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Bogans in Perth


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Are there any nice suburbs left in Perth?


Over the last few days, all I seem to be reading is how many Chavs/Bogans there are in Perth and I seem to be crossing off rather than adding suburbs to my list of places to look at the moment. What do you class as a Bogan/Chav? I think we are working class people with good standards. I don't particularly want to have to "keep up with the Joneses" and have people with poles up their backside when we arrive, but I also don't want to have people fornicating on my driveway, idiot boy racers racing up and down my street each night and listen to people feffing and jeffing everywhere when they are buying a pint of milk or loaf of bread. Is it really that bad? I remember Perth as being quite an affluent, friendly area.

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Tbh you do see quite a few areas that you would class as boganville, rusting cars and other trash in front gardens, roads with tyre marks running thru suburbs but of course there are lovely areas aswell.


Some will say stay away from suburbs that have a high concentration of Homes West rentals (council like).


Have a look at properties in suburbs that don't get mentioned by the British moving here. Plenty of good suburbs that you never hear off. Also don't fall into the trap that you have to live miles out because its cheaper.


Weve just renewed our lease but just in case it wasn't offered I was looking at what was out there and was shocked to see that the prices for a like for like house were the same in suburbs 50mins/1 hour away from where we are now.

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  Candygirl said:
Are there any nice suburbs left in Perth?


Over the last few days, all I seem to be reading is how many Chavs/Bogans there are in Perth and I seem to be crossing off rather than adding suburbs to my list of places to look at the moment. What do you class as a Bogan/Chav? I think we are working class people with good standards. I don't particularly want to have to "keep up with the Joneses" and have people with poles up their backside when we arrive, but I also don't want to have people fornicating on my driveway, idiot boy racers racing up and down my street each night and listen to people feffing and jeffing everywhere when they are buying a pint of milk or loaf of bread. Is it really that bad? I remember Perth as being quite an affluent, friendly area.


You may know from reading these threads that I go back and forward every year for large chunks of time and so have a foot in each camp so to speak. For what it is worth I think I have a decent grasp on reality in terms of the two locations and can hopefully gauge the general differences. Not saying it is not different depending on where you are from in both places just that in general terms......


For me anyway, swearing here seems to be that folk tend to do it without thinking and it sort of flows into general conversation. This can, in certain circumstances, be quite funny depending on the tone being used and what the topic is. However what is bad though is that the "c" word is common here and that is not one that ever sounds acceptable in my book. And by the way not just being said by the men.


Boy racers I think is more a UK term. The problem here is that Aussies like speed, fast cars and bikes and they like noise to go with them, grunt. The issue is though that it is not always boys that make the noise and that is because of the affluent society in which we live here in my view. V8's are common, V6's more so and then there are big Harley motorbikes that seem to be built to deliberatly make as much noise on start up as possible. The vast majority of these machines are not owned by boy racers but by folk with cash to spend and therefore the use of them is spread over a wide age group, both men and woman. Success to many here is having cash to spend on their toys because they can. This is before we even begin to talk about any souped up or re-modeled engines, the boy racer brigade or the Asian dragsters on Leach Highway. This group come out at night and regularly have their fun, usually burn outs, and road races. I find road noise here much worse because of the passion for it and add to that the night owls and you have a different society. It is exactly that different and I would think that most suburbs suffer so getting used to it is another change that folk probably need to adapt to in my honest view.


As to what is a bogan? I have always thought that they were honest hard working folk that lived in the less well off suburbs, that they were part of our society and who worked hard to get on with their lives. The problem we all seem to be facing now, both in the UK and here, is that we seem to have developed other layers in society where we have groups of people who just seem to be a result of years of circumstance. They are here as well and they are the ones that are probably more the issue than bogans. Bogans we can handle.


Now apart from me sounding like a right old f##t hopefully this will add to the debate and raise enough concern to put you off coming :wink: Only joking..... :biggrin:

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Hooners! Those guys who 'drift' on the road causing those lovely black rubber marks.

As for swearing, our neighbours at the back (we live in a nice area) have 2 small children 2 and 4. They use the f word in every other sentence when addressing them. My husband actually told the dad to quit with the swearing over the weekend. "Shut the f**k up" seems to be the favourite! Or, "you stupid little f**k" another.

​Yes, it seems it doesnt matter where you live.

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again it looks like I am guilty of walking round with my head up my a+++!! We have been here 4 years and the language use is no worse than the UK really. As for hoons..they are everywhere and part of life I'm afraid. They like speed and they like screeching! As for bogans I am sure most people that use the term bogan have no idea what one really is! Haven't met an Aussie I don't like yet and they are friendly and welcome you with open arms...but if you slag of everything Australian of course they are going to get upset and quite rightly so!! I have been at a party with an Aussie friend and had to listen to a group of POMS be little everything Aussie and the language they used was pretty colourful.


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  linda@no9 said:
Nope, i have no idea what a bogan is either. Sometimes i get quite embarrassed that im british.


According to Wiki the term "bogan is Australian and New Zealand slang, usually pejorative or self-deprecating, for an individual who is recognised to be from an unsophisticated background or someone whose speech, clothing, attitude and behaviour exemplifies a lack of manners and education".


Crips that is a wide reaching interpretation of the word!! One multi millionaire Aussie who I know wanders around with his butt hanging out his raggy shorts, swearing like a trooper, saying it as it is and so on. So he could be classed a bogan? Wow, interesting. I thought he was just a hard working, likeable bloke from Perth. Just shows you...

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Guest guest9824

'Bogan' is a term created BY Australians and New Zealanders as a slang term to describe Aussies living initially in the western suburbs of Melbourne, therefore created by Australians about Australians, in the same way the term Chavs was created by the British to describe a certain type of British person. Cashed Up Bogan again was a slang term created by a journo to describe blue collar workers who earn top dollar,many spending it in V8 s, bikes and boats...cause they can. The equivalent term for a Bogan is a Bevan in Queensland. Not sure that many Aussies who fit the criteria find it derogatory, it's probably now used in a more derogatory way by expats to describe some Australians in society today. As for your mate STTP with his backside hanging out, my mum would say, where there's muck there's brass!


As for living in a 'bogan area' with descriptions of burnout marks on the road and old cars in the front yard, then you have described some of my road ( bearing in mind that just like thieves don't necessarily target their own doorsteps for robbing, the same applies to hoons, they tend to take their hooning elsewhere, and do it on someone else's street), but then drive towards the end of my road and there are multimillion dollar homes. Eclectic mix of people, houses, incomes, etc, you can't judge a book by its cover I say!

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Boxes. Why package people up and try to fit them in neat little boxes? Perhaps it makes life easier to make assumptions about people, based on a number of factors including your own circumstance, upbringing, wisdom, experiences, moral code and values. At the end of the day, we're all individuals.


Leave your prejudices and preconceptions behind, embrace everyone, come here with an open mind and you'll do alright.

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  Peanuts said:
you can't judge a book by its cover I say!


Your posts are all usually spot on Peanuts but you have lost the plot with that statement..... If you go into a garage and have a look at the books on the top shelf, you know those ones with the ladies bits and bobs on them, then you most ceratinly can judge a book by it's cover!! :wacko:

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  portlaunay said:
Boxes. Why package people up and try to fit them in neat little boxes? Perhaps it makes life easier to make assumptions about people, based on a number of factors including your own circumstance, upbringing, wisdom, experiences, moral code and values. At the end of the day, we're all individuals.


Leave your prejudices and preconceptions behind, embrace everyone, come here with an open mind and you'll do alright.


Spot on Porty..... I take it you did not like Little Britain then? If there was ever one comedy show that "boxed" people up for laughs then that was it.....

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Guest guest9824
  StraighttothePoint said:
Your posts are all usually spot on Peanuts but you have lost the plot with that statement..... If you go into a garage and have a look at the books on the top shelf, you know those ones with the ladies bits and bobs on them, then you most ceratinly can judge a book by it's cover!! :wacko:


Cheeky! :wink:...me thinks you need a new occupation .....new mod on PP perhaps?

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  portlaunay said:
Boxes. Why package people up and try to fit them in neat little boxes? Perhaps it makes life easier to make assumptions about people, based on a number of factors including your own circumstance, upbringing, wisdom, experiences, moral code and values. At the end of the day, we're all individuals.


Leave your prejudices and preconceptions behind, embrace everyone, come here with an open mind and you'll do alright.


I live in a reasonable suburb with on the whole an older population. The suburb next to me isn't considered quite as nice. When I first moved here my daughter became very good friends with a girl who lives in said suburb. When I first went to her house I was mortified. It was unkempt, parents were singlet wearing, pierced, tattoo laden and not normally the sort of person I would mix with. However, after 8 years I would take them any day of the week over the supercilious, stuck up poms that seem to be arriving these days. What you see is what you get, they would give you their last hard earned dollar and the singlet off their back. I know who I would rather be mates with.

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  portlaunay said:
Boxes. Why package people up and try to fit them in neat little boxes? Perhaps it makes life easier to make assumptions about people, based on a number of factors including your own circumstance, upbringing, wisdom, experiences, moral code and values. At the end of the day, we're all individuals.


Leave your prejudices and preconceptions behind, embrace everyone, come here with an open mind and you'll do alright.


Couldn't agree with you more 100% correct!

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  StraighttothePoint said:
Your posts are all usually spot on Peanuts but you have lost the plot with that statement..... If you go into a garage and have a look at the books on the top shelf, you know those ones with the ladies bits and bobs on them, then you most ceratinly can judge a book by it's cover!! :wacko:


Are they still there? I thought the internet had killed off the 'top shelf'. Where's that enduring experience gone for 17 year olds milling around in petrol stations (no car), waiting for everyone to leave so they can grab a magazine, pay as fast as they can, stuff it in their jacket and sprint round the back to their waiting mates? (I'm not speaking from experience mind. Oh no, not me. :embarressed:)


  StraighttothePoint said:
Spot on Porty..... I take it you did not like Little Britain then? If there was ever one comedy show that "boxed" people up for laughs then that was it.....


I loved Little Britain. Not since The Office had anything made me cringe and laugh in equal amounts. There's no getting away from the fact that characters like those do exist, it's making a judgement about them based upon incidental or observational contact that annoys me.


  Arwen said:
I live in a reasonable suburb with on the whole an older population. The suburb next to me isn't considered quite as nice. When I first moved here my daughter became very good friends with a girl who lives in said suburb. When I first went to her house I was mortified. It was unkempt, parents were singlet wearing, pierced, tattoo laden and not normally the sort of person I would mix with.


:biglaugh::biglaugh: Sounds like us. (Apart from the singlet wearing. There's no way I would subject anyone else to that much of my flesh, bleugh!)

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  Arwen said:
I live in a reasonable suburb with on the whole an older population. The suburb next to me isn't considered quite as nice. When I first moved here my daughter became very good friends with a girl who lives in said suburb. When I first went to her house I was mortified. It was unkempt, parents were singlet wearing, pierced, tattoo laden and not normally the sort of person I would mix with. However, after 8 years I would take them any day of the week over the supercilious, stuck up poms that seem to be arriving these days. What you see is what you get, they would give you their last hard earned dollar and the singlet off their back. I know who I would rather be mates with.


Whats a singlet please??



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  travelchic said:
Oh thankyou. Are vests a no no then. They are here but that's because it's usually -4 lol.




Not necessarily, just vest wearing coupled with board shorts, no shoes, tatts and piercings is considered bogan by many poms.

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