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Big construction project in Perth

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For anyone who's interested and looking for construction work in Perth there's going to be a big development starting some time later in the year by the Swan River water front.

From what info I've got so far its going to run for a long time with lots of mixed use developments from retail to living spaces, sound promising for all trades and construction management operatives looking to find work when we and you make the move down under, hope this news put's some minds at rest about finding work down under.



All the best

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Please don't think that you will just walk into a job though. Not wanting to put you off, but you have to be realistic about work opportunities in WA. The population of WA is growing WEEKLY by 1000 - 1500 people, according to the media and Bureau of Stats, and the job market is most certainly not growing at a similar rate. From comments made by others on this forum and by friends and colleagues working in the construction industry, not all jobs are advertised but are filled through word of mouth. Might be worth getting some networking up and running as soon as you get here and be very proactive by actually fronting up at construction sites and asking for work.

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That's a fair bit of money getting invested, we all know that will likely rise in excess of $3 Billion. Good to know though.


I'm coming over in September and will be actively seeking work and as Rossmoyne says probably fronting up on Construction sites. Although I work as an Estimator/Contract Administrator, so it's slightly different but even just to gain some contacts.


So if anyone knows of any jobs/contacts for this type of work I would love to hear from you - in particular in the Roofing & Cladding sector.

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Please don't think that you will just walk into a job though. Not wanting to put you off, but you have to be realistic about work opportunities in WA. The population of WA is growing WEEKLY by 1000 - 1500 people, according to the media and Bureau of Stats, and the job market is most certainly not growing at a similar rate. From comments made by others on this forum and by friends and colleagues working in the construction industry, not all jobs are advertised but are filled through word of mouth. Might be worth getting some networking up and running as soon as you get here and be very proactive by actually fronting up at construction sites and asking for work.


Already done it mate I've been plugging away at certain companies for some time now and I don't mean a couple of months,got some contacts going as well ,got a few more things worth looking at later in the year .

I don't expect to walk straight in to any job , still got my tools and don't mind getting my hands dirty again (I work in construction management) I expect to the school of hard knocks and I aint under no elusion that's its going to be plain sailing and this should be for everyone , but, and there is always a but, it could work out for a few people who are willing to give it a go.


Your right though about fronting the companies direct people should be prepared for that when they get over, it aint the first time I've heard that also WA experience is a big one they need to get some that as well



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Please don't think that you will just walk into a job though. Not wanting to put you off, but you have to be realistic about work opportunities in WA. The population of WA is growing WEEKLY by 1000 - 1500 people, according to the media and Bureau of Stats, and the job market is most certainly not growing at a similar rate. From comments made by others on this forum and by friends and colleagues working in the construction industry, not all jobs are advertised but are filled through word of mouth. Might be worth getting some networking up and running as soon as you get here and be very proactive by actually fronting up at construction sites and asking for work.


This^ with knobs on.


That project is already underway and it's likely all contracts have already been awarded and resourcing started. If you haven't got a job there now it's unlikely there will be any recruitment drive because, as Rossmoyne says, very few roles are advertised and the already massive labour force will be moving from Fiona Stanley to Children's Hospital to Main Roads projects to Waterfront and so on. As the resourcing sector reduces the number of projects inevitably there will be a surplus of workers returning to where the work is - currently the city.


Sorry, don't mean to put a downer on things but don't bank on this being a way in.

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This^ with knobs on.


That project is already underway and it's likely all contracts have already been awarded and resourcing started. If you haven't got a job there now it's unlikely there will be any recruitment drive because, as Rossmoyne says, very few roles are advertised and the already massive labour force will be moving from Fiona Stanley to Children's Hospital to Main Roads projects to Waterfront and so on. As the resourcing sector reduces the number of projects inevitably there will be a surplus of workers returning to where the work is - currently the city.


Sorry, don't mean to put a downer on things but don't bank on this being a way in.


Valid point , as it has started they will be doing the enabling works now that should go on for about another good few months yet and I mean a good few before they even start the structural works , I aint banking on this and nor should anyone else, just sharing the news for people who don't know

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These projects will be union jobs. And as somebody already pointed out most of the workers will just be moved from other sites. It is very difficult to get on these sites when you first arrive as they are better paid. Most tradesmen arriving here now struggle to find work and ending up doing the lesser jobs for less money until they get WA experience. It is good for the construction industry that something like this is starting.

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Good luck it's very quiet here at the moment. A friend of mine works for an agency and says this is the quietest he's seen it for over 5 years.


A pal of mine worked for leightons for 8 years and they couldn't even transfer him to a new job as they have no new work so he's being made redundant next week.


Also 2 of the larger electrical firms have just gone broke, plus a cabinet maker and a couple of larger plumbing firms.


Cape have just shut down their WA formwork and scaffolding business as well.


Most of the jobs on seek don't exist as its merely agencies cv hunting. Work is great if your lucky and land something but don't expect to rock up and find it booming!

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Good luck it's very quiet here at the moment. A friend of mine works for an agency and says this is the quietest he's seen it for over 5 years.


A pal of mine worked for leightons for 8 years and they couldn't even transfer him to a new job as they have no new work so he's being made redundant next week.


Also 2 of the larger electrical firms have just gone broke, plus a cabinet maker and a couple of larger plumbing firms.


Cape have just shut down their WA formwork and scaffolding business as well.


Most of the jobs on seek don't exist as its merely agencies cv hunting. Work is great if your lucky and land something but don't expect to rock up and find it booming!


Unfortunatley the news reaching the UK seems to be a year or two out of date, its a very different economic landscape now.

Edited by Greg
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Anyone reading this thread who's interested in construction work in and around Perth should take note, I know a couple of Site Managers who are working in Perth on residential and civil projects and they are working but they had to put the time in to get the jobs

As mentioned by bensdad above the companies want WA experience but from talking to them they didn't need as much WA time as stated , also there's a lull in the construction market in WA and the rest of the country (I know a estimator who works in Brisbane) as also stated in previous comments not only on perthpoms but pomsinoz aswell.( I put one on pomsinoz about work in Melbourne)


Having a chat with an agent I know from Romford in Essex who now lives in and works in Perth he has said the same thing as above . also you have to put yourself about in front of the companies and you need be out there , they wont entertain you otherwise. He said give another 6 months to see how things might pan out which ties up with the completion of our visa luckily enough.


There's worth waiting for the general election to find out the state of play which happens in September concerning the construction market this could change things a bit , but please don't let this reflect on the trades looking for work down under this comment is solely based on what I have so far found about Site Manager work but again it aint all doom and gloom , any other managers out there please feel free to comment

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