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Guest hic

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its my first look at the perth poms as im seriousely thinking of moving out to aus as a good friend of mine is starting a new business and has offerd me a managerial role,hes been there {aus** for 7yrs now and loves it im all for it but my wife isnt so sure is there any assurances of the type of life that we may have out there ie is it as good as you read ?what is butler like to live ? how is the social life ? also is there that much difference in the cost of living compared to the uk ? alot of questions i know but theres so much to ask.:wink: any help in these areas would be helpful

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest pom on the move

its my first look at the perth poms as im seriousely thinking of moving out to aus as a good friend of mine is starting a new business and has offerd me a managerial role,hes been there {aus** for 7yrs now and loves it im all for it but my wife isnt so sure is there any assurances of the type of life that we may have out there ie is it as good as you read ?what is butler like to live ? how is the social life ? also is there that much difference in the cost of living compared to the uk ? alot of questions i know but theres so much to ask.:wink: any help in these areas would be helpful


Hi Hic


We live in Perth & Love life here but Moving the other side of the world is a huge move.


You both really have to want it for it to work. So many people I have met said they have come because the OH wanted to, that they didn't want to leave uk & they miss all their friends etc.


We both really wanted it & it is working because we wanted it to. yes we can afford everything & we dont have a lot, but our way of life is so much better for us & we spend loads of time outdoors.


So if it it something you are serious about the best thing if for you to research as much as possible. If your friend is offering you a job & you both decide to move over then bite their hand off as this is one less thing to worry about. Make sure they are serious re job & how much they would pay you then you can work out your costs.


I wish you all the best in your search & feel free to ask anything.

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Hi and welcome - I remember having a bit of a panic when hubby suggested applying for the visa, thinking of being able to live here and the reality of actually doing something about it threw me a little. I do agree that you both have to be really behind the move, some people will rent out their home rather than sell or take career breaks to keep some ties and a bit of a safety net.


Our social life is probably better now than it ever was but in part a little of that is our children are older and we can now go out without having a baby sitter.


I don't know too much about visa's but know that companies have to meet certain criterias for sponsorship and show that they can't get an Australian to do the job - but i'm sure that you're friend has looked into all this before offering you the position with his company.


What about coming over for a holiday with your OH to look at if you think Perth will be for you?

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  • 1 month later...

hi guys thanks for youre replys,were going to come out there next feb 2014 as a holiday come fact finding trip , apart from driving my self mad with all the different senarios it will be good to look at the areas.poss areas are yanchep-butler -alkimos,as the business will be based round there he is gona sponsor us and its a def job there for me,were stopping with him for a couple of weeks and he will show us round so yes getting a little excited.it all seems so far away but at times things are moving fast as you just want to put the brakes on and take a breather,thats just nerves i think .so many people have done the move but as you all say do reserch !! i know its paramount on the plus ive got you guys to fall back on if i need help so thanks !!!

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The first thing is, is the role on the CSOL list as eligible for sponsorship?


Then, are you aware of the pitfalls of a 457 visa? It is a temporary work permit that gives the right to live and work in Oz for 4 years. But, should you lose your job, you only have 28 days to find another sponsor or leave the country. There are almost certainly going to be some significant changes to the visa as well shortly as it has been in the news a lot recently with the prime minister making speeches about clamping down on it.


As for lifestyle, its very much what you make of it. Its not heaven. Oz has some significant benefits, but also some negatives. Also, a lot of the problems that the UK has, exist in Oz. You still have to go to work, pay the bills and clean the toilet.


For some, the life is better, for some not.


Check out what you will earn against what you do now., But be careful of just using the exchange rate as Perth is a lot more expensive than the UK, so make sure your salary reflects that.

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hi verystormy,from what you say i need more reserch wasnt aware of all what you have told me he has told me as he already has an existing business out there and this would be his second it would be classed as an existing 1,and would be able to bring me in as manager on my quals so not sure i obviously need to clarify this.


I think this is why i need a hol come fact finding visit out there check prices etc agains wage-its got to be worth it for us to make the jump across,as we both have decent jobs here in the uk ! sometimes life throws you a curve ball so you either catch it and run with it ,or let it fly past you so if all goes well next feb and all is ok money wise you will see me post a hello were comming as im sure we will like aus when we visit.

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hi guys thanks for youre replys,were going to come out there next feb 2014 as a holiday come fact finding trip , apart from driving my self mad with all the different senarios it will be good to look at the areas.poss areas are yanchep-butler -alkimos,as the business will be based round there he is gona sponsor us and its a def job there for me,were stopping with him for a couple of weeks and he will show us round so yes getting a little excited.it all seems so far away but at times things are moving fast as you just want to put the brakes on and take a breather,thats just nerves i think .so many people have done the move but as you all say do reserch !! i know its paramount on the plus ive got you guys to fall back on if i need help so thanks !!!



One bridge at a time, come take your holiday, and take it from there.

At least you get to come have a holiday and see.

That wasn't an option for me.

My wife applied and we got it and suddenly it was "don't believe it we are going to australia:arghh:.


But even though I have not lived in the best of places I have NO regrets about coming as things over here are better than the UK.


Perth property price are high, but it depend what you earn and where you live?


The further from the centre the cheaper as a general rule.


Use the advance on here to make thing the best they can be.:smile:


So come and enjoy all this sun........ and a little bit of cold and rain ocassionally:smile:.

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hi steve,

youre right got to take it one step at a time sometimes you can overload on everything or is that just me (haha) im lucky in the respect that ive a job lined up plus a sponsor,as ive seen on here its well expensive especialy compared to the uk but like owt else the wages have to reflect the cost of living.

probly going to rent the first 6 months get a feel for the place and surrounding areas,i can handle a bit of rain n cold weve snow here at the moment and working in it chills you to the bone at times.


i just know we are going to love it there ,then after the holiday period, reality kicks in thats the tester.ive heard of the ping pong poms and i dont want to be one of those this is why weve got to be certain.


the more i speak to you guys the more information i get and the confidence grows,i think its great to have this network where every one is trying to help if they can and that leads me to believe its the same when youre out there aswel.so thanks again !!!!!!!:jiggy:

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hi steve,

youre right got to take it one step at a time sometimes you can overload on everything or is that just me (haha) im lucky in the respect that ive a job lined up plus a sponsor,as ive seen on here its well expensive especialy compared to the uk but like owt else the wages have to reflect the cost of living.

probly going to rent the first 6 months get a feel for the place and surrounding areas,i can handle a bit of rain n cold weve snow here at the moment and working in it chills you to the bone at times.


i just know we are going to love it there ,then after the holiday period, reality kicks in thats the tester.ive heard of the ping pong poms and i dont want to be one of those this is why weve got to be certain.


the more i speak to you guys the more information i get and the confidence grows,i think its great to have this network where every one is trying to help if they can and that leads me to believe its the same when youre out there aswel.so thanks again !


What you put into it is what you get out of it.


Too many people expect it all to come to them, and that ain't going to happen, not unless your lucky.

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Guest pommybob

Hi Hic,

I have travelled to many places around the world and I gauge the cost of living of a place by the price of a pint!

$10 a beer here in a pub, which is about 7 pounds.

Hope this is useful?

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  • 2 weeks later...


$10 a beer whats that about, ive just paid £12 for a case of 24 stella here .wow its well pricey for a pint gona need two jobs just to go on the beer at them prices mate.

its only £1.70 A PINT of bitter in my local wmc.is this why you guys all get together at each others places n have afew beers n a barbie ?(so i hear ?)thats a real eye opener and as you say it is a sort of guage of how prices are,i may need to ask for a wage rise before i get there haha.

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$10 a beer whats that about, ive just paid £12 for a case of 24 stella here .wow its well pricey for a pint gona need two jobs just to go on the beer at them prices mate.

its only £1.70 A PINT of bitter in my local wmc.is this why you guys all get together at each others places n have afew beers n a barbie ?(so i hear ?)thats a real eye opener and as you say it is a sort of guage of how prices are,i may need to ask for a wage rise before i get there haha.


Yeh but for our $10 a beer we can get views out of the windows onto cystal clear blue ocean and cloudless skies. What do you get in a working man's club for 1.70? A bunch of old farts in tweed caps, playing dominoes, reading the Sun and talking about how much you could buy for a fiver back in 1952!! :wink::wink:

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nice one straighttothepoint haha ,you be surprised weve got electric and banned flat caps n whipits,we now have big tv,s n a massive projector to watch the rugby{R.L.**BUT NOOOOO SUN or clear blue ocean n clean beaches.booooooooooooo!.never minnd a fiver what about a pound note if you can remember them,-hi rossmoyne nothing wrong with the soap box we all like to get on it now and again, personaly i feel until you actualy get to oz and get used to the money in some cases it makes it easier to look at the price things cost compared to wages and the difference in the cost of living -so until i get there i will just have my £1.70 a pint n were some sun glasses and imagine the beaches n sea that you guys have got:biggrin::cool:

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  • 2 weeks later...

ok guys its getting to the serious part a definite decision has to be made as to yes or no to the move as my friend is coming to the uk soon and wants an answer ,pressure time -not for me but my wife its difficult im a definite cert but she isnt having said that some days shes a yes n some a no.this im sure you have or are going through.trying not to put pressure on and trying to sort stuff for the car boot to get rid of stuff is a fine balance -surprising how much useless stuff you have collecting dust !!!

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hi steve,

youre right got to take it one step at a time sometimes you can overload on everything or is that just me (haha) im lucky in the respect that ive a job lined up plus a sponsor,as ive seen on here its well expensive especialy compared to the uk but like owt else the wages have to reflect the cost of living.

probly going to rent the first 6 months get a feel for the place and surrounding areas,i can handle a bit of rain n cold weve snow here at the moment and working in it chills you to the bone at times.


i just know we are going to love it there ,then after the holiday period, reality kicks in thats the tester.ive heard of the ping pong poms and i dont want to be one of those this is why weve got to be certain.


the more i speak to you guys the more information i get and the confidence grows,i think its great to have this network where every one is trying to help if they can and that leads me to believe its the same when youre out there aswel.so thanks again !!!!!!!:jiggy:


Hi and Welcome!


I had been contemplating the move for a while now, im 26 and my gf is 24, im a welder and she is a hairdresser. After debating for so long I eventually went to Perth on holiday March 21st for 3 weeks, I actually got back last week. We stayed with my girlfriends family who live in tapping and now that im back I can honestly say I fell in love with the place. I have now started the process of emigrating and I am absolutely buzzing for it. I am not saying for a second that deep down there isnt a pit of nerves because there is, but the way I look at it thats all part of the excitement, I am fortunate to have family to move in with when I go there so I understand i maybe have less worry than others. If you go through with it there will probably be times when you will be feeling down or thinking "what the hell have I done" but I imagine thats only natural and you must instantly think of the bigger picture. Best of luck and im sure you will do the right thing by your family!



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