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Money saving ideas!!!


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Its pay day on Friday so I am scraping together whats left in my cupboards and freezer to avoid doing a weekly shop this week. I think I have a good 3/4 days worth of meals so will only need to top up a little. Just need some packed lunch items and I will be sorted for the week. Hopefully at least £40 saved which can be transferred straight into Australia savings.

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Its pay day on Friday so I am scraping together whats left in my cupboards and freezer to avoid doing a weekly shop this week. I think I have a good 3/4 days worth of meals so will only need to top up a little. Just need some packed lunch items and I will be sorted for the week. Hopefully at least £40 saved which can be transferred straight into Australia savings.


every little helps - I have one of those money pots you smash to get money out and every month around payday I put in like 10£ or 20£ and during the month I will put odd £1.00 coins .. I know it sounds measly but it would of been 9 months worth of saving by the time we go .. Where using it to stop in singapore on the way to perth ... I'm excited to see what's in it :smile:


I obviously have other larger savings where I about £500-700 dependant on my outgoings each month xxx

Edited by Ashlenelouise
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I'm determined to get my food shop down in Oz! I'm such a sad accountant that I'm actually contemplating starting my own comparison spreadsheet so I know where I can buy the cheapest of everything! Im also planning a trip to the Jandakot Spud Shed :wink::smile:


I've also learnt over here that you either barter or join the club! So if the shop isn't usually wiling to give you a discount on the ticket price it's because they have a club card whereby members get points and discounts instead. So we've been completing lots of online forms and I now have "club cards" coming out of very orifice! I can get 4 cents off fuel, 25% off furniture, 10% off this that and the other!!!! :wink:


And OH will most certainly be taking a packed lunch when he starts work tomorrow!


Lou :smile:

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My husband is the one to shop with over here, we went shopping for a new dishwasher, the old one had been alive for 14 yrs and it died. And I wanted the same one, we knew they were expensive, $1400 or there abouts. So of we went from shop to shop, prices ranged from the above mentioned $1400 down to $1200. A big difference, so he got his bartering head on, and we got it for even lower than the lowest, just over $1000. I know still expensive, but it proves the point. Anyway we are all into saving money else where so I can have my dishwasher, hehe. We try and do all the money saving ideas mentioned, and we are still trying to cut down even more, we've invested in solar panels, so eventually when we've finished paying for them we'll be laughing. We're lucky though we both work and we have a reasonable amount of money coming in, but I want to change jobs, which means I'll be casual for a while and may not have a lot of shifts to start, so we have got to cut back, reduce payments on the mortgage and car loan etc. So what I'm trying to say is keep it up, it will stand you in good stead for life in oz. I've loved reading this thread, I followed it when it first started. All the best to everyone with your future adventures and to those of you that have made it, long may it continue.

Jane ;):)

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every little helps - I have one of those money pots you smash to get money out and every month around payday I put in like 10£ or 20£ and during the month I will put odd £1.00 coins .. I know it sounds measly but it would of been 9 months worth of saving by the time we go .. Where using it to stop in singapore on the way to perth ... I'm excited to see what's in it :smile:


I obviously have other larger savings where I about £500-700 dependant on my outgoings each month xxx


That's what we have at present, around £600 +/- depending on monthly salary goes into savings on payday. Then I set myself budgets, currently we are splashing out a little for us £75 for 5 for the weekly shop however, if we can save from this at the end of the month that extra goes in savings. However, I was excited about topping up any extra but remembered its my last week at my place of work and have chocolates/cakes to buy so I may not actually save a penny. And I wont really have any income in September as I am out of work till 8th September so got to spend the rest of the summer holidays (and 9 days in Italy) meal planning and scrimping and saving so we don't have to dig into the Australia savings.


I have a ratesetter savings account and at the end of each week and odd amount in my account ie £3.31 gets transferred too. So exciting to see it in savings.

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  • 3 months later...
Ahhh I also started budgeting, I don't shop for clothes at all now , I make do.. I also bulk buy tinned foods and meats etc, it will all be worth it xx


I so need to get my act together - was hoping to have enough money saved up now for 189 visa for 4, but had 2 disaster weeks - my dog went missing - luckily he was found but then I had to pay to get him out and then I flooded my house, and all my kitchen and dining room flooring and kitchen units needs replacing! Not covered on home insurance either - cause i had left a tap on (for 7 hours ):arghh:


looks like once this is all sorted we are going to have to start saving from scratch again - probably delaying us for a few months to getting over there - so peed off with myself :sad:

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I so need to get my act together - was hoping to have enough money saved up now for 189 visa for 4, but had 2 disaster weeks - my dog went missing - luckily he was found but then I had to pay to get him out and then I flooded my house, and all my kitchen and dining room flooring and kitchen units needs replacing! Not covered on home insurance either - cause i had left a tap on (for 7 hours ):arghh:


looks like once this is all sorted we are going to have to start saving from scratch again - probably delaying us for a few months to getting over there - so peed off with myself :sad:

oh no :shocked:

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Oh no :( How unlucky!! I feel for you :(


I'm trying to take deep breaths alongside sorting out the house! Need to get the house done and then can re-focus again....


although reading from all your posts think i might try a few of your money saving ideas, i know i need to get my ebay account sorted out so i can sell some items that i dont need anymore, trying to get the shoppin to last a day longer is a good idea too, so going to do my click and collect shopping on Sunday instead of Saturday - click and collect helps to save a bit of money too then i only order what i need rather than browsing and buying other bits in the supermarket, along with my weekly shop :-)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sell anything you don't need in your house (you know exactly what they are) for some cash and also to clear some space. If you need something, always check on the second hand shop which sometimes you can get great deal.

Buy things online (I'm running online business and people loves online shopping and our product):biggrin:.


Use concentrated household goods to save heaps! People tend to buy cheap bottles of cleaning agent but ended using so much to get jobs done, what's the point?

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  • 3 months later...

I Love this post! I'm in the process of sorting yet more stuff for another car boot.


I don't know if anyone watched the programme 'Eat well for less'? but it showed some really good tips, like make a list before going shopping with looking at what you already have in the cupboards so you don't buy what you already have... then put together set meals for each night (but you can change it about to what you fancy) I've saved about £30 a week by doing this! I also do my list on a Sunday night then do my shopping online and it also saves me been tempted in the shops :)

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Ive got a few ideas,


~ take your phone charger to work with you and charge from their electric,

~ same goes for a AA battery charger recharge your batteries for remotes and things at work.

~ wholesalers like bookers or costco for bulk buy items

~ sign up for club cards like Tesco and earn the points which turn into money once a month.

~ websites like Groupon or vouchercodes for the online and store discounts

~ clothes swap between friends and family once a while. (a change can be just as good as buying new)

~ standing order from your account to a savers account at £1 per day. (to small to notice it going out weekly but still adds up to £365 at end of a year)

~ £15 solar powered charger (USB) charge up your Ipad,Ipod,Phone,mp3 and anything you may have for free (just a one off outlay of £15)

~ find a regular trip that you may do in your car and see if you can replace that with a bus (or even walk combine saving money with fitness)

~ when it comes to cooking, pasta bake sauce (cheese & bacon) 89p 500g pasta 50p (ALDIS) makes a pasta bake for four and works out 35p per portion

~ kids hair cuts (or even your own) one out of every three cuts make it a all over grade that you can do your self

~ (for men) grow a beard spend less in shavers and shaving cream

~ (COFFEE DRINKERS) buy your normal coffee & a cheap Tesco own brand, when your coffee jar is 2 thirds full mix in the cheap stuff, still tastes as good but lasts longer.

~ any debt you may have on credit, transfer to another interest free credit card and have another year making payments with out the interest

~ (Electric) turn things like microwave, toaster, kettle, oven and Tv's off at the switch as those little red standby lights still cost money.

~ (Heating) switch radiators off in rooms not being used when the heating is on at the valves on each rad.

~ (Showers) time your showers can be done in 3 mins but can allow to 5. (BEARING IN MIND THIS IS DONE IN AUSTRALIA AS A STANDARD BECAUSE OF WATER CONSERVATION)

~ Newspapers, if your a regular reader try collecting them for a little while i think at the moment they are worth £20 per tonne to the right people



hope some of these help people.


ill have a think tonight, see what else is rattling away in my head.


feel free to message me if you want.



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cant think of anything worse than doing a car boot sale, but needs must. now the weathers warming up I don't suppose it will be too bad, its just sorting out the stuff to sell that's a pain !!


Have a quick look on online and see if they do an in-door car boot sale near you, theres a few around by us, I did a few before Christmas..

and the best bit they don't start until 1pm and buyers aren't allowed in until 2pm, Gives you time to set up plus don't have to be up so early and fight people off around the car and you're in the warm! :)) x

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