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To share or not to share...that is the question


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Hi there,


We've had a few removal quotes in and they vary quite a lot as you probably know. Does anybody know whether sharing a container is a big No No? One company (I think it was Stirling) said you should never share a container because if anything dodgy is found in the other person's stuff, the whole container is quaranteened including yours, even tho it is completely separate to the dodgey one?? Another company said its no problem sharing a container as each bit is sectioned off, unloaded and treated as a separate entity altogether.




Sharing is so much cheaper but we really want no probs at the other end. Not sure what the best thing to do is eek.gif


Would love some advice if that's ok?


Thank you

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We shared and had no problems. We were with Crown and since they came and packed everything I'd be expecting them to resolve any dodgyness before it goes.

As for delays and problems this end, it really is luck of the draw. You could pay for a full container and still end up with a clipboard warrior, random detailed check and delays.

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We shared and had no problems. We were with Crown and since they came and packed everything I'd be expecting them to resolve any dodgyness before it goes.

As for delays and problems this end, it really is luck of the draw. You could pay for a full container and still end up with a clipboard warrior, random detailed check and delays.


:biglaugh: love the term "Clipboard Warrior" - life would be so much easier without these!


I thought the very same as you, if there was a problem with someone's items then the whole container would be subjected to delay. I was told that the shipments are treated separately and are offloaded separately. I was told that some containers could contain the possessions of 10 different people.


For what it is worth, personally, I cannot see the point in spending the money on a full container if you are not going to use it. If you do not have enough for a full container what about one of the Move Cube's? At least you would know that your items would be properly separated and sealed in the Cube. You can have more than one of any of three sizes if you have too much for one.

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:biglaugh: love the term "Clipboard Warrior" - life would be so much easier without these!


I thought the very same as you, if there was a problem with someone's items then the whole container would be subjected to delay. I was told that the shipments are treated separately and are offloaded separately. I was told that some containers could contain the possessions of 10 different people.


For what it is worth, personally, I cannot see the point in spending the money on a full container if you are not going to use it. If you do not have enough for a full container what about one of the Move Cube's? At least you would know that your items would be properly separated and sealed in the Cube. You can have more than one of any of three sizes if you have too much for one.

If you do share make sure you get a gaurentee of the latest shipping date. All sorts off stories of people's stuff sat for weeks longer than they were told while the company wait for someone else to take the space left in the container

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