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re direct mail in uk going to oz


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Hopefully this is in the right thread as im not gonna be able to sell or rent my house out before we leave for oz end of may,but hopefully a month or two later i can rent or am able to sell,i would be looking to reduce the amount of mail i get sent to my house,ok yes i will still have it,but if i rent it then i will not want my mail going there and if sold same again.

I need to know when you guys have moved to australia did you get your mail re directed and if so who did you use,i take this is done by royal mail right?how soon should i be looking into this before we move,i take once this is set up you maybe select a date on when mail needs redirected etc?


Would i be able to redirect my mail to my parents house,but then would there be any point in that as they would then need to pay to post it to me,any ideas info on this as this is something i need to look into before i leave for oz.


How long do you take it out for if there is a choice on time frame

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You can set up online access to your accounts with your bank, building society, utility companies, insurance companies and anything else you can think of you have and then set them all to e-billing and select "no" for marketing / junk mail All your bills, bank statements, insurance policies etc then get sent to an e-mail of your choice and not to your home in hard copy.


This reduces the volume of mail you get to your home address by a considerable amount. (All that goes there after you begin to use e-billing is mainly marketing junk.) This is how I do it and it works nae problems. Been here 10 years and only needed a copy of an original account once I think in all that time as well. This way it saves you paying for an expensive re-direct to Oz and if you get your parents to check house say every two weeks until it is rented or sold then, as GuaB says, just get them to send anything important over to you. Postage for letters to here usually takes 7 working days to get here so no big time lag really. (Anything important can then be investigated and if it is regular correspondance you can arrange for that to be sent to your parents address or sent to you in future via e-mail.) Also when I rented my flat out because of having all the e-billing set up, and sorting out a few issues, hardly anything was going there anyway after three months or so. We simply asked the tenant to stick anything in a big envelope and it was collected once a fortnight as usual. Again no bother and worked a treat. Most of the stuff collected was junk mail and it was put straight into the bin or we e-mailed the company asking them to remove us from their mailing lists.

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  • 4 weeks later...

We got all our mail redirected to my parents house for 3 months. They would then send out a package every week with all the mail received Chose three months as that gave enough time to let companies know of either a new address in Australia or to close any accounts down.

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