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Current State Of IT Market? Coming Out For A Week In May..............


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Hi everyone, a friend of mine recently moved to Perth and I'm seriously considering doing the same.


He's passed my CV on to the company that employed him and although they have nothing specific for my job role (more of that in a minute) they wanted to interview me by Skype anyway.


Now, my friend suggested it was worth jumping on a plan and coming out to stay with him for a week and switch the Skype interview with a face to face as it shows more commitment etc.


So, I have booked the flights and arrive in Perth on Friday 2nd May, until the following Wednesday.


I have the interview booked for 13:30 on the Monday but I thought it might be worth checking other possibilities and maybe fitting in any other interviews whilst I'm in Perth.


Anyone in the sector know what the current IT market is like for Design Architects? I'm currently the lead architect for Endpoint Security, covering the design and writing of high level designs, low level designs and installation guides for (mainly) McAfee Anti-Virus products, Lumension Endpoint Security and Printer Security. I also have over 15 years background of various IT stuff including 3rd and 4th line server support, disaster recovery, all Windows Platforms etc. I'm 43 and currently a Freelance consultant in the UK but I'm looking to settle in to a permanent role.


Or has anyone have any contacts that may be looking for someone?


Ideally looking for a sponsored job and my family (Wife, myself and ten year old) are all totally committed to the move.


By the way, thanks to all contributors for this excellent forum, it's been very useful reading over the last few weeks!



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If you and your family are keen to move to Oz, I would recommend you consider skilled migration rather than a sponsored visa. Sponsored visas are a temporary visa, normally for 4 years. The big issue with them is that if you lose your job, you have 28 days to find another or leave the country. There is no automatic route to pr from a 457 visa.

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