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Money saving ideas!!!


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Well good morning...how are all the 'tight wad squad' today? Any more tips to share?


Part of my thriftiness at the moment is about saving for the move, but we also have a personal goal to go to Australia debt free if at all possible (apart from our mortgage if we can afford to rent the house when we finally go). Is anyone else working towards this? I'm not talking massive debts, but things like...car loan, credit card, old student overdraft account (yes I know...bad of me, but I moved bank and forgot about this one), mobile phone contract etc. Its enough to be going on with though! Realised the other day that my 18 month mobile phone contract comes to an end in a few months. Thinking I will switch to pay as you go. If you emigrate within contract you have to pay off the balance obviously. Thought it would be a good idea not to get tied in again!


I am finding I am getting a huge sense of achievement when I see the balance on these things come down and take heart that our hard work is paying off!

Edited by Malella
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I am refusing all invites out. I know it's a boring life but the end will be worth it.


I have also stopped taking my purse to work. Then I can't be tempted to buy my lunch. We have a cupboard full of food in work that can be used if you forget your lunch.


I have also stopped gong to the supermarket mid week. Just shop day and that's it. I make myself make do with what we've got.


I boil up left over veg at the end of the week with a stock cube and liquidise it to make it thick. Then I freeze it. Never get the same soup twice lol.


​i am even cleaning my own windows!!!!

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Does anyone know how you go about car insurance. Can you have car insurance month by month or do you have to pay for the 12months even though you might only use a percentage of this?


giffgaff. I am going to look into that. My contract due in may. Thanks red square. Does it work if your contract is with orange though.



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I've enjoyed reading this thread as I'm well known by my friends for my financial conservatism.


I once stopped off for a kebeb on my way home; noticing that they deliver for free on orders over £5 I ordered a large kebab and asked for a lift home meaning I didn't have to pay for a taxi :wink:.

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I've enjoyed reading this thread as I'm well known by my friends for my financial conservatism.


I once stopped off for a kebeb on my way home; noticing that they deliver for free on orders over £5 I ordered a large kebab and asked for a lift home meaning I didn't have to pay for a taxi :wink:.


Hahahahahaha. That made me laugh. Gonna try that. No I'm not coz I'm not going out anymore. But it's worth going out to just try it. I'd probably get kidnapped or something lol.



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I've enjoyed reading this thread as I'm well known by my friends for my financial conservatism.


I once stopped off for a kebeb on my way home; noticing that they deliver for free on orders over £5 I ordered a large kebab and asked for a lift home meaning I didn't have to pay for a taxi :wink:.


Like your cheekiness!!!

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Hi folks...how are we all? The sun is shining here this morning...:jiggy:


Got another one for you...house insurance...called mine up and as we had 6 years no claims (who knew?!!) they reduced my monthly payments by 35%!


Any nice plans for the weekend? We are having a wee jaunt to the shops today to buy an outfit for friends wee one's christening...looking at the sale rails obviously!

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Does anyone know how you go about car insurance. Can you have car insurance month by month or do you have to pay for the 12months even though you might only use a percentage of this?


giffgaff. I am going to look into that. My contract due in may. Thanks red square. Does it work if your contract is with orange though.




I have lived not in the UK for a long while, but you used to be able to pay by monthly direct debit for car insurance. I am sure that there are other companies that do it. I would read the small print though to check that you can cancel after a min term etc.

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I've enjoyed reading this thread as I'm well known by my friends for my financial conservatism.


I once stopped off for a kebeb on my way home; noticing that they deliver for free on orders over £5 I ordered a large kebab and asked for a lift home meaning I didn't have to pay for a taxi :wink:.



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Big Bollywood night being organised in work. Cost of ticket £25. That does include nibbles. Then there is the cost of a sari, transport and of course drinks. I have said no thankyou. Shock. Horror. Lots of 'but I don't wanna go if you're not going' and 'but you can't NOT go'. Of course I can refuse. I have a visa to pay for. Didn't you know. I did an extra 12 hour shift this week. On top of the 40 hours I already do. That wasn't to fund a Bollywood night. My visa is more important. Then I went home and cried my leg off coz I really wanna go. Dedication is what that is!!!


Did you realise this thread has had over 1500 hits. Cooooooooool. I was going to say if its helped just one person then it was worth it, but it has helped at least one. Me....



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Big Bollywood night being organised in work. Cost of ticket £25. That does include nibbles. Then there is the cost of a sari, transport and of course drinks. I have said no thankyou. Shock. Horror. Lots of 'but I don't wanna go if you're not going' and 'but you can't NOT go'. Of course I can refuse. I have a visa to pay for. Didn't you know. I did an extra 12 hour shift this week. On top of the 40 hours I already do. That wasn't to fund a Bollywood night. My visa is more important. Then I went home and cried my leg off coz I really wanna go. Dedication is what that is!!!


Did you realise this thread has had over 1500 hits. Cooooooooool. I was going to say if its helped just one person then it was worth it, but it has helped at least one. Me....




Well done Debs. Must have been really hard refusing a night out! We're doing quite well on nights out recently...a free night out last night paid for by friends and a lunch planned next week at the rugby curtesy of some other good friends if ours.

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Well done Debs. Must have been really hard refusing a night out! We're doing quite well on nights out recently...a free night out last night paid for by friends and a lunch planned next week at the rugby curtesy of some other good friends if ours.


You have good friends. As do I. Shame to be leaving them behind really but hey ho. Lots more friends we are yet to meet on the other side of the world.



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Did you realise this thread has had over 1500 hits. Cooooooooool. I was going to say if its helped just one person then it was worth it, but it has helped at least one. Me....




Thats great Debs...this thread has also helped me think more about the money we spend that is not necessary! Don't you hate it when people are like....but you can't NOT go...or you can't NOT drink....?!!! Err I think I can...you go girl, stay strong!

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We've been living well within our means for the last 3 years. We've cleared all our debts, paid for our wedding and been saving for the big move.


All this has taken it's toll on our appearance, my t-shirts are now more bobbles than t-shirt! Having seen the price of clothing in perth, I thought it would make sense to do a little less saving and buy some more clothing here. While looking round Decathlon I saw some t-shirts for just £2.99. They're just plain cotton and a little thin but looked OK for 3 quid. I've always been wary about cheap clothing (there's no way you'd get me back into a Primark) so I only bought 2 to see how they'd wear. After a couple of months, I'm completely shocked!


No fading, no shrinking and they look like new.


I've since bought another 5. They can be bought online if you don't live near a Decathlon http://www.decathlon.co.uk/sportee-t-shirt-id_3185449.html


They also have them for women (though obviously I haven't tried them).

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Big Bollywood night being organised in work. Cost of ticket £25. That does include nibbles. Then there is the cost of a sari, transport and of course drinks. I have said no thankyou. Shock. Horror. Lots of 'but I don't wanna go if you're not going' and 'but you can't NOT go'. Of course I can refuse. I have a visa to pay for. Didn't you know. I did an extra 12 hour shift this week. On top of the 40 hours I already do. That wasn't to fund a Bollywood night. My visa is more important. Then I went home and cried my leg off coz I really wanna go. Dedication is what that is!!!


Did you realise this thread has had over 1500 hits. Cooooooooool. I was going to say if its helped just one person then it was worth it, but it has helped at least one. Me....




It will be worth it Debs - honestly!!


I might have to be thrown out of the Gang this week:wideeyed:


Please forgive me for I have sinned:err:


We have sirlion steak for tea. We have not been out for ages. I think our mates think we have disappeared off of the face of the earth, we are surrounded by boxes and if I have to pack another one, I will scream, so I went to the butchers and the two bits of sirloin winked:wink: at me and I just couldn't resist:biggrin:


Back on it tmoz. I am having a cooking day as it is a bank holiday here in Spain so will knock up some cheap "one pot" meals which will last forever.

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It will be worth it Debs - honestly!!


I might have to be thrown out of the Gang this week:wideeyed:


Please forgive me for I have sinned:err:


We have sirlion steak for tea. We have not been out for ages. I think our mates think we have disappeared off of the face of the earth, we are surrounded by boxes and if I have to pack another one, I will scream, so I went to the butchers and the two bits of sirloin winked:wink: at me and I just couldn't resist:biggrin:


Back on it tmoz. I am having a cooking day as it is a bank holiday here in Spain so will knock up some cheap "one pot" meals which will last forever.


Thats it. I am calling the food police lol. Your punishment, post a recipe for your best one pot meal ha ha.



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