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190 Sponsorship...how long?


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Hi Angela,


Perhaps we should do a joint boot sale!!


For the cats I found the information on this website really useful:

http://www.daff.gov.au/aqis/cat-dogs/cat4?name=the United Kingdom


I used it to create a checklist against what the Pet Travel Companies do and don't complete/ charge for. After a bit of research I think we are going to use Petair UK Silver package. This means we are responsible for getting all the vet work done and paying for it separately. We also have to take the cats to the aiport but it's a bit cheaper and it means you use your own vet.


The advice I was given by Petair was as follows:

Veterinary Requirements (Cats):

- All pets need a rabies vaccination within 12 months of the flight date and at least 60 days before the flight, (ideally 6-12 months before travel for min. 30 days quarantine).

- They then need a rabies blood sample at least 5 months before and not more than 12 months prior to their flight date. It can be less than 5 months before their flight date, but they will have to spend longer in Australian quarantine if that is the case.

- Cats need flu and enteritis vaccinations at least 14 days and not more than 12 months before they leave UK.

- Cats need to have an import permit from Australia

- Once the import permit has been applied for then quarantine can be booked. At busy times of year the quarantine booking may need to be made up to 4 months before the flight date

and then within 4 days before the flight,

- They need tick and worm treatment/health check/completion of DEFRA paperwork.


Costs depends on various things like what your vet charges, how many pets you have, how long they need to spend in quarantine (if you don't meet the requirements for the minimum 30 days) etc. Its worth getting in touch with a few companies and getting quotes as some include things that others don't (like the vet work). We looked at Transfur, Airpets and Petair UK.


Hope that helps!

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Hi Angela,


Perhaps we should do a joint boot sale!!


For the cats I found the information on this website really useful:

http://www.daff.gov.au/aqis/cat-dogs/cat4?name=the United Kingdom


I used it to create a checklist against what the Pet Travel Companies do and don't complete/ charge for. After a bit of research I think we are going to use Petair UK Silver package. This means we are responsible for getting all the vet work done and paying for it separately. We also have to take the cats to the aiport but it's a bit cheaper and it means you use your own vet.


The advice I was given by Petair was as follows:

Veterinary Requirements (Cats):

- All pets need a rabies vaccination within 12 months of the flight date and at least 60 days before the flight, (ideally 6-12 months before travel for min. 30 days quarantine).

- They then need a rabies blood sample at least 5 months before and not more than 12 months prior to their flight date. It can be less than 5 months before their flight date, but they will have to spend longer in Australian quarantine if that is the case.

- Cats need flu and enteritis vaccinations at least 14 days and not more than 12 months before they leave UK.

- Cats need to have an import permit from Australia

- Once the import permit has been applied for then quarantine can be booked. At busy times of year the quarantine booking may need to be made up to 4 months before the flight date

and then within 4 days before the flight,

- They need tick and worm treatment/health check/completion of DEFRA paperwork.


Costs depends on various things like what your vet charges, how many pets you have, how long they need to spend in quarantine (if you don't meet the requirements for the minimum 30 days) etc. Its worth getting in touch with a few companies and getting quotes as some include things that others don't (like the vet work). We looked at Transfur, Airpets and Petair UK.


Hope that helps!



Hi Nikki,


I have been taking product shots of all the stuff I going to sell on eBay. Took ages to record descriptions, sizes and weights, then check p&p costs and download the photos. Haven't even started to sell it on eBay yet! Been heading down the charity shop on a regular basis...they should give me loyalty points!


thanks for the pet link. You have been good, researching all that. I'll look at it when I don't have a red wine next to me. Hard enough to understand without one. There just seems to be so many things to check out and do. At the moment my OH has done nothing in terms of reading up or researching. I just do bits and relay it back. I think he is waiting until we get the first nod of approval then he will launch into action. Fingers crossed!


So Miss Optimistic, do you ever get cold feet or submersed in the feeling that there is just so much upheaval?


Look forward to hearing from you soon. Or maybe see you down the boot sale!

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SS Approved today - 25 business days since lodging!!!




Correction to the above....


My SS was actually approved on the 20th May - the exact same day as I received notification that a case officer would contact me if necessary etc etc.


That's only 8 business days!!


Why have I only found this out today?


Because the email from WA has been sitting in my (new) agents inbox for THREE WEEKS. And the only reason she found it was because I was querying the length of time it was taking. Even though I had already chased last week as well!


Ok- so to give some background my case was handed over from one agent to another because the original girl was leaving. The email regarding the case officer went to agent 1 and the approval email went to agent 2. She said she didn't pick up on it because Skill Select only said my application was allocated - Didn't think to check her :ssign1: inbox


3 WEEKS!!!!!! Who doesn't check their inbox for 3 weeks????????




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Hi all,


Can anyone tell me how to add the updates about dates, etc on the bottom of your posts? I want to join in the 190 chat and have no idea how to add my info on bottom.


After submitting our WA SS application last month, we heard after just 8 days that we had a CO assigned. We then waited and waited for an approval but heard nothing. We checked the emails daily and became frustrated as the magic 30 days processing time would be up on in few days time. Feeling anxious that we may have missed it and that something may have gone wrong I asked my OH if he had checked the junk email box. It was there!! It went in on the same day that a CO was assigned! That was scarily too close for comfort, we could have missed the 28 day deadline to reply!!!


So Nikki, we have returned the acceptance and are just waiting for the ITA from Skillselect. I see on your 'thing at the bottom of screen' that you had the ITA too. Did the dodgy agent receive that the same day as accepting? Have they uploaded and paid the fee now? That's the next bit for us.


What's really weird it that last week I was having a mini melt down, worrying about is this the right thing, worrying about health care costs, medical coverage in Oz v UK, etc, etc. basically worrying about things that could happen in the future. Wise words were given to me on this site which made me rethink. Why worry about what could happen but hasn't already, because you just end up worrying twice as much if it does happen, and completely unnecessarily if it doesn't. (I need to thank Nikki and Peanuts for my calm thinking advice). When we got the SS acceptance email through all of the anxiety ran off me and I just felt happy to be in a position where we had the chance of a life time to give this ago. Many people dream of this but have not got the opportunity to even try to make it a reality. We have. That makes me feel very privileged. It would be a waste to let this chance to slip through our fingers. If it doesn't work out, we can always come back, probably a little poorer but able to hold our heads up saying we gave it our best shot. At least we tried. Just got to get through the medicals now, next stage of worrying!

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Click on settings at the top of the page, then click on edit signature on the left. Put in your details. Don't think it will chage on past posts, just future ones.




Thanks so much Debs, I am now part of the club!


Just found out on another thread that the fees are going to shoot through the roof as of the 1/7/13. have to pay for all accompanying applicants too now, not just one off fee. Info can be found on:




Got to get our finger out and submit ASAP!

Edited by Akasully2
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Hi all,


Can anyone tell me how to add the updates about dates, etc on the bottom of your posts? I want to join in the 190 chat and have no idea how to add my info on bottom.


After submitting our WA SS application last month, we heard after just 8 days that we had a CO assigned. We then waited and waited for an approval but heard nothing. We checked the emails daily and became frustrated as the magic 30 days processing time would be up on in few days time. Feeling anxious that we may have missed it and that something may have gone wrong I asked my OH if he had checked the junk email box. It was there!! It went in on the same day that a CO was assigned! That was scarily too close for comfort, we could have missed the 28 day deadline to reply!!!


So Nikki, we have returned the acceptance and are just waiting for the ITA from Skillselect. I see on your 'thing at the bottom of screen' that you had the ITA too. Did the dodgy agent receive that the same day as accepting? Have they uploaded and paid the fee now? That's the next bit for us.


What's really weird it that last week I was having a mini melt down, worrying about is this the right thing, worrying about health care costs, medical coverage in Oz v UK, etc, etc. basically worrying about things that could happen in the future. Wise words were given to me on this site which made me rethink. Why worry about what could happen but hasn't already, because you just end up worrying twice as much if it does happen, and completely unnecessarily if it doesn't. (I need to thank Nikki and Peanuts for my calm thinking advice). When we got the SS acceptance email through all of the anxiety ran off me and I just felt happy to be in a position where we had the chance of a life time to give this ago. Many people dream of this but have not got the opportunity to even try to make it a reality. We have. That makes me feel very privileged. It would be a waste to let this chance to slip through our fingers. If it doesn't work out, we can always come back, probably a little poorer but able to hold our heads up saying we gave it our best shot. At least we tried. Just got to get through the medicals now, next stage of worrying!


Hi Angela,


Glad you got sorted and you're now back on track!


With regard to the ITA mine came through the day after the agent submitted the WA acceptance form, which I signed and sent back within the hour of receiving it from them!

They then sumitted my Visa application and fee on Friday! Now I'm just waiting for the medical centre to open this morning so I can book those (you can now front load thanks to the eMedical system).


Had a very busy weekend doing loads of jobs around the house in preparation for putting it on the market. I know all the advice says don't do anything dramatic until the visa is granted but we want to try and get as much for it as possible and put it on initially at top whack (it's basically funding this whole move!). Then if it doesn't sell and we're in a bit more of a hurry to sell we can drop the price a bit.


Let me know when you get your ITA!


Speak soon.


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Hi Angela,


Glad you got sorted and you're now back on track!


With regard to the ITA mine came through the day after the agent submitted the WA acceptance form, which I signed and sent back within the hour of receiving it from them!

They then sumitted my Visa application and fee on Friday! Now I'm just waiting for the medical centre to open this morning so I can book those (you can now front load thanks to the eMedical system).


Had a very busy weekend doing loads of jobs around the house in preparation for putting it on the market. I know all the advice says don't do anything dramatic until the visa is granted but we want to try and get as much for it as possible and put it on initially at top whack (it's basically funding this whole move!). Then if it doesn't sell and we're in a bit more of a hurry to sell we can drop the price a bit.


Let me know when you get your ITA!


Speak soon.



Hi Nikki,


We received our ITA today!!!!! I am going to fill it in tomorrow and send off fee ASAP so we don't get the extra charges which are coming in. For once we have got something going for us. When we found out that the 190 visa was suitable for us (originally were going for the independent skilled visa but came up against problems) we considered delaying the application until we were more sorted. I went with that thinking for a while but then advised my OH that Sod's law his skill would be taken off the list, better to do it now. Thank heavens we proceeded. If we can time it that the exchange rates go in our favour we will be delighted!


Ok Speedy Gonzalez, house ready to go, meds booked, you amaze me. Feel like a snail in comparison! So what is this 'front loading' and e medical stuff? Please explain.


We have jobs to finish around the house, doesn't feel like we are ready to sell yet. Next phase for us. We are currently considering whether to take the cat, at $2k plus it makes me question the automatic response of, "of course we'll take the cat". I wish we didn't have to decide 6 months in advance. Going to my son's new secondary school parents evening tonight for info about him starting there in Sept. Finding it hard to be committed to his future there when he may only be there for a few months. Of course, still need to buy the uniforms, etc and can't tell anyone. It is a secret!!!!

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Going to my son's new secondary school parents evening tonight for info about him starting there in Sept. Finding it hard to be committed to his future there when he may only be there for a few months. Of course, still need to buy the uniforms, etc and can't tell anyone. It is a secret!!!!


I know exactly how you feel. Had to pay £500 deposit for my sons place at school which he's due to start in September and he might not even get to start there. At least the primary he's at feeds into his new school so the uniform is the same. You'll have to try and pick up stuff second hand that way you won't feel so guilty.


Just toying with whether to put the house on the market now...think we should we just need to bite the bullet. It's just all so scary!


We've booked flights for October so we can validate and go to a family wedding in perth. When are you planning to go?



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Ok Speedy Gonzalez, house ready to go, meds booked, you amaze me. Feel like a snail in comparison! So what is this 'front loading' and e medical stuff? Please explain.



Don't worry Angela you're probably the normal one of the two of us. My secret is that I'm a control freak Project Manager and yes.....I do actually have a project plan that I'm tracking our progress against :wacko:


The eMedical thing comes into play once you have submitted your visa application and fee (yay for the fact that you've got your ITA ahead of July!). When you get the email confirmation back that it's gone through there is something called a TRN reference included. You then also get a proper letter attachment with a summary of your application (only a day or so later) that also shows it.


You can then ring up your nearest and/or cheapest medical centre and book your medical, giving them the TRN so they can find you on the system. The website for the panel doctos is http://www.immi.gov.au/contacts/panel-doctors/


Then once you've been for the medical, they upload the results straight to DIAC. So in theory there is no need for the CO to request you go for medicals anymore hence the front loading ie get the medicals done before you get a CO then it hopefully speeds things up once one is assigned. Having said that though, this is the Internet we're talking about and apparently the system can sometimes fall over. In this case the CO, when assigned, gives you another type of reference number that you have to use and it's all very manual,letters and emails etc.


Hope that helps!!


Hoping that the house will be on the market by the end of the week - eek! :err:


N x

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Don't worry Angela you're probably the normal one of the two of us. My secret is that I'm a control freak Project Manager and yes.....I do actually have a project plan that I'm tracking our progress against :wacko:


The eMedical thing comes into play once you have submitted your visa application and fee (yay for the fact that you've got your ITA ahead of July!). When you get the email confirmation back that it's gone through there is something called a TRN reference included. You then also get a proper letter attachment with a summary of your application (only a day or so later) that also shows it.


You can then ring up your nearest and/or cheapest medical centre and book your medical, giving them the TRN so they can find you on the system. The website for the panel doctos is http://www.immi.gov.au/contacts/panel-doctors/


Then once you've been for the medical, they upload the results straight to DIAC. So in theory there is no need for the CO to request you go for medicals anymore hence the front loading ie get the medicals done before you get a CO then it hopefully speeds things up once one is assigned. Having said that though, this is the Internet we're talking about and apparently the system can sometimes fall over. In this case the CO, when assigned, gives you another type of reference number that you have to use and it's all very manual,letters and emails etc.


Hope that helps!!


Hoping that the house will be on the market by the end of the week - eek! :err:


N x


Nikki, you make me laugh. Control freak or not! I have just noticed you have your date booked for the medicals too ..... You make my head spin! Well, hats off to you, certainly know what you want, ha, ha. Good luck with the house sale.


Went to my son's future school tonight. It is a fantastic place, very impressive but I couldn't stop thinking we may not be here long to enjoy it. I then started day dreaming whilst the head was talking, wondering how the schools in Oz would be. As traditional and quite posh? A bonus came at the end when they said they had a 2nd hand uniform sale on next door. Everyone rushed in, like a bun fight. Got myself a few bargains which made me feel a whole lot better about if we do ship out I haven't wasted a small fortune. :jiggy:

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Nightmare, filling in the visa application and the screen keep going blank! Have to keep making sure I save at each stage before it crashes again when I push 'Next'. Just looking at a blank grey page with the logo at the top. Pooping myself that I have done something to it!!! Have to keep logging back in and move back to where I last saved it. :arghh:


Has this happened to anyone else?

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Guest Nadinesmith884

Hey guys my finace is a british plumber in water. He is coming to australia on a working holiday visa to be sponsored because i am australian. He is going to be studying for his gas what else would moght need and does anyone know where about he can get sponsored. Please let me know thanks personal email is nadinesmith884@gmail.com

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Assigned case office today.....!! 3wks and 1day since we lodged application.


Cornishpoms!! Hi.... I just read your post. My partner is a plumber, we're living in Perth. Just gathering up the paperwork for our 190 Visa... the last 'big thing' we have to do is his skills assessment. He's nervous as he hasn't praticed his trade since leaving the UK 2 years ago... he works as a 'Roof Plumber' here. I would be soooo grateful if you could share your hubbys experience... and let me know how the process is going for you. We're expecting our first baby in November so the clock is ticking and we'd love to have our visa somewhat sorted before then :) Hope to hear from you :)

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We were also very quick our sponsorship for the 190 Visa was granted in 2 days!!


Given the July 1st deadline I decided to apply now rather than next Month; CO has asked for additional info as to why we want to migrate to Perth. Any advice and what to say and how detailed this should be?

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Hi David,

I take you mean the WA CO?

Obviously everyone has different reasons but to give you an idea on ours we talked about the fact that OH has lots of family in the surrounding areas but Perth would give us the best job ops and would be commutable. I think as long as you can show that you have researched different areas of WA and can justify why Perth is the best option in your case then they are happy. It's hard to go into too much detail because of the word limit so you need to be concise.

Good luck and let us know how you get on!


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Exactly what Nikkis2000 said. We stated that my line of work has lots of opportunities in our chosen region, we liked the outdoor lifestyle, beaches, national parks, the various festivals etc. Show that you have researched the area, the events and why its suited to you. You dont need to write a book on it just a few paragraphs for each area. There is lots of info available on the WA website that you can use.

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I know exactly how you feel. Had to pay £500 deposit for my sons place at school which he's due to start in September and he might not even get to start there. At least the primary he's at feeds into his new school so the uniform is the same. You'll have to try and pick up stuff second hand that way you won't feel so guilty.


Just toying with whether to put the house on the market now...think we should we just need to bite the bullet. It's just all so scary!


We've booked flights for October so we can validate and go to a family wedding in perth. When are you planning to go?




Hi Lou,


Scary is the word! However, as we lodged today I am now feeling excited, but that is just today's feeling, tomorrow it could all change again! Got some 2nd hand uniform so felt chuffed. No plans on when to go, depends on if and when

we get the visa. Went to Oz at Xmas so won't be doing a validation trip, just going straight for it. Won't do meds until asked for them as only have 12 months from that day to get over. Still need to up load the paperwork.


i am so bloody pleased we have got in before all the changes, for once things seem to be going right!

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