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Moving to Perth...... Excited!

Lisa Broadmore

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Hi Lisa!


My boyfriend and I are in the same boat :) we are moving to Perth in March on a 457 visa, sooooo excited it can't come soon enough. I'm 26 and my other half is 30. Wel be looking at moving to the subiaco area too, it's a great place to live. We have lived in perth for a year before so have a rough idea on areas etc but there's still so much to sort out!



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We are waiting on our 457 visa I'm hoping its comes through very soon. My boyfriend was offered a job in Perth just before Christmas it's sooooo exciting, just need to find myself a job now. We have loads to sort out too. The next few weeks are going to be very emotional, we have never been to oz before so we are very excited for the new move down under! x

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We are waiting on our 457 visa I'm hoping its comes through very soon. My boyfriend was offered a job in Perth just before Christmas it's sooooo exciting, just need to find myself a job now. We have loads to sort out too. The next few weeks are going to be very emotional, we have never been to oz before so we are very excited for the new move down under! x



We were offered the job just before Christmas too, great present eh! We are also waiting on the visa and have been told by his company that as soon as that comes through were off. Saying that I haven't started packing yet! Have you shipped anything over yet? It's difficult without a set date isn't it.


im going to have to get job hunting too, have you been in touch with anyone over there? I'm dreading all the goodbyes and tears too but we are both so excited and happy to be going that we haven't been too upset about all that yet. It must be different if you have never been there before but I guess we know what a paradise it is so were sooo excited!

where amounts are you in the Uk? Would be great to stay in touch, we shouldn't be too far behind you at this rate.



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Hi Charlotte,



We are only packing clothes to take with us! We will be staying with a friend for a couple of months then start looking for our own place. I have registered my CV on Seek but I will properly start the job hunt when I'm there.



We live in Tamworth near Birmingham, we are currently staying at my OH parents house as they live in the Middle East near Dubai. They have been there about four years and love the hot climate. Adam my OH has a house he currently rents out hence why we will just be taking clothes with us to Perth :D



Where abouts do you guys live? I just want a date now so we can look at booking our flights will be very strange just booking a one way flight! There will be many tears soon I don't want to think about it! Are you on Facebook? Would be great to keep in touch. x

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Hey girls,


im in Perth with my partner ages 28 & 30, we also live in Subiaco and have been here a year but always up for meeting new people. We're both from Manchester. Get in touch when u arrive, we can go out for cocktails :)

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Hi Lisa,



Ah well that makes it all a lot easier! We are renting at the moment and are also not taking any furniture etc with us. We are only taking clothes and sentimental things. Trying to decide whether to take the tv is about as stressful as our shipping experience will get :)

thats great you have someone to stay with, and subiaco is lovely. We've been really lucky with our relocation package and they are providing temporary accommodation which is such a relief because renting over there is a different story to here!

At the moment we are living in Portsmouth, all my family in Bournemouth and slowly getting used to the idea we will have to say goodbye soon! Thank god for Skype :)

i know what you mean about booking a one way flight, will be so strange! I just can't wait for the visa to come through so we finally a have a date to work towards. I feel so up in the air right now.



I'm on Facebook, il search your name and see if I can find you :)

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Hi All me and my OH are also moving to Perth, although we are coming on a PR visa in September - you are right booking your one way flight is strange!! we fly out 18/09/13 - cant wait : ) So you are stopping in Subiaco, it looks lovely there. We are hoping to stop north of the river too, we have booked our first 6 weeks accommodation in a shared house in Edgwater which is about 20km North of the CBD and then hopefully secure our own place when we have secured Jobs. It is good that both of your partners have jobs, that should relieve the pressure a little, what industry do they work in? I am a little worried about finding work but hopefully should be fine. We are shipping alot of our stuff over, furniture etc and then our dogs too once we are settled....there is so much to do and think about isn't there, i bet you guys are really nervous with it only being a couple of weeks to go. Cocktails in the sun is a far cry from the weather here in snowy Lancashire...cant wait : )

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Hi All me and my OH are also moving to Perth, although we are coming on a PR visa in September - you are right booking your one way flight is strange!! we fly out 18/09/13 - cant wait : ) So you are stopping in Subiaco, it looks lovely there. We are hoping to stop north of the river too, we have booked our first 6 weeks accommodation in a shared house in Edgwater which is about 20km North of the CBD and then hopefully secure our own place when we have secured Jobs. It is good that both of your partners have jobs, that should relieve the pressure a little, what industry do they work in? I am a little worried about finding work but hopefully should be fine. We are shipping alot of our stuff over, furniture etc and then our dogs too once we are settled....there is so much to do and think about isn't there, i bet you guys are really nervous with it only being a couple of weeks to go. Cocktails in the sun is a far cry from the weather here in snowy Lancashire...cant wait : )
Hi Louise,Congrats on the move you must be so excited and that's great you have PR! We are going for pr as soon as we can, were coming over on 457 to start off with. My other half is an engineer in the oil and gas industry, how about yours? What sort of work will you be looking for? I am so so so excited about our move, we have wanted this for so long it still seems like a dream. I can't wait for the sunshine that's for sure, even though its very pretty with all the snow outside right now :)
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HI iloveoz i work in housing so would be looking for community type based work, maybe even sport development and my partner works on the railway. Is you OH looking to do FIFO? I know, we also have wanted to do it for so long, we considered a 457 initially too but couldnt really see an employer sponsoring us as they are not particularly specialized jobs so went the long way round in the end. Im sure once you are there getting PR will be easy enough. so you guys have already lived in Perth, would you recommend north or south of the river? we are aged 30 and 31, want to be close to the shore,no kids but still want to live in a nice family area i.e not to close to the city. there is only so much you can get from google so no doubt it will be easier to decide when we get there.

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HI iloveoz i work in housing so would be looking for community type based work, maybe even sport development and my partner works on the railway. Is you OH looking to do FIFO? I know, we also have wanted to do it for so long, we considered a 457 initially too but couldnt really see an employer sponsoring us as they are not particularly specialized jobs so went the long way round in the end. Im sure once you are there getting PR will be easy enough. so you guys have already lived in Perth, would you recommend north or south of the river? we are aged 30 and 31, want to be close to the shore,no kids but still want to live in a nice family area i.e not to close to the city. there is only so much you can get from google so no doubt it will be easier to decide when we get there.


Hi Louise,

he won't be doing Fifo (well I hope not!) the job is based in the CBD but I'm sure hel have to travel a lot. We were giving up on sponsorship too and started to look into PR and then we we offered the job! It all happened so quickly. When we lived in perth on a working holiday visa we lived in east perth, right in the city. Definitely don't want to be that central again. I'm like you and want to be fairly close to the beach in a nice suburb. At the same time we don't have kids either yet so want to be close enough to be able socialise at weekend etc. I really like the central suburbs like subiaco and mount Lawley. I've also read a lot about dianella but until we get the and have a good look around it will be hard to make a decision!

Charlotte :)

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Hi Charlotte, ah thats good it worked out that way, at least you will be able to make sure it is what you want before committing to the hassel and cost of the PR visa...plus you can stay up to 4 years cant you on a 457? Yeah we have looked at Mount Lawley, really like the look of the surrounding suburbs just a little unsure on the cost to rent a nice place....the houses in our price bracket seem a little chincy and with two dogs i think we would have alot of competition for the good bargains. I think we are going to have to go further a field, but again this will all depend on what jobs/salaries we get. hopefully it will all fall into place when we get there and all the worry and speculating will be worth while.


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Hey nee,


cocktails sound like my kind of night! How did you find securing a rental in Subiaco? I know it's a popular place to live so would be great to hear!





Hi Charlotte,


subiaco is such a nice area and we were lucky to pick it as a sort term rental when we first arrived as we had never been to Perth before, although felt quite spoilt and didn't then want to move. Finding rentals is extremely tough, we did arrive in high season so possibly made it harder. You'll probably be aware that to live in Subi you have to pay the price. We found that any viewing we went to around the$500-$600 mark had a queue of 40 people. The higher the budget the less people at the viewing. Saying that there are 4 apartments in our complex on real estate at the moment which is the most I've ever seen. My advice would be to have all the references and application form at the ready as we were not prepared for the rental market in Perth. Leedervile and mount lawley are both lovely too.


looking forward to catching up when you all arrive, Subi has some fab bars too :))


any questions just ask :)

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Hi Charlotte,


subiaco is such a nice area and we were lucky to pick it as a sort term rental when we first arrived as we had never been to Perth before, although felt quite spoilt and didn't then want to move. Finding rentals is extremely tough, we did arrive in high season so possibly made it harder. You'll probably be aware that to live in Subi you have to pay the price. We found that any viewing we went to around the$500-$600 mark had a queue of 40 people. The higher the budget the less people at the viewing. Saying that there are 4 apartments in our complex on real estate at the moment which is the most I've ever seen. My advice would be to have all the references and application form at the ready as we were not prepared for the rental market in Perth. Leedervile and mount lawley are both lovely too.


looking forward to catching up when you all arrive, Subi has some fab bars too :))


any questions just ask :)


Hi thanks for the reply :)

i remember from when we rented in perth last time, the shock of seeing so many other couples at the viewings...it's just not the same as here! I'm pretty ,much on reiwa.com.au everyday and think I have a good idea on rental prices..we're hoping to spend around 500 -650 but for that would want 2 bedrooms and a decent outside space, even if its a private balcony. We're in short term accom for the first few months. I think on our first week were going to get a car hire and scope out the areas a little. We rented a small one bed in east perth last time which was fairly cheap but we don't want to be in the city this time. I like the idea of subiaco as its a close trip to the city but has its own bars etc! So how long have u been in perth for?


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Hi thanks for the reply :)

i remember from when we rented in perth last time, the shock of seeing so many other couples at the viewings...it's just not the same as here! I'm pretty ,much on reiwa.com.au everyday and think I have a good idea on rental prices..we're hoping to spend around 500 -650 but for that would want 2 bedrooms and a decent outside space, even if its a private balcony. We're in short term accom for the first few months. I think on our first week were going to get a car hire and scope out the areas a little. We rented a small one bed in east perth last time which was fairly cheap but we don't want to be in the city this time. I like the idea of subiaco as its a close trip to the city but has its own bars etc! So how long have u been in perth for?




We've been in Perth a year this week actually. How times fly when having fun! That's probably the best idea....most rentals will advertise and want a tenant to move in straight away or within 2 weeks I would say, so you should have plenty of time if u have short term for a couple of months. We had 6 weeks short term but didn't find anything so extended for a further 2 ( although we wet a bit lame and spending too much time on the beach haha ) is your short term in Subi? The location is perfect for nights out, getting to the city and 10 mins to the coast for choice of beaches. The high end of your budget would get you an apartment in the complex I live in, 2 bed, 1 bath, living and kitchen area and a balcony to fitting table and chairs all on 1 level, think the ones advertised are $630 unfurnished or $695 furnished. The complex has a nice pool area. We pay more as our is classed as a townhouse on 2 levels and each bed room has its own bathroom. Hopefully that's gives u a good idea :)

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Hi Charlotte,


Thank you! The visas were lodged on Friday and we received an email today to say both visas have been approved! I did not think it would come through so soon, I can't believe it. It will be you next :-) x


Wow that's so quick?! Did you lodge your part of the application yourself or did the sponsor do it for you? We've sent all the info to the company who are applying on our behalf so i have no idea if it will be us that receive the email or them xx

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