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Anyone started something new since being in WA?

Anyone wanting to try something new but prevented from doing so and if so, why?

Anyone looking forward to getting here and trying something they've never done before?




Well I've tried kayaking on the Swan and really liked it so looking to buy our own kayaks now.

I'd love to try kite surfing but I'm more round than I am tall now, would look truly hysterical in a wetsuit and over 40 too so I'm not sure it's a good idea.

I used to dive when I lived in Scotland many, many years ago and keep thinking about whether I'm brave enough to do it again.

Most of all, I'd love to sail. Those little laser things you see on the Swan on a weekend morning just look epic.

I'd also love to fly but the Lotto win hasn't happened yet.


Need inspiration.

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I am off to the Mandurah Bowling centre and learn the game of lawn bowls (or old mans marbles as my dad calls it!)


:smile: Mrs portlaunay's father bowls and is president of the club. I've always thought it's a bit cucumber sandwich and light and bitter for me but I've been a couple of times here. For a laugh and some cheap beer it's worth going. Not sure I'd rush out and buy whites and some misshapen balls but I'd go again. Enjoy!

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Havent really been on a push bike since i was a kid but bought 2nd hand one when we arrived and i just love it.


If its only a few bits and bobs i need, i will use it to go to Coles or Woolies. Quite often cycle Freo to Cottesloe and back, and have even managed to cycle round Rottnest!!


We have also bought a couple of Kayaks and are regularly to be found paddling up and down the river. Cant wait to buy a jet ski though!


Funny that people are mentioning bowls, ive never played or had the inclination too but when we first arrived and i passed a bowling club next to the river, i did say to OH i wouldnt mind trying that once im all settled. Have yet to get round to it but now that ive been reminded i might just take a cycle along and pop in.


OH has taken up (or at least trying to learn to surf).

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  • 4 months later...
Ok, I know it's not in WA, but allow me some leeway seen as I'm admin :wink:. My 'hobby' is visiting old deserted towns / mining camps and WWII sites around Queensland


Pleanty about in WA as well. If ever your in spain, you should get down to Almeria and in the desert are the mock town they built for the spagetti westerns - all still sat there.

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Pleanty about in WA as well. If ever your in spain, you should get down to Almeria and in the desert are the mock town they built for the spagetti westerns - all still sat there.


Love "Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo"


Remember reading that the cemetery featured in the finale (with several thousand gravestones) was built from scratch for the film.


Unfortunate thing with deserted towns over here is that due to climate / bushfires / termites / and the fact that buildings were often sold and relocated from one town to another, there's not a lot left standing, usually just foundation stones / posts etc

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I am really looking forward to getting qualified in Scuba diving (mild understatement) and seeing what Australia has to offer in that department!! Its something I have dreamed of since sitting and watching nature programmes as a child. I have tried it a few times and found it the most amazing experience so to be in an environment that can offer access to locations such as Ningaloo Reef, Cairns and Indonesia blows my mind. I would love to get my eldest daughter into it aswell as I know she would absolutely love it. it seems there are a number of places that offer the tuition and dive expeditions, and I thought the prices fairly reasonable in a direct comparison to the UK... Any feedback on this would be welcomed. Also any info on local clubs would be great. Enjoy the weekend all, ours will mostly be spent packing as John Masons rock up on Monday morning!!



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I'm thinking of taking up star gazing when I move over.


The light pollution in England is so bad you can't see half the stars unless you live in the middle of nowhere.


How is it over there?


Depends where you are. If you are in Perth or main suburbs, then afraid as bad as the UK. If you are more in the sticks, like where i am, then very good.

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Guest guest9824
I'm thinking of taking up star gazing when I move over.


The light pollution in England is so bad you can't see half the stars unless you live in the middle of nowhere.


How is it over there?


Redsquare the sky this evening is as clear as, big dark and sparkly!

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Guest guest9824
Thanks guys :biggrin:


When we first get there we'll be staying with family. They live on the edge of a new build development and there's no street lighting so we should be OK. Looking forward to seeing the milky way without having to go to a sweet shop!



The sky is massive here, sounds strange but it is....and clear as, you can see stars ( southern cross ) very clearly most nights! Not like rainy manc!

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Ok, I know it's not in WA, but allow me some leeway seen as I'm admin :wink:. My 'hobby' is visiting old deserted towns / mining camps and WWII sites around Queensland


That sounds very, very cool, I'd love to take a look around some of those and get some photo's


I am really looking forward to getting qualified in Scuba diving (mild understatement) and seeing what Australia has to offer in that department!! Its something I have dreamed of since sitting and watching nature programmes as a child. I have tried it a few times and found it the most amazing experience so to be in an environment that can offer access to locations such as Ningaloo Reef, Cairns and Indonesia blows my mind. I would love to get my eldest daughter into it aswell as I know she would absolutely love it. it seems there are a number of places that offer the tuition and dive expeditions, and I thought the prices fairly reasonable in a direct comparison to the UK... Any feedback on this would be welcomed. Also any info on local clubs would be great. Enjoy the weekend all, ours will mostly be spent packing as John Masons rock up on Monday morning!!




There's a dive shop in Freo called Dolphin Dives and mrs p did her PADI with them earlier in the year. Compared to how and when I did mine I thought they were extremely good and she bought back quite a lot of info I didn't know. Rates were good and the instructors were excellent.

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  • 1 month later...
Motorbikes too, off to see Moto GP in Sepang October! Can't wait!


Not sure if you have been to Sepang before or not. Make sure you take one of those poncho type things to wear in case of rain. When it rains in Malaysia, it rains. Also it's about 75km to KL from Sepang although it is right next to the airport. If you are staying in KL then it can take up to 3 hours after the race finishes to get back to KL. It's VERY slow.

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Thanks for the info, we're going 5 star with full corporate hospitality, so won't be outside much! Maybe a pit walk or two! Lol as I understand it we'll be in a box above the pit garages!!! Can wait. Also transfers to and from track are organised and we're lucky to be staying in the same hotel as a lot of the racing teams!!!

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Thanks for the info, we're going 5 star with full corporate hospitality, so won't be outside much! Maybe a pit walk or two! Lol as I understand it we'll be in a box above the pit garages!!! Can wait. Also transfers to and from track are organised and we're lucky to be staying in the same hotel as a lot of the racing teams!!!


A good experience for sure.

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