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Photographing animals

Guest Ethan

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Ive been in Oz four months now and Im yet to see a Kangaroo. Ive seen some whales but thats about it.


Can anyone recommend me some places around Perth where I can photograph or even see some of the amazing animals this country has...?


If you fancy coming along too you are more than welcome

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Hi Ethan


If you go to Rockingham golf course just before sunset you're likely to see a few, or Serpentine Falls, there are a few there that regularly make an appearance to steal picnic food! And there is also a cemetery near Hillarys where you are sure to see some, can't remember the name of this one sorry.


Be sure to post your pics here!

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Guest pom on the move
Ive been in Oz four months now and Im yet to see a Kangaroo. Ive seen some whales but thats about it.


Can anyone recommend me some places around Perth where I can photograph or even see some of the amazing animals this country has...?


If you fancy coming along too you are more than welcome


Hi there


Not too sure where about's you are but these places have kangaroos everywhere anytime.


Marangaroo Golf Course - http://www.marangaroogolf.com.au/welcome/index.mhtml


Pinnaroo Valley Memorial Park - http://www.mcb.wa.gov.au/OurCemeteries/Pinnaroo.aspx


Hope you get your shot :-)

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Be careful if you go to Pinaroo cementry as we did that when we first arrived and almost ended up attending a funeral!


Virtually every golf course has roo's. Dusk and dawn are the best times to see them, I often see them while walking the dog.


They aren't very friendly, so so don't expect them to come up to you for food or strokes (unless they are captive in the zoo or wildlife park)

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Go to Rottnest and try and stay over night and you'll see quoka's galore. May also see snakes on the road if you're lucky and skinks. My back garden every evening there are possums, they live in the roof space and are a bloody nuisance. We block up every possible hole and they still get in.

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Hi guys !!!

I work at the John forrest Tavern John Forrest National Park Park Rd

Glen Forrest,we have about 40ish kangaroos, parrots and some kookaburra you can have a drink or something to eat with them all around you, its a wonderful place kids welcome !!!


o ps if you come on a Sunday make sure you come and say hello to me i may have some roo food lol


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