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TRA Migration Skills Assessment form

Guest Sidney03

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Guest Sidney03

Hi all


I am in the process of doing my TRA skills assessment, I have been been in full time employment for 4 years in my current job. The form guidelines state that you should be in full time employment for 3 years up to the date of application, which I have been. It also states that you should provide statements for the all employment claimed in the form. Is it enough that I just claim for my current employment which meets the requirements of the form or should I list all previous jobs? As much as I am able to list my other employment history, I will have problems getting statements from them all due to closure of some companies. I have also worked in NZ and Oz on working holiday visas which may also pose a problem with statements.


I am able to provide extensive apprenticeship documentation and I have also written a long, thorough statement for my current job as well as a detailed statement from my employer. Will this be enough?


Thank you, Allan

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Hi there.


my assessment is with ANMAC and they asked for the same. Like you I have been in the same employment for past 4 years but I was only proving 3. I am using an agent and they didn't say they needed more so I assume it was correct. Will let you know if I hear from them saying otherwise. I sent it almost 3 weeks ago.



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Hi all


I am in the process of doing my TRA skills assessment, I have been been in full time employment for 4 years in my current job. The form guidelines state that you should be in full time employment for 3 years up to the date of application, which I have been. It also states that you should provide statements for the all employment claimed in the form. Is it enough that I just claim for my current employment which meets the requirements of the form or should I list all previous jobs? As much as I am able to list my other employment history, I will have problems getting statements from them all due to closure of some companies. I have also worked in NZ and Oz on working holiday visas which may also pose a problem with statements.



I think it's just that you can claim more points for the visa application if you have more experience. 3 years gets 10 points but if you have 8 years experience this gets 20, that's the reason we sent as much evidence as far back as we could to TRA. It was my understanding that its TRA who decides how many employment points you can claim according to the evidence you give them but I may be wrong:confused: Just feeling our way through this process as not using an agent! I hope we hear soon, they received the application on the 18th March and i'm starting to check the online portal most days now even though i know it could still be a while yet!

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Guest Sidney03

Thanks for your reply, I have posted another thread to see if anyone can confirm whether the TRA determines the points. Good luck with your application, I hope you hear soon.

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Hi. I am self employed would I need customer references instead of employers references as proof or how long I have been working




There's loads of stuff you have to put in if you're self employed, have a good look at the guidelines you need customer refs invoices tax docs loads of stuff. But have a look at the guidelines and then if you've still got specific questions ask away!

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Hi all


I am in the process of doing my TRA skills assessment, I have been been in full time employment for 4 years in my current job. The form guidelines state that you should be in full time employment for 3 years up to the date of application, which I have been. It also states that you should provide statements for the all employment claimed in the form. Is it enough that I just claim for my current employment which meets the requirements of the form or should I list all previous jobs? As much as I am able to list my other employment history, I will have problems getting statements from them all due to closure of some companies. I have also worked in NZ and Oz on working holiday visas which may also pose a problem with statements.


I am able to provide extensive apprenticeship documentation and I have also written a long, thorough statement for my current job as well as a detailed statement from my employer. Will this be enough?


Thank you, Allan


You should try and get all work experience together if there is a company you cannot get for some reason you should write a stat dec to explain even if you don't need it for TRA you'll need it for the visa

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yes we are currently self employed( for the last 3 years) so had to put a ridiculous amount of info in as well as the stuff for jobs done previously. must be so easy if you have had the same employer for a long time...


My dh has been self employed since finishing his apprenticeship in 2003 it was a nightmare!

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Skillselect site says this


You can receive up to 20 points for having had a combination of overseas and Australian skilled employment in the last 10 years at the time you are invited to apply.To receive these points, you must have worked at least 20 hours of paid work per week and in your nominated skilled occupation, or a closely related occupation.

This applies to employment in and/or outside Australia.

The*relevant authority*that assessed your skills may also provide an opinion on your skilled employment experience. The department will consider this opinion when awarding points.

When determining whether your skilled employment is closely related to your nominated occupation, the department will refer to the*Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations.The tables below sets out the points available and the evidence you must provide with your application.


Skilled employment outside AustraliaPointsEvidence required5Documents that prove you have worked in skilled employment for three years10Documents that prove you have worked in skilled employment for five years15Documents that prove you have worked in skilled employment for eight years


Skilled employment in AustraliaPointsEvidence required5Documents that prove you have worked in skilled employment for one year10Documents that prove you have worked in skilled employment for three years15Documents that prove you have worked in skilled employment for five years20Documents that prove you have worked in skilled employment for eight years

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