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June 2013 190 Lodged Gang


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That's amazing! Fingers crossed mine is as quick, although I did think it would be about 6 months so all a bit scary! Do you plan to leave immediately, have you got a job sorted or going to get one when you get there / use an employment agent from here? So many questions I know but the speed of this has kind've put me in a bit of a spin!

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Good news!!


We also got a CO assigned yesterday (Brisbane Team 34).


What additional info have you been requested to provide? We're both having to complete Form 80 as well as providing more relationship evidence, even though we've been married 5 1/2 years!


Hi I had Brisbane Team 34 and they were super quick for me so I am sure you will have your grant in no time! fingers crossed for you!


Hi Clare, you have a year from either your medicals or PCC which ever is earlier to take up your visa, will keep my fingers crossed your grant comes through soon.

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That's amazing! Fingers crossed mine is as quick, although I did think it would be about 6 months so all a bit scary! Do you plan to leave immediately, have you got a job sorted or going to get one when you get there / use an employment agent from here? So many questions I know but the speed of this has kind've put me in a bit of a spin!


The official blurb you get says it can take up to 6 months but most people in here seem to get them within 2-3 at the most, more often much sooner!


We're looking to go out in Jan next yr. I have to give 3 months notice at work which is a bit of a pain. As soon as we get the visa I will start job hunting tho!


Weston Clan- hope ours comes through as quickly as yours did!!

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The official blurb you get says it can take up to 6 months but most people in here seem to get them within 2-3 at the most, more often much sooner!


We're looking to go out in Jan next yr. I have to give 3 months notice at work which is a bit of a pain. As soon as we get the visa I will start job hunting tho!


Weston Clan- hope ours comes through as quickly as yours did!!



I have to give 3 months notice as well so January would be a good time for me as well. My cousin and her family are coming here for Christmas so could travel back with them! Will forward my CV to some employment agencies and see what they can come up with!

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We also got our grant today! CO requested our marriage certificate on 12th July (it had been corrupted on the system) and we heard nothing else until today. Plan now is to go to my sister's wedding in oz on 1st october and just not come back! Hope there are a few more grants to come soon - good luck everyone!

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Hi everyone I submitted on 26th June everything was front loaded at same time meds/pcc. Reading everyone's posts I hope mine is as quick. Want to be out there for October as i got a job go to and they very busy. Wish everyone a speedy grant. Fun times.


Same here. My submission date is also on June-26th! Wish we get our grants soon. Pls keep posted your updates

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We also got our grant today! CO requested our marriage certificate on 12th July (it had been corrupted on the system) and we heard nothing else until today. Plan now is to go to my sister's wedding in oz on 1st october and just not come back! Hope there are a few more grants to come soon - good luck everyone!


Congratulations!! October really isn't that far off - you must be so excited!


Vijay - My email was from my agent so it just said "Congratulations - Visa Granted" - It was the best subject heading to an email I've seen in a while!

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Congrats to all recent new visa grantees! Great news.

I too lodged on June 26th so hoping for a CO allocation tomorrow or this week at latest. Stated I was in no rush previously, but eager now :biggrin:



We applied on same date :) Still no CO for my case also. Have you applied PCC, Meds and Form-80 also? If not I recommend you to upload these documents and it will speed up the process

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Our hands are tied as on hols at mo, so can't submit the last part of the jigsaw (PCC) to complete all that is needed. Must be patient!


For those of you who are planning your move, how are you doing it? What I mean is, what comes first...house sale, notice at work, flight booking? I keep whirling it around in my head. I keep pondering on what is best. Sell the house then move into short term rented? As a teacher I need to give a terms notice (3 months) so I can only really leave at the end of term so could be Christmas if we get a wiggle on, Easter or next summer. We also have children that we need to find a school for, so if we arrive during the Oz 6 weeks holidays over Christmas then they will be shut, no viewing. Potentially my boys could have a huge time off school, lucky them!

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