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Aphra nursing registration in wa


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Guys my wife has just had her AHPRA acceptance letter....


If you were taught in English at Uni you must get a letter from the Uni to state this along with all the elements which were studied and IT MUST be certified by the Justice of Peace. This was the only thing my wife missed out and they contacted her top provide it !!!!!!!

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Guys my wife has just had her AHPRA acceptance letter....


If you were taught in English at Uni you must get a letter from the Uni to state this along with all the elements which were studied and IT MUST be certified by the Justice of Peace. This was the only thing my wife missed out and they contacted her top provide it !!!!!!!


Yup spot on, the same happened to my girlfirend.


We thought the breakdown of the subjects taught at Uni and letter from the school would suffice but no, an additional letter from the uni was required.

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Thanks for that guys. The only problem I have is that the uni want to send the transcript direct to aphra. I'm also going to submit a statutory decleration for the English part. How long did it take to register with aphra? Also are any of you electricians as my husband needs to find employment in Perth to complete his a grade license

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Thanks for that guys. The only problem I have is that the uni want to send the transcript direct to aphra. I'm also going to submit a statutory decleration for the English part. How long did it take to register with aphra? Also are any of you electricians as my husband needs to find employment in Perth to complete his a grade license


I'm not certain but think the uni sent my girlfirends transcripts direct to APHRA also, the NMC do the same. But you'll need an additional letter from the Uni confirming you've been taught in English and that will likely be required to be notorised.


It does take a little while, especially when you've got to re-submit things. Confirmation from APHRA is usually about 2 weeks from sending. I would think about 6 weeks depending on how quick you are and if there's additional information required. By the end of it ours will likely be about 6-8 weeks as we've had to gather the additional information and then get it notorised again and then resend it.


In relation to jobs, I wouldn't do too much until you're APHRA registered as most will disregard your application as you're not registered to work yet. That's generally one of the first things recruitment agencies ask you, and they often tell you to contact them when you gain registration. That said there's no harm if a suitable job cropped up to apply explaining your currently in the process. Unfortunately I can't help you regarding Electrician jobs etc.

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Thanks for that Kyle. I've spoke to the uni and they are going to send the transcript to me so that I can get it certified and they have wrote in the letter that I studied in English, alongside this I will submit a statutory decleration to say my secondary school was taught in English so hopefully they won't require additional info. A couple if months to register sounds ok as I had heard it takes months.

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The Transcript and letter from the UNI AHPRA insisted we sent them the Certified Originals !!!!!


Stuff from NMC goes direct from NMC to AHPRA...small cost involved sometimes but to be fair NMC seemed to know what they were doing and it went straight away. I'd say about in total 6-8 weeks, after 2 weeks they confirmed to us they'd recieved the application, they then took the money, they then told us we need the Uni Letter and transcript...after they received that they were very quick ...so to be fair most time is on the postage !!!!!!!


Good Luck

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  • 4 months later...

Hi everyone,


sorry to sound so silly! :wacko: But I am filling in the AHPRA registration forms. Can I put my British address done for them to send correspondence to? They all ask for state etc but I am till in the UK. Do we just then contact them when we get an address in Australia? I am getting ANMAC to send over all my transcripts/forms etc. o I then just send my application form and money?


Any responses gratefully received. Xxxx

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When I did mine, I completed the forms and sent it by post with UK address. Everything else was done by email from their end. Even my eligibility for registration letters were emailed to me not posted. I moved whilst mine was being processed but just emailed to update them as you get assigned an officer, a bit like for your visa.

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I put my uk address on it. Sent it off. They emailed to say they'd received it a few days later. 3 weeks after that I got an email to say I am registered and just need to print off the letter and go into the office there with my passport to validate. They gave me 12 months to do that.



Edited by travelchic
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I had my aphra sent back because the supporting letters I had from uni and senior school were not good enough. I had to have hyphen re done and they had to include dates attended and state all subjects taught and assessed in English, uni also had to get transcript of training which you have to pay for then get notarised.....it's an expensive process!

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Glad you got sorted Monkeylloyd. Our plans are going well thanks. I got my registration letters back in July. Just waiting for our visa to be granted. It was only lodged just under 4 weeks ago so may have some time to wait yet. Hoping to be out in Jan. I see from your status that you've sorted most other things. When you heading off?

Shona xx

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I have a year to present in person at aphra and yes it is an expensive process cost £230 for a notary public to sign it, I insured it via airmail for this amount, transcript from uni £60 plus aphra fee but will be worth it when working xx


HOW MUCH??? I paid £80 for a notary to sign about 12 docs. £230 is outrageous!!!



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Thanks everyone for your replies! I am glad you get 12 months to go in person as it will be April before we travel over. Travel chick, how is your process coming along? You were a few weeks after me in the skills assessment. My husband and I have been trying o work out weather to do a validation visit or to just go for it! Anyhow, we have decided to just go for it! We are hoping o fly out nd of April, begining of May. We were hoping or my husband to have employment before but nothing as yet! So we are going to travel for 3 weeks and try and find a place we like to settle. Must be mad when we have 2 kids under 4! Anyhow nothing ventured, nothing gained!

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