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Wy is there so much crime reported on the facebook groups?

Guest lotty

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Guest lotty


We are not here but thinking of a move but one thing that worries me is the type and volume of crime as per the facebook groups. Perth crime reports and police sites etc. Dont get me wrong i dont expect it to be crime free but this is a worry when so many say come to oz its far safer etc.

Are these sites a true picture or not?

Home invasions, robbings,attacks....



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2 million population in a place the size of Europe. What wouldn't be worthy of a mention in the Uk makes big news here. So 'teenager has his iphone stolen on the train' makes the newspaper. That wouldn't make the news in the UK. Obviously there are areas to be avoided but in general it's a safe place.

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2 million population in a place the size of Europe. What wouldn't be worthy of a mention in the Uk makes big news here. So 'teenager has his iphone stolen on the train' makes the newspaper. That wouldn't make the news in the UK. Obviously there are areas to be avoided but in general it's a safe place.




Try living in South London.

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Guest lotty

Do you really think this is the case then? Wonder if here are any police who use the site to confirm / deny?

Just wondering if it really is safer as everyone says or if thats what people want to belive to justify the move in their heads. I have no idea but just throwing it out there...

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Do you really think this is the case then? Wonder if here are any police who use the site to confirm / deny?

Just wondering if it really is safer as everyone says or if thats what people want to belive to justify the move in their heads. I have no idea but just throwing it out there...



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Been here 16 years, never had a break in, don't need a steering lock when I park the car, sons party in Northbridge until 3am never had any trouble, never been mugged on a train, we leave bikes in the driveway and they haven't been taken. Some areas people have security shutters on windows, there's problems with hoons (young people driving fast cars in the night), there was news reports of gangs down south but haven't heard about that for a couple of years. Why not google crime stats for the area you live in the Uk and for Perth - or the area of Perth you want to live.

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Guest lotty

Why the laughing face? Dont understand?

Just throwing ideas out there as i dont live there and trying to find out info. Crime stats are hard to compare for a variety of reasons, if anyone is on the facebook groups you may see why i am asking esp as i dont have experience out there.



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If you want to move to a crime free area then you won't find many places. I don't know where the 'safer' 'crime free' ideas come from - crime is the world over, as Sal said - minor crime is reported here. You will need to excercise the same caution and security measures that you did in the UK

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Crime in WA is pretty much the same as any other western city. Perth doesnt escape the ills that society has. The nature of crime varies slightly. WA has significantly more crimes related to drug use than the average.


You should try Glasgow...



(from Glasgow)

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We are not here but thinking of a move but one thing that worries me is the type and volume of crime as per the facebook groups. Perth crime reports and police sites etc. Dont get me wrong i dont expect it to be crime free but this is a worry when so many say come to oz its far safer etc.

Are these sites a true picture or not?

Home invasions, robbings,attacks....




Statistic comparisons are available with UK, we looked at these before coming out and felt very comfortable with the level of crime. As others have said there seems to be more reporting of some (minor) crimes which could skew people's opinions. As far as I remember the chance of being a victim of violent crime (rape, assault, murder etc) is far less in WA than in the UK. However, levels of burglaries are higher.




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Actually, Perth has one of the world highest rates of drug use. Particularly for ICE. Hence why even with the fairly inept WA police, over 250 drug labs were found last year


I have to say I'm incredibly surprised, I'd be interested in seeing some statistical comparisons. Maybe it's because I was a pharmacist in Glasgow and I was close to the problem that I made an assumption. I tried a quick search and found:

http://www.abc.net.au/news/2010-02-23/scotland-outed-as-worlds-drug-crime-capital/339810 and



But stats would be more useful.



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