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School records


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Hello everyone


We have asked my daughters school to provide her records for our move , the reply was that they will only give a copy as they need to keep the origanls in case we come back (no chance) .

Ive looked into this and cant find any info , can any one shed some light on this please



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Hello Arwen


Thanks for the reply, are you saying that the schools in oz wont require any records ? if you don't mind how do they assess the child and would we be taking any risks if we don't get any records at all , what about getting in touch with the schools in the area we are looking to move to .



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Hello Arwen


Thanks for the reply, are you saying that the schools in oz wont require any records ? if you don't mind how do they assess the child and would we be taking any risks if we don't get any records at all , what about getting in touch with the schools in the area we are looking to move to .




No, most schools won't care what your child did in the UK. Depending on how old your child is they will do some testing to see where they fit with the rest of their year group. How old is your child? You won't be taking risks not brining anything. Bring some of your child's work books if you really feel you want to but it isn't necessary in my view. You can get in touch with schools to have a chat with them if it makes you feel happier but they won't really be interested until you are living here.

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I posted this before. All the school that we sent our son to here wanted was our BSB and Account number!! You are coming to another country and it is not the same as the one you are leaving. As Arwen says, and if there are no special circumstances or needs, the just bring a few workbooks and some of their drawings from the fridge door!!

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i called into the school that my daughter will start in now we have sorted our rental property out all they have asked for is a form filled in like a contact form, her birth certificate, immunisation record (red book) proof of address and visa. They dont require anything from her UK school which is good cause i didnt get anything from them. Shes 6 will be going into year 1



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My sons school provided a hand over file but the school never looked at it. Just think of it as a fresh new exciting start.


We have been asked to supply our daughter's last two UK school reports and she is expected to undertake a 45min approx telephone interview with the principal before she can be considered for acceptance. Although a fee paying school it is comforting to know that students are not automatically enrolled regardless of how wide you open your cheque book.

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We have been asked to supply our daughter's last two UK school reports and she is expected to undertake a 45min approx telephone interview with the principal before she can be considered for acceptance. Although a fee paying school it is comforting to know that students are not automatically enrolled regardless of how wide you open your cheque book.


Nothing to do with the money at all. If they didn't have the room they wouldn't be interviewing her. if it's a prestigious school even with a large chequebook if the grades weren't there then no enrolment.

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We have been asked to supply our daughter's last two UK school reports and she is expected to undertake a 45min approx telephone interview with the principal before she can be considered for acceptance. Although a fee paying school it is comforting to know that students are not automatically enrolled regardless of how wide you open your cheque book.

Yes this was a State school. His Private school had a two year wait and he had to have an interview and provide his school reports and Naplan & WAMSE results.

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Thanks for the replies everyone appreciate it , my daughter is going to be 10 when we get out there so how long in junior school and what year should she be entering high school , is this the same as the uk ?


They start at 12/13. The February they start high school they have to turn 13 before 30 June that same year.

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