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My biggest tip to newbies to NOR Perth


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If you like cheap and you like poor quality wines then yeah you buy that stuff at DM's at $5 a bottle or less. If you like better quality wines, and are happy to pay a bit more, then there are much better value places to buy in Perth. Bear in mind Dan Murphys is only Woolworths not some big, select professional in the market. Beer there is also not that good value with other outlets alway seemingly having better deals. DM's run a promotion now and again to draw you in but if you know Perth it is not the place. I suppose you only know what you know though.....

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If you like cheap and you like poor quality wines then yeah you buy that stuff at DM's at $5 a bottle or less. If you like better quality wines, and are happy to pay a bit more, then there are much better value places to buy in Perth. Bear in mind Dan Murphys is only Woolworths not some big, select professional in the market. Beer there is also not that good value with other outlets alway seemingly having better deals. DM's run a promotion now and again to draw you in but if you know Perth it is not the place. I suppose you only know what you know though.....



There are lots of quality wines at DM's and at really good prices and there are also your cheap wines if that's what rocks your boat. I have lived here for nearly 12 years and it's good that there is at last some competition coming into the market to take on all the other bottle shops. Yes it may be owned by Woolworths but "so what" as long as it sells a wide variety of wine and beer at competitive prices it's all good for me. As for saying it's fine if you like "cheap and poor quality wines" I am not a wine snob but I do know my wines and find that from $5 to $50 a bottle then Dan's has a range to suit all pockets and taste's and yes you do only know what you know.

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There are lots of quality wines at DM's and at really good prices and there are also your cheap wines if that's what rocks your boat. I have lived here for nearly 12 years and it's good that there is at last some competition coming into the market to take on all the other bottle shops. Yes it may be owned by Woolworths but "so what" as long as it sells a wide variety of wine and beer at competitive prices it's all good for me. As for saying it's fine if you like "cheap and poor quality wines" I am not a wine snob but I do know my wines and find that from $5 to $50 a bottle then Dan's has a range to suit all pockets and taste's and yes you do only know what you know.


Yep I agree there are a lot of good wines in there but the better quality wines that they stock can be found a lot beter priced elsewhere. Like you I have been here a long time and the market here is weird. You get sucked in at the low end and then they get you to buy other stuff where they make the profit. DM's is just another example of how the big boys con us into doing that. DM's is not really competition is it? Really? It is only another name of the wider brand that is Woolworths, one of the 2 or 3 players in the market. We think it is competition but it is not. Aldi's and others are competition and where are they in the WA market? Nowhere frozen out.


When I said if you like "cheap and poor quality wines" that you can get it at DM's I simply meant that. You can get it there but you are right again, and I should have qualified my point, which is that they do have a wide range of good quality wines and also that you can get wine at $5 a bottle in a lot of places. My point above about those though is that I honestly believe you can get them a good prices elsewhere as well as DM's. It is back to the issue of the big players grabbing the market. We never give the independants much of a chance. Also my point about you only know what you know was linked to that point and that it simply was that DM's is not all what is it cracked up to be. Not trying to be smart.


Anyway the bigger issue when I read this thread again was what a great example we all set. Rushing about trying to get booze as cheap as we can and kids hearing / reading that we can get it at $5 a bottle. They must just all look up to us and think what great examples we all are...... If we taught them about the quality of a product against simply price then maybe, just maybe we would be adding some value to what we teach them. At the moment kids are seeing cheap is good, more is better than less and so on..... Sorry bit deep here :wink:

Edited by StraighttothePoint
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When I was referring to the $5 bottles of wine, I meant those available at the CleanSkins wine cellar in Kingsley http://www.wacleanskincellars.com.au/Our-Stores/Kingsley.aspx. These wines are bottled from various wineries around the country ,but the brand is not revealed. Their website says "let your palate decide" and in my opinion that is what it's all about. If I find a wine for $5 that I enjoy, I will happily buy that over a $20 bottle of wine because wine is a luxury in my life. Wine is one of those few things I find I can buy not overly worried about what ethical and health implications there are with my choice.


As for Dan Murphy's, I think much of it is all around the presentation. Look at Ikea (some people say Ikea is Swedish for C***), but I still enjoy a gander now and again - even if I don't buy anything. Just seeing the ailses and ailses of wine makes me smile and gives me hope in life. Perhaps it's because we have only recently landed, but the memories of waiting and yearning for the visa is a not too distant memory and being free to walk into a Dan Murphy's is something I never want to take for granted.


Don't worry too much about the message sending to your kids - my Dad would be so pleased with me knowing that I am being sensible with my spending and finding good value in a wine that I enjoy. Don't parents just want their kids to be happy? :)

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If we want wine, we either go to a local winery we like and get a case or three. If we want more, we take a week holiday to Margaret River and fill the Ute.


Can't be bothered to drive around looking to save a few dollars a bottle .. I've better things to do with my time, like drink it.

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