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Money saving ideas!!!


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Debs I do hope that all went well when you spoke to your manager. You have to remember that part of a manager's role is to deal with stuff like this, so although you are caring and considerate of her personal life and stress, she still is the person you have to "go to". Just be open and honest with her and don't name names. As you know what date this happened she is able to look at the roster to see who was working, and then take it from there. I do hope it is sorted soon - for other work colleagues of yours as well as yourself. So crushing to find that someone you trusted is a thief, but don't let it squash you down as you seem a very vibrant positive lady. Let us know how it goes Deb and please PM me if you want to vent off-line. X


Lady. Ha ha. Don't get called that often. All went well. Manager asked me did I want to contact the police which I refused. We have put a sign up in the staff room saying that money has gone missing and that it is a serious sackable offence. And that all staff need to be vigilant because one of your colleagues is a thief. Eeeekkkk. One of my work colleagues invited Jonny and me round to hers for tea to make us feel better. Free tea. Bonus. Then as we were leaving she insisted we go to hers for a roast on Sunday. Double bonus. This money saving is getting better ha ha. Love ya Helen xx



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Glad it went well Debs and I like the way your manager played the situation. She must have a good idea who it is and this will surely make her look at her "friend" with different eyes from now on.


.... and you got a couple of meals for free to help the savings....

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Ha ha. Three of the eggs out of six had double yolks. And they were Asda smart price ones. Jonny was made up. It was eggcelent lol




Brilliant. We had a double yoke last week. Haven't seen one of those in years. Looks like things are on the up.


Well done for doing something about your little problem at work. Always a tough one but theft is something that can't be tolerated particularly in your line of work.

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Coming back to the UK for half term and desperately need some new work clothes/ office wear. Any recommendations of where I can purchase some reasonably priced ladies work clothes? Going to Sutton Coldfield for meds if anyone knows this area?

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I don't know Sutton Coldfield area, but there are some sales online. I have just ordered some new work clothes. I think the major sales start in a couple of weeks, June is normally sale time in the UK.


Just wish it was next week being half term n all :biggrin:

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Lou, I haven't bought clothes in such a long time that I have no idea where to get the bargains. I have shopped in primark before and found their clothes cheap but they fall apart quickly. I do own a black pencil skirt from River Island which I bought about 4/5 years ago that I am still wearing. That skirt cost me £30. The same sort of skirt probably would have cost me £8 in Primarny. And would have lasted a couple of months so I suppose it depends on what your buying. Happy shopping anyway, we'll Jel lol



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Lou, I haven't bought clothes in such a long time that I have no idea where to get the bargains. I have shopped in primark before and found their clothes cheap but they fall apart quickly. I do own a black pencil skirt from River Island which I bought about 4/5 years ago that I am still wearing. That skirt cost me £30. The same sort of skirt probably would have cost me £8 in Primarny. And would have lasted a couple of months so I suppose it depends on what your buying. Happy shopping anyway, we'll Jel lol




Your right Debs but my clothes are falling apart. I was hoping they would last but the lining is now hanging off one of my dresses that I bought nearly 15 years ago from Planet in the sales. So as you say it's often better to buy quality.


I have managed to bag myself a nice belted pencil skirt this week from M&S for £15 (full price!). Suppose I should really wait until the sales in a few weeks time. As Candygirl said, some have already started on line although it tends to be 20% off at the moment rather than half price. I can't see that the shops are doing very well at the moment what with the awful weather we having been having so maybe there'll be some bargains.

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Your right Debs but my clothes are falling apart. I was hoping they would last but the lining is now hanging off one of my dresses that I bought nearly 15 years ago from Planet in the sales. So as you say it's often better to buy quality.


I have managed to bag myself a nice belted pencil skirt this week from M&S for £15 (full price!). Suppose I should really wait until the sales in a few weeks time. As Candygirl said, some have already started on line although it tends to be 20% off at the moment rather than half price. I can't see that the shops are doing very well at the moment what with the awful weather we having been having so maybe there'll be some bargains.


come on. Cut the lining out. It'll be good. Make a scarf with it lol


I am back on the cigs. Ooopps. Feeling a bit stressed. Got IELTS on sat and although I keep practising, I keep getting the false/answer not given questions mixed up. Aaaarrrrggghhh.



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come on. Cut the lining out. It'll be good. Make a scarf with it lol


I am back on the cigs. Ooopps. Feeling a bit stressed. Got IELTS on sat and although I keep practising, I keep getting the false/answer not given questions mixed up. Aaaarrrrggghhh.




Nerves are the worst for sending you back onto the cigs. Don't worry about giving up until you've got the ielts out if the way. Just remember stay calm (if you've got a technique for this use it and if you haven't find one) as you'll think better the calmer you are. Commit to do an affirmation to ourself 3 times a day in the mirror something like "I am a calm person and I can speak English :wacko:" hahaha! Because Debs you can! It's your first language and you can pass this test (Get the grades you need/want). Just keep telling yourself that. And in terms of the answers ( i assume its to the reading) try and analyse why you are not getting the right answer. I read somewhere (I know it was a link Levi sent me) that most people answer based on the last few sentences in the paragraph when the answer is in the first few sentences. If you get my drift!


Good luck. YOU WILL BE GREAT!!! :biggrin:

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  • 3 weeks later...

cjbchris - great saving there.


Debs - Good Luck with the IELTS - Come On, you can do it!! As Lou said, OK not ideal to be spending on the cigs, but you obviously need them, so keep focused for the exams and then think about it afterwards.


Not had many money saving opportunities lately. Now paying for storage in UK and Spain so more expense:sad:

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Hi Debs, just wanted to say congrats on your IELTs...another thing ticked off the list! Well done girl...be proud! :jiggy:


My money saving has also slowed down a bit Candygirl, although we are waiting to hear if we have a re-mortgage deal approved, that will save some cash each month. Forgot how stressful it is gathering all the stuff you need to give them and then waiting to see if approved!! Deal rests on our house being valued at what we expect...not easy in this housing market. Got fingers and toes crossed!

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Arrrr. Thanks Lorraine. Again ha ha. When are you planning on going??




At the moment, how long is a piece of string. House back on the market after buyer pulled out. This is the second time it has happened for us now:frown: All we know at the mo is that we need to validate by 19 December. We have decided to reduce the price to appeal to more people as we are now getting desperate. We are not keen on spending the money on a validation trip when we could knock that off of the price of the house and just get out there. I am not eating much at the mo as had tonsilitis all last week so at least saving a bit there:biggrin:

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At the moment, how long is a piece of string. House back on the market after buyer pulled out. This is the second time it has happened for us now:frown: All we know at the mo is that we need to validate by 19 December. We have decided to reduce the price to appeal to more people as we are now getting desperate. We are not keen on spending the money on a validation trip when we could knock that off of the price of the house and just get out there. I am not eating much at the mo as had tonsilitis all last week so at least saving a bit there:biggrin:


Oh Lorraine. So sorry to hear your house sale fell through. We need I put ours on the market and its not looking good! Loads have gone on the market recently and lots are still being reduced. We could really do with it picking up here. It seems to be in parts of the UK!


We're toying on whether to do a validation trip in October and go to SILs wedding. I think that's what we're going to do and then it takes he pressure of and we can save like mad try and get hubbie a job and sell the house. I just hope it all comes together!


Good luck selling yours. At least the weathers been rubbish in the UK which might encourage people to buy in Spain!

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I am sorry that your house sale fell through Lorraine. I never thought about reducing it to save the cost of a validation trip though. That's a good idea. But everything happens for a reason. I'm a firm believer of that. Everything will fall into place. Be funny if we all went at the same time. We could rent a 10 bedroom house and split the costs. Money saving idea or what ha ha. Or share a container pmsl.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all my money saving friends...hope all is well in the land of thrift! :biggrin:


Sorry to hear about your house sale falling through Candygirl! Such a stressful time trying to sell! I also had tonsillitus last week...not fun with a 5 month old to look after! Lost a few lbs and saved a few £'s (on eating) in the process....lol!


On the plus side, our re-mortgage deal was approved :ssign19:so we will be saving nearly £200 on this each month! Last mortgage company (who shall remain nameless) were robbing us blind! Thinking about whether it would be a good idea to open a bank account labelled solely as 'Australia Fund" that we do not touch with this cash?! Anyone done this? Anyone opened an Australian bank account to deposit cash into prior to moving over? Not sure if you can do this or not? I think I vaguely remember reading that it you do this the money cannot then be accessed until you have validated the account in Oz? Anyone with any knowledge on this? Cheers x

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Hi Malella


We're still in the UK and have opened an Australian account with NAB last week. We can put money in any time (waiting to see if the $ goes up) but can't take out untill we go over and shown our passports. The application is pretty easy and was dealt with quickly and efficiently.


I'm sure other banks are available and just as efficient, we went with NAB because they advertise on here and I'm too lazy to look around :cute:

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