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10 weeks in update


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Hi all,

i haven't been on this Site for ages, so I thought that I'd give a quick update to our new life in Perth.

firstly the get out clause , this is our experience , others may of had/done it differently.


Arrival: we left Devon on jan 24th full of snow and minus 3 degrees , we struggled to get the hire car for our journey to Heathrow. Flew out with Singapore airlines on the 25 th and arrived on 26 th ( Australian day) at 2:40pm.( Singapore airlines were fantastic)

Wow that heat when you walk out of the airport , it hits you like a hot air blower but is nice.

our friends picked us( 5 of us) up and we stayed at there house in Baldivis the 1st night.

we stayed up until around midnight (even though we were knackered) to get in the time zone, and luckily no one had jet lag.

we had a 4 week rental booked in South Yunderup, as we've never even set foot in Australia before our research which was via goggle earth , forums etc let us down. It's bloody miles from anywhere .

The areas that we had researched Warnbro , port Kennedy etc is about a 40-45 min drive away.



as we are still renting our house out in the uk we have no choice but to rent over here .

we started looking after the first week, mainly around the above suburbs. We kept being told that it was going to be difficult with no job and no WA rental history. We put together a good rental pack with everything in it including inside leg measurements!!!

we must of viewed between 35/40 houses , the ones around the $400 /week mark were disgusting , you can tell straight away what sort of landlord there going to be , wall paper coming off , really dated .

in the end we secured a brand new unit, its only a 3 bed and a bit Small for the 5 of us, but its a start.



easy to get but don't forget to pay the tax or the sale ( not sure of the name) but the sods fined me $ 100 for late payment.



im a Plumber with a176 PR visa.

after we secured the rental and kids at school I started to look for work.

i had a sort of job lined up while I was still in the uk, I met them ( really nice people and company) but with all the WA courses required , I didn't have time or money on my side to continue .

i had arranged my plumbers license in the uk , so it was pay and wait around 2 weeks or it

to start with I e mailed around 45 firms with my cv, no replies , not even a thanks but no thanks.

next some calls, I kept being rejected by the same answer, Have you got your gas license

So off to TAFE were I managed to RPL most of my UK qualifications across, I did 4 days at a cost of $777, it would of been $1700 if I didn't have a PR visa.

Got my gas license ,next , I made around 40 calls one day all to be told sorry you've to no WA experience ( I've been bloody plumbing for 24 years).

By know I was on a downer, I started applying for anything , still no response.

i then applied for a plumbing job self employed , they advertised needing min 5 years WA experience.

i called them and luckily the manager was English who had been through this C**P, I said to him that could I work free of charge to get the elusive WA experience. He said Yes,what YES did you say YES, anyway cut the story short. I was meant to go with one of his guys but he chucked me in the deep end alone and I've been working for them since.

the weird thing is , is that I applied and called this company and was tuned down for not having WA exp. I guess that day I was lucky that he answered the call.

i must admit though that from running my own plumbing uk business , the work is different but I'm enjoying it.

start early , finish earlier



our kids are 5,10 & 14 and they go to Warnbro school ( high and primary)

they have settled really well.

our son went back to yearc5 from UK 6 as his bday is in August, and he finds it easy.

our 5 year old is ahead in reading but I suppose they all end up the same.


settling :

myself and the children are loving it .

my wife on the other hand is having difficulties .

from being bitten by a spider , swimming with a dugite snake , to the local bogans, she misses the uk shops/ supermarkets .

the area we live in is bogan city ( rockingham suburbs)

we come from a quiet Devon town around 8000 people where everyone knows each other and the gossip is a fight in the local pub.

here they is swearing everywhere, from a parent swearing in front of a teacher , to people on there phones in the shopping centres , to the tv and even the radio.

A 16 year old was stabbed 2 streets away for gate crashing a party, what have we done !!!

i deffinately feel that on one hand and we have chosen the wrong area to settle, but on the other the beaches, cycle paths , parks are fantastic.

With the children settled at school , moving isn't an option .

not everyone is a bogan by the way , we have also met some lovely people, its just for every good person you meet there seems to be a dodgy one.



we have done probably more in the 1st 10 weeks than in a year in the uk, as I said above the beaches are out of this world, great cycling, parks, out door activities, free BBQ's by the beaches / parks.

its true about the outdoor living and with the beautiful weather its been Great



as you all know its bloody expensive food is dearer and isn't of the same quality .

clothes are not so affordable , basically every thing but petrol is more expensive , but we all know this.

hopefully when few pay packets come my way its the earn $$$$ spend $$$$$


All the best to anyone starting the process or moving across .

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Wow that pretty much covers everything.We arrived 1 march and like yourself i am a heating engineer plumber 30 years.Same problems got my plumbing licence

now have to get my gas talked to the bloke at college he said a few nights to pass.Have made a few contacts and thats more important than any qualifications it seems.We are in Ocean reef lovely suberb 5 mins from beach shops nearby the children 5 and 12 have settled in school and love it.Its going to be hard to begin with and as i was told the other day when i was moaning about work you are in a FOREIGN country so it is different but ha ho 36 degrees today and its 745 and i am sat outside with a cold beer typing this ,bliss.....

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Excellent post, thanks for sharing.

If you're not happy where you are it will be easier to move sooner rather than later, kids do adjust to change pretty well.


I was also going to ask if you could break down what is different about your work, it might give others a heads up and allow them to get a foot in the door.


Well done by the way and welcome to WA.

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If you like the schools and your children are over year one you can move ..even the next suburb can make a difference .

I feel for your wife it hit me at 8 weeks :( we have been here over 4 years now.. and i still have wobbles ! Is she working ? That helps , it did for me :)

Edited by jackboots
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Thanks for the post, it was interesting reading as we're looking at moving in july so our experience could be the same.

I was worried about the 'WA experience' issue. I got a few people telling me it doesn't happen, then another saying it does!

I guess things are getting a little tighter over there, but perseverance seems to work:)

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  portlaunay said:
Excellent post, thanks for sharing.

If you're not happy where you are it will be easier to move sooner rather than later, kids do adjust to change pretty well.


I was also going to ask if you could break down what is different about your work, it might give others a heads up and allow them to get a foot in the door.


Well done by the way and welcome to WA.







where as in the uk I would completely plumb the house from start to finish its different here.



Tube out :

you get the tube out in before slab is poured, they install all the drainage and any pipes the need to go into slab.



water service :

this is where the hot and cold are chucked in through roof space in plastic , chased down the wall and they have spuds ( 1/2 inch brass threads / nipples coming out of wall for taps / pipe connections )




cementing in bath( no legs)its a bastard

put in floor grates

connect vents and expection points, install floor drains ( outside)

install and weather pipes from extractor fans

install w/c and any fridge isolation valves

install laundry sink




install all taps



pipe up sinks

outside taps

hot water unit

fill and test



im doing sanis and finals ( which I like), its fairly easy work ( not brain working) but you have to work for your $$$

you can do a sani in around 5-6 hrs and a final normally in a day or shorter depends how big it



its all hard soldering here , which takes 4x longer than uk joint

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  jackboots said:
Lol forgot to add I have been bitten by a spider and sat on the beach while a dugite decided to paddle next to me and our daughter ! Nearly had a heart attack ... if she is feeling blsgh and needs a coffee in box me :)


Omg, you sound like my wife.

are you missing Tescos as well !!!!!!

your experiences are so the same , she was even swimming with our daughter as well

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  82rhoads said:
Thanks for the post, it was interesting reading as we're looking at moving in july so our experience could be the same.

I was worried about the 'WA experience' issue. I got a few people telling me it doesn't happen, then another saying it does!

I guess things are getting a little tighter over there, but perseverance seems to work:)


From my experience its deffinately WA exp there after.

after getting all my tickets to work, not one person has asked to see them ( I could be blagging it)

they probably know straight away if your capable or not

like In the uk , if I had a new worker, you'd know within a couple of hours what there like

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Well chaps, Australia is not UK in the sun you know! Different country, different shops, different experience. WA is a great place to be but you just have to forget about what you had in UK and move on with your new experience if you want to make a go of it. Not easy I know.... but that is what you have to do!

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We are glad its not like the Uk that's why we are here for the change and experience :) .. but saying that a girl likes to shop !! and yup, i do miss Asda . But that's more for certain foods i miss that you just don't get here . My family that have been here 40 years still like to go home to get their fix on things , my pal who is American still likes her fix on things from her homland too :) Still love it here and i love it there !. And we all get people sickness i am sure .. that's part of the parcel for most :)

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Hi Georgia Joe and Millie.


I remember when I first joined the forum you posting on here all excited about your imminent move to Oz. I can't believe its been 10 weeks already! I'm surprised about the WA experience thing. Sounds like an excuse to discriminate to me against migrants to me which is a real shame as experience should be based on your skills not where you gained it. Pleased you have managed to secure a job now though. That's a relief!


We are considering the same area as you and your comments about the area have really worried me. The reason we are looking at that area is that my SiL lives in Waikiki with her fiancée. They are both police officers and she has never mentioned such crime. Although things like that can happen anywhere I suppose.


Love to hear more! We applied for our visa last week so will be a few months yet before we make it down there especially as we will be looking to sell our house first.


Hope thing improve for your other half!



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