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looking for alot of advice please.

Guest welsh splicer

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Guest welsh splicer

Hi everyone, this is my first post so bare with me.:confused:

I have managed to secure a good job as a conveyor belt splicer on a 457 visa. I have just been given my flight date's of June 24th so very happy. now I am struggling to find somewhere to live as I want to find somewhere that gives my the best value for money (as dose everyone ). I know it might a long shot but I am looking for a 4 bed with pool and a modern house under $1000 per week. I have looked at countless houses but they all keep popping up in different locations. can anyone think of areas or live in any areas that fit what I am looking for.

thanks, Chris

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Crips with that budget you could be positioned virtually anywhere, apart from a few suburbs, between Mandurah and Yanchep and get that type of house. The specification you list is common as muck over here. You should, given your flight date, consider just booking temporary accommodation for arrival and look when you get here. You will have little chance of solving that problem in four weeks. Send me a private message with your e-mail address and I will send you some relevant information on suburbs, housing and costs.

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Also if you want 4 bed then I presume you have kids. Let good schools be your guide and things for them to do. How old are they? Aim to get into the catchment area of some really good schools. Check out Rossmoyne, Willeton, Churchlands, Shenton Park.

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Guest welsh splicer

cheers for that guys. we hav a 5 year old girl, and are planning another. also we would like a extra room for when family/friends visit. from some bits that I read most people were saying that the schools were all of a good standard anyway. or is that not really the case?? obviously the will be 1 or 2 standout schools as with every were.

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Another reason as to why it will be near impossible to crack in four weeks. Scot01 is right. If you have kids at school age, you do not say, then you probably need to consider the education issue as well. Information for that will be in the stuff I send you if you get back in touch.


Hi straighttothepoint, you offered to send me info about cost of living details via a PM. Can you please send me the info above too please. I sent you my email address earli today. Cheers.

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