term let

10 out of 10 for Kathy she is lovely

gave us lots of time to search different areas :o)

Edited by elfie
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