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Child life specialists????


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Hi, I'll be joining my OH in September with the children. Although I won't be looking for work straight away I would like to work part-time once we have settled in.

I work as a hospital play specialist here. I wondered if there is much work out there in this area?? I think this role may be call 'child life specialist' within the paediatrics wards/hospitals???

can anyone offer any info????


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It appears that 'child life specialist' is possibly more a US term? Looks like the term used here is the same as your own currently. As Ali says e-mail the Princess Margaret hospital direct and see if you get any replies.


Apart from that these links should get you started http://www.aahps.org.au/index.php and www.facebook.com/aahps Also here is the WA government website with jobs http://www.jobs.health.wa.gov.au/page.php?pageID=215 and the commonly used Seek site http://www.seek.com.au/healthcare-jobs/in-perth


Good luck



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