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Kangaroo Dundee!

Guest guest9824

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Guest guest9824

Morning all. Did anyone else watch the documentary last night on ABC about Brogla the Kangaroo Dundee who lives in whoop whoop (thats the outback) and rescues kangaroos? What a great documentary. Part 2 is next week on Thursday night. This guy is passionate about what he does, and the way the documentary is shot, the bush (near Alice springs)looks beautiful. Just watch it if you get chance..



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Guest guest9824
that was on over here recently. Love the fact that he calls himself a Kangeroo Mom!


So cute....coming from a 6ft 7 burly aussie bloke too....i am looking forward to next weeks instalment, but I think little Daisy might have to be put to sleep...sooo sad



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Guest guest9824
It was on UK TV a couple of months ago. We loved it. I am sure you will enjoy the second instalment just as much.

I feel sure I will enjoy it...but of the wee joey daisy dies......I will cry :sad:



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Guest guest9824
Have they shown the second episode yet? Haven't wanted to reply in case I gave away any spoilers!!


Hey Nikkis 2000 it's on tonight on foxtel, recording it! :wubclub:

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Guest guest9824
well what did you all think of the last episode?


So sad about Daisy, but what a fabulous programme. Kangaroos are amazing aren't they! And Brolga is amazing too.



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Now that is living the Aussie Dream..... Us lot all come out, mostly all ending up living in suburbia, working long hours to get by and getting stuck in traffic for hours on end - all just like back in the UK!! Good on the guy, putting his all into something he loves and really trying to make a difference in what looks like the real Australia. A “Dream” way of life and a “Dream” location. Great show.

Edited by StraighttothePoint
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