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Money saving ideas!!!


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Well I read a money making idea in a magazine in work today that had everyone in tears crying. Basically there are people out there who will buy ladies underwear that has been worn (but not washed). A £2 pair of Asda knickers could net you £10-£15. That's a healthy profit. Tempting. Friends in work say I should do it and put it towards the cost of the visa. They said I could call it the 'down under funder'. Laughed a lot today. Came home and told my mum who said ffs Debbie, I'll pay for the visa. Ha ha ha. Wouldn't of done it really. Love ya mum xxxxx




I don't know whether to laugh or cry at this one. Who would have thought that your old knackers would be worth so much.

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The other big thing here when you entertain is that people won't mind if you say 'bring a plate' (of food to share) and they will bring whatever they're going to drink too. This massively cuts the cost of entertaining


But I provide it all and they us yorkie s are tight , you lancs have summat to answer for ;)

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When we make pasta type meals we always make more and get a couple of lunch left overs. Buying lunch can be really expensive - where I work it's a franchise of Aroma Cafe and they charge $8 - $10 for a sandwhich ..


Try the jiffy van aka yuk truck 7 bucks a butty scandalous

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Candygirl, the postage on my knickers would eat into all my profits they're that big ha ha.




I used to read mags about these fetishes knickr sniffing not my cup of tea but under crackers bonds boxers 18 bucks a pair FFs relative and asda George sent over i ll do binned mi last pair of asda crackers bought nearly four years ago when we went back

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I used to read mags about these fetishes knickr sniffing not my cup of tea but under crackers bonds boxers 18 bucks a pair FFs relative and asda George sent over i ll do binned mi last pair of asda crackers bought nearly four years ago when we went back


I also read an article about a woman who was 30 stone and sits on men (not in a sexual way) to squash them for £200 an hour. Get me to the canteen I say ha ha. I am in the wrong job. She called herself a 'professional squasher' ha ha. And its tax free.....



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I also read an article about a woman who was 30 stone and sits on men (not in a sexual way) to squash them for £200 an hour. Get me to the canteen I say ha ha. I am in the wrong job. She called herself a 'professional squasher' ha ha. And its tax free.....




Lol we had a biggygram for a young lad at work years ago , she came in the canteen ( not literally it would have flooded) went for him , lad tried to climb out of a 3rd storey window too late all you could see was his hands and feet



I was aroused in a funny way l ol

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My slow cooker has become my new best friend recently.


I just chuck in lots of chopped veggies and a cheap cut of meat - whatever is on special - lots of fresh herbs from the garden - a can of chopped tomatoes and a stock cube. Yummiest stews I have ever made and as cheap as anything.


Made a huge chille con carne this week with a kilo of mince that was going for $2 because it was time expired the day I bought it - capsicums and mushrooms were in the cheap basket as they were just about to "turn" - an onion and garlic from the garden - tin of chopped toms - stock cube - dried chille flakes - can of kidney beans. Fed four of us with pasta, and two more portions went into the freezer for days when I dont feel like being a "Jamie Oliver".

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Well I am absolutely heart broken today. Went to work today for an extra shift and when I got home I realised I was £20 short in my purse. Someone who I work with has stolen from me. I have worked with theses girls for 4 years and can't believe someone would do this. I think I know who it is but don't know what to do about it. I know I am saving for a visa but if she had asked me I would have given her the money to keep. I am really upset. What would you do??



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So sorry Debs. what a difficult situation. I would like to think I would confront her and explain if she needs to borrow twenty quid she only need ask however I would be prepared to go straight to HR with a complaint if she denies it. Trouble is when you confront someone they often not only deny it but go on the attack and she may make a complaint against you following the conversion. Try and have someone there as a witness who you trust when you confront her!

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So sorry Debs. what a difficult situation. I would like to think I would confront her and explain if she needs to borrow twenty quid she only need ask however I would be prepared to go straight to HR with a complaint if she denies it. Trouble is when you confront someone they often not only deny it but go on the attack and she may make a complaint against you following the conversion. Try and have someone there as a witness who you trust when you confront her!


Lou I feel sick. I've come home and cried. And I don't do cry. I am always the one making everyone laugh and I love going to work. But I don't want to go in now. I know it will cause a big atmosphere in work but I can't ignore it either. I know £20 isn't a big deal but I am really friendly with the girls I work with and it's really upset me that she would take from me like that. I feel sick about how the atmosphere will be once I confront her. I don't know whether to go to my manager first and speak to her and ask what I should do.



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Lou I feel sick. I've come home and cried. And I don't do cry. I am always the one making everyone laugh and I love going to work. But I don't want to go in now. I know it will cause a big atmosphere in work but I can't ignore it either. I know £20 isn't a big deal but I am really friendly with the girls I work with and it's really upset me that she would take from me like that. I feel sick about how the atmosphere will be once I confront her. I don't know whether to go to my manager first and speak to her and ask what I should do.





Oh Debs that is absolutely disgusting and I can totally understand how you are feeling. If I was in your shoes, I would talk to my manager first and not make any outright accusations unless I had evidence.


I had a similar situation to deal with as a manager a few years back and I know only too well how it can infect the whole workplace and make it quite toxic. I called a whole unit meeting and announced that money had gone missing from someones purse left in their desk drawer and I advised that if the money was returned anonymously it would go no further, but if after 24 hours the money had still not been returned, the Police would be advised. Long story short - Money was returned. Within days I had a resignation from the person I had suspected of being the culprit. No further thefts happened but it took the workplace a while to return to its former happy place. Sometimes when you confront people about things they get very defensive and abusive and it can be very nasty. Whatever you decide to do to deal with this, be aware that you should always have someone with you as a witness to cover yourself.


Sending hugs...... R

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Debs I think Rossmoyne is right. Speak to your manager and explain how you feel, that you think this has happened but don't want to cause an atmosphere or accuse someone and upset the team. Theft in nursing is a serious matter and I'm sure there will be procedures and management will have had previous experience of dealing with these sorts of issues. If she has stolen from you who knows who else has been victim. Management can't let this go, it might only be £20 from you but she could be stealing from other colleagues and even patients and it needs to be dealt with. Plus you'll feel much better when you've spoken to your manager.

I hope it all works out. I don't envy your position as I would have all the same concerns.


Lou x

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Thanks guys. Going to speak to my manager in the morning. The only problem I have is that the girl I suspect has taken it is very good friends with my manager. Aaarrrrgggghhh. Plus my manager is under a lot of stress at the moment and I am feeling sorry for her right now. I know she is feeling let down by the trust and is talking about taking early retirement and I feel bad off loading onto her. I am going to be putting her in a sticky situation between being a manager and a friend. Why is it that this other girl has committed a crime and has probably spent the money and forgotten all about it by now, yet I am the victim and am feeling bad about causing uneasiness in the work place. This isn't right.



Anyway, enough of my problems. I am going to make the chicken and barley soup as suggested by jac. Have got some left over chicken in the freezer so going to put it to good use. I have got a couple of scabby carrots lurking a the bottom of the fridge pleading to be binned. They're going in. In fact I have got all the ingredients so I don't have to spend a penny. Will let you know how it goes because I am sure you're all aware that I am a crap cook by now lol. Will message later ( if I'm not sick).



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Ha ha ha. Just cracked open an egg for my breaky and it has a double yolk. Feel like a got 7 eggs for the price of 6. Now that's money saving. Happiness restored :biggrin:




Well Done on the double yoke Hon - always lovely getting something for nowt!


I echo what the others said. I appreciate that your manager is stressed, but this complaint would fall under her job description and she needs to deal with it - you might not be the only one. It could have happened before and not been noticed. As you say the girl who you suspect is a friend, I would not mention any names until you absolutely had to and see what action/response you get. Also, I only know you from here, but I can see how much the visa means to you and your little boy and how hard you are working to achieve this. Shame on this girl for knowing that and stealing from you.


I can imagine how you must be feeling, but Hon, you have done nothing wrong and should not get upset.


Hope it goes well Lorraine xx

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Thanks Lorraine and to everyone for your support. I am going to speak to my manager tomorrow and not mention any names. There was only 4 of us that worked on sat so its one of three. I think that's what makes it worse. If it was a normal day it could have been anyone of 15 of us. But as there was only 4 of us in it just makes it harder but hey ho. I'm going to do what I have to do and hope that my manager supports me in this. Will let you all know what happens. Onwards and upwards.



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Guest guest9824
Ha ha ha. Just cracked open an egg for my breaky and it has a double yolk. Feel like a got 7 eggs for the price of 6. Now that's money saving. Happiness restored :biggrin:





You are yoking arent ya......:biggrin:




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Hey Debs,


So sorry to hear that someone you trusted has done this to you. Like Candgirl said, it is glaringly apparent how dedicated you are to getting that visa! Shame on her for abusing your trust and good nature, knowing full well what you are going to through to get to where you want to be!!


Hoping it goes well for you today...waiting to hear...hugs x

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Thanks guys. Going to speak to my manager in the morning. The only problem I have is that the girl I suspect has taken it is very good friends with my manager. Aaarrrrgggghhh. Plus my manager is under a lot of stress at the moment and I am feeling sorry for her right now. I know she is feeling let down by the trust and is talking about taking early retirement and I feel bad off loading onto her. I am going to be putting her in a sticky situation between being a manager and a friend. Why is it that this other girl has committed a crime and has probably spent the money and forgotten all about it by now, yet I am the victim and am feeling bad about causing uneasiness in the work place. This isn't right.




Debs I do hope that all went well when you spoke to your manager. You have to remember that part of a manager's role is to deal with stuff like this, so although you are caring and considerate of her personal life and stress, she still is the person you have to "go to". Just be open and honest with her and don't name names. As you know what date this happened she is able to look at the roster to see who was working, and then take it from there. I do hope it is sorted soon - for other work colleagues of yours as well as yourself. So crushing to find that someone you trusted is a thief, but don't let it squash you down as you seem a very vibrant positive lady. Let us know how it goes Deb and please PM me if you want to vent off-line. X

Edited by Rossmoyne
a grammar issue!
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