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My tallulah is 10yrs old...i've had her longer than i've had my husband, so if anyone should stay?!!!.....Although i need him to get us our visa, man it's a tricky situation ;)


our cat is 8 years old, when/if we emmigrate it will probably be nearer 9 or 10, the longest we have had a siamese live for is 12 years, we would need to look at the situation nearer the time as it is costly!!!!!


let your husband get you the visa, then emmigrate to oz with the cat only!!!! lol

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there is plenty of space for everyone, I suppose it is no different to how the convicts were sent to oz many years ago!!!!!!

a bit of advice about IELTS - practice before the test, you will needs lots of info about your training for ANMAC.

it is expensive and we have not had the agents costs to pay as we have done it ourselves.

I am glad we did the reccie trip all over oz as we have teenage children to convince to come with us!!! we thoroughly enjoyed all areas we visited and can envisage a good outdoor lifestyle.


regarding the car, I am comtemplating on taking my wifes, if we go for the 40ft container, apparently they build a platfrom above it to stack boxes, and as long as the fees/taxes dont out weigh the costs of purchasing a similar car in oz, then I see it as one less expenditure when we arrive. we are a three car family in the uk, will need at least 2 cars in oz, so if we import one - one less to buy!!!!


if you need any advice claire dont hesitate to contact me as my wife has gone down the IELTS, ANMAC, WA sponsorship and 190 route - hopefully after saturday this week we will be just waiting for a case officer to give us their decision.........:arghh:then Phase 2 starts!!!!


Regards the car - hubby came up with a good point in that you pack the car as much as poss before loading it not the container. Shelves above therefor are a bonus!! I have a convertible which could make it interesting if we decide to take it!


Oh and definitely practice the IELTS! It's not that it's difficult, its just that it can catch you out if you haven't seen the types of questions they ask.


Fingers crossed for you Stu!

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GULP! Can sympathise with the costs..... by my reckoning we spent £5978.43 getting our 176 visa (first TRA was rejected when we went solo. 2nd done via an agent was also rejected and only successful on appeal so an extra $900!).


Validation costs (family of 4) - very rough estimate £5900. Migration is definitely not for the faint hearted!!


We are looking at £4000 for a 20" container or £6900 for a 40" so hoping to prioritise and pack the 20" to the brim.... Just depends on how well it is packed. OH was hoping to fill the car with household items but the shipping company said this is not allowed!!?


No pets to ship, but after 12 years in the UK one of the first things we do once we get settled is to get a pet (dog / cat still under debate!). I have very fond memories of growing up with 23 cats and 5 dogs on the farm.

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we live in harrogate nikki, not too far from middleham, thats racecourse training country and the lovely forbidden garden/corner!!!

you may aswell call in and give me some money for the deposit!!!!

we are having our medicals this weekend in manchester, knowing my luck they will diagnose cancer or something !!!

I was born in st johns hospital in chelmsford many moons ago!!!! 1968 to be precise, lived up north most of my life though.

Hi Stu have you got a case officer now that you are getting medicals done?

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Hi Stu have you got a case officer now that you are getting medicals done?


Hi Paul,


yes we were assigned a case officer at the beginning of february, we have done all the uploading just the medicals this saturday and wait for police reports to come back then we are at the mercy of the case officer!!!!


I am officially skint!!!!

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GULP! Can sympathise with the costs..... by my reckoning we spent £5978.43 getting our 176 visa (first TRA was rejected when we went solo. 2nd done via an agent was also rejected and only successful on appeal so an extra $900!).


Validation costs (family of 4) - very rough estimate £5900. Migration is definitely not for the faint hearted!!


We are looking at £4000 for a 20" container or £6900 for a 40" so hoping to prioritise and pack the 20" to the brim.... Just depends on how well it is packed. OH was hoping to fill the car with household items but the shipping company said this is not allowed!!?


No pets to ship, but after 12 years in the UK one of the first things we do once we get settled is to get a pet (dog / cat still under debate!). I have very fond memories of growing up with 23 cats and 5 dogs on the farm.


when you do your validation trip at the end of march, if i have our visa granted by then will you take our four passports over with you and get them vaidated?

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i hope you have a big enough house Paul!!!!


we are hoping to stay with you on our validation trip early next year - lol


Just a modest 3 bed Stu! will be hoping to have bigger one in the future! blooming heck you like to spend it dont you recci and validation trip! am i right in rembering you cant get straight out because of kids in school?

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Just a modest 3 bed Stu! will be hoping to have bigger one in the future! blooming heck you like to spend it dont you recci and validation trip! am i right in rembering you cant get straight out because of kids in school?


thats right paul, daughter doing AS levels this summer, A Levels next year, son finishes GCSE this summer and has said he would like to start Australia equivalent A Levels next February in oz. if that is the case we would have to stagger the migration - wife and son emiigrate first, me and daughter 6 month later. The holiday/reccie last year was 3 weeks for 4 adults - perth, melbourne and cairns, private rentals in all locations, car hire in perth and cairns - barrier reef and rain forest trips in cairns cost £1000.


Its only money, you cant take it with you, and I was glad to get to see different areas in oz. we did say Perth was the place we wanted to emmigrate to though. have you found work paul? what about the wife? is it living upto expectations?


you will have to get the bigger house in time for my arrival paul!!!!


it would be good to put a face to the name

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Guest pip1974
you on the list pip, 3 square foot allocated to you!!!!

aww fab ...there are three in my party....i am sure we can fit in three square foot :biggrin: just desperate to get over there now ...

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are all migrants cash rich as this visa process has hit my pockets hard and this is just the beginning!!!!!


my costs so far:


ANMAC Skills Assessment $900

Academic IELTS Tests x 3 attempts £345 ( needed to score 8 and above in all four modules)

IELTS tuition £100

WA State sponsorship $200

DIAC 190 Visa $3060

Medicals Family of 4 £1160

Police checks x 3 £135

Other costs (solicitor validating docs, photos, postage etc) £100

Reccie Trip Family 4 Perth, Melbourne & Cairns £12500


have i missed anything?and guess what, they may not grant me the visa yet, if they do then a whole host of other costs start:arghh:


Validating trip family 4 £

Shipping belongings etc

Cat???? hopefully he will go missing!!!!


how do others find the costs and cope?


Regarding the vaildating docs, we had the local Post office do it and it was free - well it cost me a bottle of wine. We were lucky as we had a village PO who would do the job. I took all docs inc photocopy's and they stamped and dated etc them all.

It saved us a few hundred £££

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we live in harrogate nikki, not too far from middleham, thats racecourse training country and the lovely forbidden garden/corner!!!

you may aswell call in and give me some money for the deposit!!!!

we are having our medicals this weekend in manchester, knowing my luck they will diagnose cancer or something !!!

I was born in st johns hospital in chelmsford many moons ago!!!! 1968 to be precise, lived up north most of my life though.


Hi Stu,


How did you get with the medicals?

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Hi Stu,


How did you get with the medicals?


HI Nikki,


Believe it or not I nearly failed the medical on my eyesight!!!! they have you do a long distance eyesight test looking into a little black box, the nurse said can you read the numbers is box A1, I politely informed the nurse there wasnt any numbers in that box - lol she then asked me to read the numbers from box A2 - well I could see some squiggles and took a guess. the doctor later informed me that I had only just passed on the strength of my left eye.


they send the blood off to be tested for HIV, x-rays to be checked by the doctor and then they said they will upload the results hopefully by next friday - if they identify anything sinister then they will notify me and my doctor direct.


I can only keep my fingers crossed and hope, how are things progressing for you nikki? how was the weekend in north yorks? you didnt pop in and see me!!!!

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Nikki, i am one of these people that think when you start wearing glasses your eyes deteriorate faster, I am mid 40's and on the whole my eyesight is good but do think I will have to give in when i visit the optician and start wearing glasses for long distance seeing . in a week we will know

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I just wanted to touch on a few of the comments made on this thread:

Firstly with regards to the IELTS English test I would agree with the other member, the test in itself in not difficult but you can be caught out quite easily with the questions they ask of you if you have not practiced using some of the official test materials. I myself was taught to GCSE level only and found the practice material extremely useful before sitting my exam.

Secondly regarding shipment of your own vehicle to Oz I would imagine filling it up with household goods is no allowed but I guess you would have to confirm this with your shipping company first. Maybe a quick look at http://ironladyimports.com/ may help.

As for everyone who is going through the visa process I wish you all the best, I have been there and I know it can be both stressful and costly but I am sure it will come good for you in the end.


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