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'Working Abroad Expo' coming to Belfast - among other places...


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Hi y'all,


Myself, my girlfriend and daughter are all gearing up to head to Perth later on in 2013 - leaving soggy weathered, recession ridden, fleg-torn Northern Ireland behind us.


I note with interest that there is a 'Work Abroad Expo' coming to Belfast in early March and am looking forward to a perusal of the wares on offer as Australia is said to be well represented - going by the blurb on the website, check it out at http://www.qualifax.ie/qf/QFPublic/?Mainsec=events&Subsec=event_details&ID=4876


Anyone out there know of anyone who'll be represented at it? We've got our visa and migration paperwork sorted - so really looking forward to talking to recruitment agencies if possible.


Anyone else from Norn Iron going to be attending? No venue as yet I think, but most likely the Europa hotel I'm guessing.



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Guest KEZZA001



What work do you do? It may be worth applying direct to companies also I heard that this event isn't going to Belfast anymore


I think its just Dublin and Cork



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