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Contacting tax man before i leave for australia


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Not sure if this is in the right thread but heading moving over to oz end of may and wanted to ask do i need to contact the tax man before i leave? and if so why cause im maybe due money back from them?or im due them?

Or do they just need to know im not going to be living in the uk?Is there some sort of forms i need to apply for,fill in etc so do this and how well in advance do i need to do this as my weeks are sure passing quick before we go,so myself and wife will have to do this?I read that you dont necessary need to tell them im migrating why is this?


Also on the tax side of things im not gonna be able to probably sell or rent my house before i leave but it will be dealt with for me when im away,is there anything thing tax related i need to sort out,deal with before i go on this or what if i decided to rent or sell when im staying over there is there anything i should know about.


If just seems there is so much to deal with,sort out i dont wanna miss anything out while im over there,im sure whatever i forget about or miss can be still dealt with while im over there.

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Not sure if this is in the right thread but heading moving over to oz end of may and wanted to ask do i need to contact the tax man before i leave? and if so why cause im maybe due money back from them?or im due them?

Or do they just need to know im not going to be living in the uk?Is there some sort of forms i need to apply for,fill in etc so do this and how well in advance do i need to do this as my weeks are sure passing quick before we go,so myself and wife will have to do this?I read that you dont necessary need to tell them im migrating why is this?


Also on the tax side of things im not gonna be able to probably sell or rent my house before i leave but it will be dealt with for me when im away,is there anything thing tax related i need to sort out,deal with before i go on this or what if i decided to rent or sell when im staying over there is there anything i should know about.


If just seems there is so much to deal with,sort out i dont wanna miss anything out while im over there,im sure whatever i forget about or miss can be still dealt with while im over there.


Form P85 as you leave the UK will sort any refund and yes you should tell them. If you are renting your property you will declare this on you tax return here in Australia as once you are resident for tax purposes you will pay tax on any income worldwide.

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