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Money saving ideas!!!


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Tmoz, I will do a spag bol (two meals), roast a chicken (will give me two dinners) and a rice pudding in the slow cooker (will put this in the fridge and can have it for desserts) very cheap.


With the steak tonight I made a mushroom sauce, OH was licking his lips:tongue:. It was quite easy, delicious and cheap. I am going to use the same ingredients to make a mushroom soup tmoz. I fried some mushrooms with lots of seasoning, sprinkled with a chicken stock cube and added a carton of cream. For the soup I will do exactly the same, but add some hot water before the cream to make a liquid.


Fanny Craddock:nah:

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Cant you repair it and use it to sail to Perth. Will save on flight after all. Two birds, one stone and all that lol.




Hahahahaha! You haven't seen it! Sounds flash but more like a shed with sails! Hubby's grandpa left it to us. He drilled more holes in it than a sieve! Hubby says we can get a proper one when we get to Perth :-/



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It will be worth it Debs - honestly!!


I might have to be thrown out of the Gang this week:wideeyed:


Please forgive me for I have sinned:err:


We have sirlion steak for tea. We have not been out for ages. I think our mates think we have disappeared off of the face of the earth, we are surrounded by boxes and if I have to pack another one, I will scream, so I went to the butchers and the two bits of sirloin winked:wink: at me and I just couldn't resist:biggrin:


Back on it tmoz. I am having a cooking day as it is a bank holiday here in Spain so will knock up some cheap "one pot" meals which will last forever.


Candy girl we all need to have a treat now and again or the money saving stuff would send us totally round the bend! If you enjoyed the steak that is wonderful!


I live on the basic pension and manage OK on my basic lifestyle, but my surrogate Grandaughter is being Baptised this weekend and I just had to have a new outfit to wear as I havent bought any new clothes for so long and nothing smart in my wardrobe fits anymore!.... spent more than I receive in a weekly pension cheque on an outfit, but it looks great and I feel good in it. I will just have to cut down for a while to make up for it. Budgeting teaches you how to do this - as you amazing ladies are all finding out! Oh and I now need to go to some more "events" to get my moneysworth out of my posh outfit!!!

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Candy girl we all need to have a treat now and again or the money saving stuff would send us totally round the bend! If you enjoyed the steak that is wonderful!


I live on the basic pension and manage OK on my basic lifestyle, but my surrogate Grandaughter is being Baptised this weekend and I just had to have a new outfit to wear as I havent bought any new clothes for so long and nothing smart in my wardrobe fits anymore!.... spent more than I receive in a weekly pension cheque on an outfit, but it looks great and I feel good in it. I will just have to cut down for a while to make up for it. Budgeting teaches you how to do this - as you amazing ladies are all finding out! Oh and I now need to go to some more "events" to get my moneysworth out of my posh outfit!!!


I cannot bear to buy an outfit that I am only going to wear once. I usually ask a friend to lend me something and let her look in my wardrobe when she wants something different. Sometime we all bring our perfumes into work that we don't wear and have a good swap around. Same with costume jewellery. Or I just lend stuff off my sister and don't give it back lol. Still doing that and I'm 42. Gonna miss that girl when I move he he.



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I cannot bear to buy an outfit that I am only going to wear once. I usually ask a friend to lend me something and let her look in my wardrobe when she wants something different. Sometime we all bring our perfumes into work that we don't wear and have a good swap around. Same with costume jewellery. Or I just lend stuff off my sister and don't give it back lol. Still doing that and I'm 42. Gonna miss that girl when I move he he.




Last weekend my friend had a clothes party. All our friends get together and sell off good quality clothes to one another. You make money and get a few bargains at the same time especially as some of them are selling designer gear for next to nothing. Makes a good sociable evening out and if you host you get the best pickings!

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Candy girl we all need to have a treat now and again or the money saving stuff would send us totally round the bend! If you enjoyed the steak that is wonderful!


I live on the basic pension and manage OK on my basic lifestyle, but my surrogate Grandaughter is being Baptised this weekend and I just had to have a new outfit to wear as I havent bought any new clothes for so long and nothing smart in my wardrobe fits anymore!.... spent more than I receive in a weekly pension cheque on an outfit, but it looks great and I feel good in it. I will just have to cut down for a while to make up for it. Budgeting teaches you how to do this - as you amazing ladies are all finding out! Oh and I now need to go to some more "events" to get my moneysworth out of my posh outfit!!!


I hope you have a lovely time at the baptism.


The steak was delicious, thank you.

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When we make pasta type meals we always make more and get a couple of lunch left overs. Buying lunch can be really expensive - where I work it's a franchise of Aroma Cafe and they charge $8 - $10 for a sandwhich ..

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The other big thing here when you entertain is that people won't mind if you say 'bring a plate' (of food to share) and they will bring whatever they're going to drink too. This massively cuts the cost of entertaining

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The other big thing here when you entertain is that people won't mind if you say 'bring a plate' (of food to share) and they will bring whatever they're going to drink too. This massively cuts the cost of entertaining


That is the funniest thing ever. When we first came here folk said bring a plate. I thought bugger me they do not even have enough crockery what have we let ourselves in for!! Bringing a plate must be a throwback to the early days here when nobody had anything and they had to share everything out. Fair enough but nowadays to get asked to somebodies multi million dollar house, over looking the ocean and to bring a plate? Please..... Tight bar stewards.....

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newbie posting here but this thread is close to my heart... My life revolves around counting pennies.


I have recently discovered Approvedfoods.com and whilst the delivery is slow the prices are amazing. I got my first delivery yesterday and the box was bigger than me! I foudn the recommendation on moneysavingexpert.com.


Another money saving idea is doing the 5:2 diet!!! I talked hubby into watching the Horizon program aired last year and he was converted into doing the diet too to improve his health. This saves a fortune!!!


Also, after all the horror stories of the meat products and the westerners views of having meat as staples in each meal we have converted to having meat in only smaller quantities. We are enjoying fresh soups with rolls for tea, scrambled egg on rye bread, stir fry's etc more often. When we met my DH wouldnt even eat a vegetable!


I have also got Tesco's 3 for £10 meat deal this week. My roast chicken will be shredded to make a roast dinner (shredded makes it go further than sliced) and then the leftovers go in a homemade chicken and barley soup, risotto, sandwiches, panini's etc. Last time I even had a spare portion leftover for packed lunches too. My 6 pork chops got put into 3 freezer bags of 2. Then when we have a stir fry we have it with Tesco frozen vegetables and only a few slithers of pork. It doesnt make too much difference. We replace our protein with eggs, nuts and seeds (ie sesame seeds on the stir fry) or cheese. We also got a mince and I divided it into 4 freezer bags. This will be used with lentils as a base for lasagne, chill, spag bol or pasta bake. I even grate carrot into the bolognaise sauce and the kids and DH dont even notice!


So my shopping bills have reduced, I feel healthier and my DH doesnt even know that I'm doing this to save money (otherwise he'd start to feel like we were skint all the time). Iv even taken to walking to school (1.5 miles away) there and back to pick the kids up to save DH picking the kids up from afterschool club at £13 an evening!


I hope this helps someone!



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That is the funniest thing ever. When we first came here folk said bring a plate. I thought bugger me they do not even have enough crockery what have we let ourselves in for!! Bringing a plate must be a throwback to the early days here when nobody had anything and they had to share everything out. Fair enough but nowadays to get asked to somebodies multi million dollar house, over looking the ocean and to bring a plate? Please..... Tight bar stewards.....


Laughing my head off here. I thought the very same. I now feel embarrassed as I never took a plate to any of the dinners that I was invited to in Oz. I bet we were popular afterwards:smile: I can see why they do this and I think it is prob back to the "olden" days.

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newbie posting here but this thread is close to my heart... My life revolves around counting pennies.


I have recently discovered Approvedfoods.com and whilst the delivery is slow the prices are amazing. I got my first delivery yesterday and the box was bigger than me! I foudn the recommendation on moneysavingexpert.com.


Another money saving idea is doing the 5:2 diet!!! I talked hubby into watching the Horizon program aired last year and he was converted into doing the diet too to improve his health. This saves a fortune!!!


Also, after all the horror stories of the meat products and the westerners views of having meat as staples in each meal we have converted to having meat in only smaller quantities. We are enjoying fresh soups with rolls for tea, scrambled egg on rye bread, stir fry's etc more often. When we met my DH wouldnt even eat a vegetable!


I have also got Tesco's 3 for £10 meat deal this week. My roast chicken will be shredded to make a roast dinner (shredded makes it go further than sliced) and then the leftovers go in a homemade chicken and barley soup, risotto, sandwiches, panini's etc. Last time I even had a spare portion leftover for packed lunches too. My 6 pork chops got put into 3 freezer bags of 2. Then when we have a stir fry we have it with Tesco frozen vegetables and only a few slithers of pork. It doesnt make too much difference. We replace our protein with eggs, nuts and seeds (ie sesame seeds on the stir fry) or cheese. We also got a mince and I divided it into 4 freezer bags. This will be used with lentils as a base for lasagne, chill, spag bol or pasta bake. I even grate carrot into the bolognaise sauce and the kids and DH dont even notice!


So my shopping bills have reduced, I feel healthier and my DH doesnt even know that I'm doing this to save money (otherwise he'd start to feel like we were skint all the time). Iv even taken to walking to school (1.5 miles away) there and back to pick the kids up to save DH picking the kids up from afterschool club at £13 an evening!


I hope this helps someone!




I do very much the same as well. I put in more veg and substitute for the meat. I have also used the lentils to put into one pot meals. They are 35c a jar here so really are cheaper than chips! I cannot believe how much I now manage to save. Before, if something was left over, I would throw it away. Nothing gets binned now. If I have veg or fruit on the turn, it either goes into the freezer or into the port. Yesterday, I bought 2 kilos of cherry toms for €1.50 (they are soo sweet) to make pasta sauce. I am so tight, I don't even throw chicken bones away, when I have 3 carcusses I put them in the slow cooker and make chicken stock.


You get my vote this week for walking 1.5 miles each way to save money, good on er:notworthy:


Today, I have bought 9 toilet rolls for a Euro - If I can sit down tmoz, I will tell you what I think of them:biglaugh:

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Well I read a money making idea in a magazine in work today that had everyone in tears crying. Basically there are people out there who will buy ladies underwear that has been worn (but not washed). A £2 pair of Asda knickers could net you £10-£15. That's a healthy profit. Tempting. Friends in work say I should do it and put it towards the cost of the visa. They said I could call it the 'down under funder'. Laughed a lot today. Came home and told my mum who said ffs Debbie, I'll pay for the visa. Ha ha ha. Wouldn't of done it really. Love ya mum xxxxx



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I do very much the same as well. I put in more veg and substitute for the meat. I have also used the lentils to put into one pot meals. They are 35c a jar here so really are cheaper than chips! I cannot believe how much I now manage to save. Before, if something was left over, I would throw it away. Nothing gets binned now. If I have veg or fruit on the turn, it either goes into the freezer or into the port. Yesterday, I bought 2 kilos of cherry toms for €1.50 (they are soo sweet) to make pasta sauce. I am so tight, I don't even throw chicken bones away, when I have 3 carcusses I put them in the slow cooker and make chicken stock.


You get my vote this week for walking 1.5 miles each way to save money, good on er:notworthy:


Today, I have bought 9 toilet rolls for a Euro - If I can sit down tmoz, I will tell you what I think of them:biglaugh:



Oooooooohhhhh. Hope you've got sudacrem in just in cases lol



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newbie posting here but this thread is close to my heart... My life revolves around counting pennies.


I have recently discovered Approvedfoods.com and whilst the delivery is slow the prices are amazing. I got my first delivery yesterday and the box was bigger than me! I foudn the recommendation on moneysavingexpert.com.


Another money saving idea is doing the 5:2 diet!!! I talked hubby into watching the Horizon program aired last year and he was converted into doing the diet too to improve his health. This saves a fortune!!!


Also, after all the horror stories of the meat products and the westerners views of having meat as staples in each meal we have converted to having meat in only smaller quantities. We are enjoying fresh soups with rolls for tea, scrambled egg on rye bread, stir fry's etc more often. When we met my DH wouldnt even eat a vegetable!


I have also got Tesco's 3 for £10 meat deal this week. My roast chicken will be shredded to make a roast dinner (shredded makes it go further than sliced) and then the leftovers go in a homemade chicken and barley soup, risotto, sandwiches, panini's etc. Last time I even had a spare portion leftover for packed lunches too. My 6 pork chops got put into 3 freezer bags of 2. Then when we have a stir fry we have it with Tesco frozen vegetables and only a few slithers of pork. It doesnt make too much difference. We replace our protein with eggs, nuts and seeds (ie sesame seeds on the stir fry) or cheese. We also got a mince and I divided it into 4 freezer bags. This will be used with lentils as a base for lasagne, chill, spag bol or pasta bake. I even grate carrot into the bolognaise sauce and the kids and DH dont even notice!


So my shopping bills have reduced, I feel healthier and my DH doesnt even know that I'm doing this to save money (otherwise he'd start to feel like we were skint all the time). Iv even taken to walking to school (1.5 miles away) there and back to pick the kids up to save DH picking the kids up from afterschool club at £13 an evening!


I hope this helps someone!




whats the 5:2 diet??

And could I possibly have a recipe for chicken and barley soup please. I am utter crap in the kitchen. Also, sorry, if you are putting lentils into your lasagne, how do you know how many to put in, or how much (not asking you to count them or anything lol)


Thanks in advance.



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whats the 5:2 diet??

And could I possibly have a recipe for chicken and barley soup please. I am utter crap in the kitchen. Also, sorry, if you are putting lentils into your lasagne, how do you know how many to put in, or how much (not asking you to count them or anything lol)


Thanks in advance.




Hi Debs.


The 5:2 diet is where you can eat whatever you want for 5 days (within your normal diet - [5 chocolate bars for example prob wouldn't work]) and then you fast for 2 days. In theory according to the experts it was originally meant to lower things like blood pressure, cholesterol and insulin levels which could lead to diabetes. I'm a student nurse and I see the Dr's I work with actually following this diet! On my 2 fasting days as a woman I am allowed 500 calories (600 for men) so I drink lots of water and skip breakfast and lunch (hardest bit is 2-4 ish) and then come home to a 500 calorie meal of soup or vegetable curry etc. That main meal has actually filled me up till the next morning although its hard not being able to have a cup of tea. I lost around 4ib the first week, 2ib the following week and then a 1ib the last 2 weeks. I actually enjoy it now!


The chicken and barley soup is easy, its a recipe my dad used to make (the only meal my dad could make). You boil carrots and onions in veg/chicken stock for around 10 minutes and then add diced potato's and barley. It can be as chunky and rough as you like :-). At the end I use leftover shredded chicken from a roast the day before and add that. I have a large 5litre pan and I usually get 5 portions of it (everyone has seconds) and a few spare portions for lunch the next day. My mum used to use a large turkey leg cooked and boil it in the pan first until the meat fell off however I have a phobia of bones so this does not happen in my house. Iv only just learnt how to shred all the chicken off the bones.


As for the lentils I usually use a small mugful (think kid sized easter egg mugs) and these usually double in size. They are pretty tasteless (a little bitty like the texture of inside a bean) but when put with real mince I find I don't notice.


Todays tea was pork and vegetable stir fry with rice noodles:

2 pork steaks (from Tesco 3 for £10 offer) £1.05

1 Texan BBQ marinade (approved foods 8 for £1) £12.5p

1 onion (large bag of small onions from Tesco) 5p

1/2 bag of Tesco Value stir fry vegetables 65p

1/2 pack of rice noodles (approved foods) 40p


= £2.27 for 4 portions


Felt really healthy too although I am not too keen on the rice noodles - Id rather use Tesco Value White Rice = 40p for a huuuge bag

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lol its a website Iv come across selling food nearing its sell by date (occasionally past it) that I found on Money Saving Expert - its mainly sauces and things but I think the prices are great. I'm prepared to risk the odd item for those kind of prices. So far out of £30 worth of shopping everything seems ok.


If you google it you should be able to find it. The only flaw is it took a week and 2 days to arrive!

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Well I read a money making idea in a magazine in work today that had everyone in tears crying. Basically there are people out there who will buy ladies underwear that has been worn (but not washed). A £2 pair of Asda knickers could net you £10-£15. That's a healthy profit. Tempting. Friends in work say I should do it and put it towards the cost of the visa. They said I could call it the 'down under funder'. Laughed a lot today. Came home and told my mum who said ffs Debbie, I'll pay for the visa. Ha ha ha. Wouldn't of done it really. Love ya mum xxxxx




Just started crying I was laughing so much.

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lol its a website Iv come across selling food nearing its sell by date (occasionally past it) that I found on Money Saving Expert - its mainly sauces and things but I think the prices are great. I'm prepared to risk the odd item for those kind of prices. So far out of £30 worth of shopping everything seems ok.


If you google it you should be able to find it. The only flaw is it took a week and 2 days to arrive!


going to check that out. Also, going to make some soup this weekend. Will let you know if we've survived the cook off or if I've done it wrong and and we're both sick lol. Thanks jac.



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