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Repeated reception year, can kids jump a school year if already done?


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Hi, just looking for a bit of advice about our daughters schooling. She is 4.5 years and currently in reception in England. Before this year she went to preschool in Qatar, where we lived at the time, and they basically taught everything she is currently learning in reception now. As a result she is 'over achieving' from the expectations the teachers have of a child in her year now.

After looking into the Australian system it looks like she will be starting reception year there in feb2014 which I think will be her repeating the same year for the third time!

Her birthday is 9th July so she will only just miss the year above which she would probably be better in.

are children allowed to jump a year in aus? Will her ability be taken into consideration? And is the 'reception' year in aus same as the reception year in England?


Any advice regarding this would be much appreciated !


Oh, we are looking at moving over the summer, July/August. Thanks :smile2:

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Try not to think of it as going back but as part of a new education system. You may be able to skip a year in private school, probably not public, but at some point (if you stay in Aus), she will need to repeat a year in order to complete year 12 with her 'real age group'. Better to repeat the year now than later.

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