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Job prospects in Perth (applying before I leave the UK?)

Guest overlandandsea

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Guest overlandandsea

Hi everyone :)


Just a quick question regarding the current job market in perth. I'm wondering whether it would be wise to apply for jobs before I leave the UK or whether I could wing it and would have just a good a chance of getting a job once I'm there.


I've got plenty of experience in retail and barwork (I understand I would need to take a qualification for barwork) so I'm sure I could find a job in Coles or something to tide me over if needed, but I'm really interested in office work. I have a year's experience in the payable side of finance (entry level) which is what I would be aiming for but I don't really know if there's much competition at the moment.


I hold Australian citizenship so I don't need an employer to sponsor me, which I think will help.



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It is very hard to obtain work unless you are in Australia as future employers like to interview face to face mostly unless you have incredible skills unavailable in the country. Sorry but in your fields of expertise in retail and barwork, you are going to be in the mix with everyone else when you arrive back in Oz. Good Luck though!

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  overlandandsea said:

I'm sure I could find a job in Coles or something to tide me over if needed.


I would not bank on that!! My wife works there and they are cutting back on staffing at her branch. Not so easy as you may think to grab a few hours in Coles as it used to be. It is all about budgets and Coles not selling as much as they should be in some areas due to the high costs.


As for applying for jobs from the UK did you not ask that in another post? Somebody recently did and the advice from most folk on here was not a chance really and face to face was a must.


Plenty of jobs adverts for accounts payable in the local Western Australian so get out here and just apply would be the go.

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I have over 15 years experience working in the Finance Sector, and have been looking for any office work since arriving in September. Like yourself, I am an Australian Citizen, so have been able to claim newstart and family tax benefit to tie me over until I do manage to find a job, that has been a godsend. I did apply for a few before, I arrived, but it is probably better to apply when you arrive in Perth.

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Hi all.


I am hoping to move to Perth this year and wanted to secure a job first. I will be moving as a single parent with my 6year old son and need the security of a job that will be suitable for me given my circumstances. Is it unlikely that I will be able to do this before leaving the UK?



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I would think it is possible, but would depend on what job you do. Are you coming over on a PR Visa or as an Australian Citizen? As you would be able to claim family tax benefit part A and B, and if you are an Aussie Citizen you should be able to apply for Parenting Payment as well. I am a single parent, but my daughter is 10, so I get newstart, you would have to apply for child support from your son's father, otherwise family tax part A goes down to the basic rate unless there is a good reason why it cannot be paid.

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Is WA really any differnet to anywhere else. If you have a skill that is on a list of job types that are hard to fill then you will have a better chance of getting one both remotely and when here. If you have a run of the mill skill and/or lack of experience and are here looking for a position that is not the main income earner then as GmaB says above you will be up against a large number of other immigrants and also those that live here permanently, and others from other parts of Australia, who have come here because it is the place to be. This is not just about a few thousand folk coming from Blighty.


It is a daunting thought but why why should this place be any different? I realise that there is an issue whereby there is an arguement that says they let me in because I am on a skill shortages list and now I cannot get a job or there are no vacancies in that area. However it is the governemnt who let you in not the employers and when do you ever trust a politician?


The reality of coming here is that there are a number of well paid jobs in a number of sectors and then there are literally thousands of people searching for a low number of other vacancies. (It does not matter if the govenment also says unemployment is at its lowest figure ever because again that is just a numbers game. No vacanices or limted vacancies is the real fact of the matter.) And just because on paper you have all the right qualifications and experience should you get the jobs before the Aussies? If the ball was on the other foot.......


Perhaps the issue is that if you are coming here you probably need to have a gung ho atitude to life and just give it a go. If you need to set things up before you arrive to either give yourself confidence or a safety net then is this the right place for you? Perth is one of the most remote cities in the world and so things here are different. That is just the way of things here.

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  travelchic said:
Sorry, I should of mentioned that I am a nurse. Do I have to ask my sons father for maintenance money then. Was hoping to avoid that. He's just about allowing me to take our son out of the country. If I ask him for money too I think he might get angry and withhold consent x


I'm not sure what visa you're planning on coming on Deb but I would think because of your occupation you should have little trouble trying to sort out a job prior to arrival. My Girlfriend and I are planning on coming over in September and she's also a nurse, so we're also looking into sorting out a job prior to arrival for her - mines will be a little trickier.


But there seems plenty about and I've see a quite a few posts from nurses having skype interviews etc.


Good luck anyway :biggrin:

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I applied for maintenance via the csa here in Australia, daughter's dad not happy that I went via csa, but he is not good at paying maintenance. I have yet to receive a payment, but hopefully will do in the next few months. If you are entitled to claim family tax benefit and you don't apply for child support, then you will just get the base rate for part A of just $54.32 a fortnight instead of the maximum of upto $169.68, as a single parent, if able to claim you should also get family tax part B.

What visa are you coming over on? Or are you an Aussie Citizen?

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Aussiemel I am a uk citizen coming over on a 190 visa. Not going to ask for maintenence off my sons dad. that would be rubbing salt into open wounds. i will just manage. how hard can it be. was it you that said your a single parent?


thankyou to kylel39 for your good luck wishes. Hope your girlfriend is successful.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been able to secure a job from the UK, I guess that ability to do this will depend on what jobs you are looking for (I'm a psychologist). I think I applied for five or six jobs, two of which I got interviews for and one job offer - both interview were done over skype. So I think it never hurts to apply.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi lincolngirl, I'm also a psychologist who is moving to Perth in October. From my reading I'll need to complete the transitional program plus sit psychology board exam. Have you heard of anyone who did this? Not sure who'd take me on to do 3 months supervised practice. Where did u find your jobs? Hope you've settled in and are enjoying your new life x any advice you could offer would be great

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Greetings from perth. Not heard of the transitional program as I was assessed to be equvalent of 6 years study. Have you actually applied for anassessment yet. What are your psych qualifications and experience? IF you can get your skills recognised and get AHPRA registered i may, stress the may be able to point you in some job directions. There are lots of jobs here but not sure how easy it will be to get the supervision bit.

I got a job through a skype interview before I left within a not for profit, im a counselling psych.

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  AussiMel said:
I have over 15 years experience working in the Finance Sector, and have been looking for any office work since arriving in September. Like yourself, I am an Australian Citizen, so have been able to claim newstart and family tax benefit to tie me over until I do manage to find a job, that has been a godsend. I did apply for a few before, I arrived, but it is probably better to apply when you arrive in Perth.


Hiya AussiMel, could you give me some more info on the newstart etc. I am a returning aussie with hubby and kids moving over next year, and trying to find this info is like a minefield xxxx many thanks

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Hiya, I'm a clinical psychologist. Graduated in 2011 and have mostly worked in forensic and adult mental health since but I'm open-minded as obviously my training was across the lifespan. I have just applied to APS to get my qualifications assessed. However, it is relatively new, but the transitional program is for ALL overseas psychologists and requires people to have at 3 months supervised practice in Oz as a psychologist before they can sit an exam. I'd be provisionally registered until I sit the exam and then I can become fully registered. I could do this just as part of my first job, with the right supervision, is my understanding. Any tips or even pointers in the right direction of jobs would be great! People can email me through this so feel free to email me with any specific details. How are you finding perth as a city to live in ?



  lincolngirl said:
Greetings from perth. Not heard of the transitional program as I was assessed to be equvalent of 6 years study. Have you actually applied for anassessment yet. What are your psych qualifications and experience? IF you can get your skills recognised and get AHPRA registered i may, stress the may be able to point you in some job directions. There are lots of jobs here but not sure how easy it will be to get the supervision bit.

I got a job through a skype interview before I left within a not for profit, im a counselling psych.

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  Glasgow said:
Hiya, I'm a clinical psychologist. Graduated in 2011 and have mostly worked in forensic and adult mental health since but I'm open-minded as obviously my training was across the lifespan. I have just applied to APS to get my qualifications assessed. However, it is relatively new, but the transitional program is for ALL overseas psychologists and requires people to have at 3 months supervised practice in Oz as a psychologist before they can sit an exam. I'd be provisionally registered until I sit the exam and then I can become fully registered. I could do this just as part of my first job, with the right supervision, is my understanding. Any tips or even pointers in the right direction of jobs would be great! People can email me through this so feel free to email me with any specific details. How are you finding perth as a city to live in ?


Well I would keep your fingers crossed and there is a good chance they won't make you do the transitional stuff. As the uk training is very similar to Australia. I woul be surprised if they don't agree it is 'substantially equivalent'. Random question do you have an interest in working in early intervention psychosis? If you do google 'enhanced headspace' and the EPPIC model. There are definitely going to be jobs coming up soon in regard to this in perth, based in Joondalup northern suburbs.

I really live perth, great weather lots to do. Few too many Brits!;)

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  nollie said:
Hiya AussiMel, could you give me some more info on the newstart etc. I am a returning aussie with hubby and kids moving over next year, and trying to find this info is like a minefield xxxx many thanks


Hi Nollie - when I applied for newstart, I went along to Centrelink in Vic Park and asked for an appointment to claim, I belief they gave me some forms to complete and informed me of the items I needed to bring to the appointment. It was pretty straight forward. I know they needed proof of the date, we entered Australia and I used the airline ticket itinerary as I had not got my passport stamped.

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I'll defo look that up - sounds interesting. I'll let you know what they say and if you hear of any jobs that are coming up with a start date of End Oct/Nov I'd be eternally grateful if you could let me know. I've been looking on psychexchange website for jobs - is there anywhere else you'd recommend? glad to hear you're enjoying it. I know loads of Brits go but I don't actually know anyone who has so good to know you've had a positive experience



  lincolngirl said:
Well I would keep your fingers crossed and there is a good chance they won't make you do the transitional stuff. As the uk training is very similar to Australia. I woul be surprised if they don't agree it is 'substantially equivalent'. Random question do you have an interest in working in early intervention psychosis? If you do google 'enhanced headspace' and the EPPIC model. There are definitely going to be jobs coming up soon in regard to this in perth, based in Joondalup northern suburbs.

I really live perth, great weather lots to do. Few too many Brits!;)

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