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Plans for Easter


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Guest guest9824
Well, Easter has kind of crept up with it being early this year. We're having friends over on Friday for Brunch (usually lasts until about 5pm), there'll be about 22 of us altogether - great way to start the holiday weekend.


I will be very busy, scoffing chocolate from IGA!:biggrin:


pea x

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Arrive in Perth on Saturday at 4.55am (eek!). Will then spend the day chilling and catching up with friends we havn't seen for 12 years AND trying to keep the girls awake so that their body clocks adjust to Oz time.


Easter Sunday will be up early to hide the girls Easter Eggs (our eldest has written to the Easter Bunny to ask them not to forget that we are in Australia this year - oh the priorities of a 5 year old!). :jiggy:

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