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Advice Please =] - Moving to Perth.


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Hey Everyone,


I am hopefully going to be moving to Perth in the Near furture through my Current Employer. Just finalising everything and as you may appreciate, I am doing all of my research to find out everything I need to know so that I am best prepared for the Move :)


I will run through what I need to know, and if anyone can help with any of it, I would be very greatful.

1.) So first of all I am going to be a Recruitment Consultant for one of the Leading Agencies in the World. Does anyone know what the Average pay is for a Recruitment Consultant in Perth?


2.) What is a good/realistic Salary to live on? It will be myslef, my partner and our 2 young children of 3yrs and 1yr and my Partner will be a stay at home mum to start with.


3.) We dont plan to have an extorshionatly expensive lifestyle. Just want to be able to pay all of the bills with my wage, being able to save a little bit (All be it, it ma be very little, but saving something is better than saving nothing) So to pay normal bills that everyone else would pay and live confortably (We have no debts to pay niether)


4.) Talking of bills, What bills exactly would I need to be paying? Please can you specify whether its on a Weekly, Monthly or Quartly basis =]. Ive heard people say "Rates" but what is meant by that and also heard the term "Foxtel" or something, what is that? (I Will be Renting)


5.) Talking of Renting, I know there will be a deposit required upfront but what sort of cost is an average? What is realistic. I have not yet decided where abouts in Perth I would like to live yet but If I could have some examples of what prices are like. I will be working in the City Centre between West and East Perth and South of Northbridge on a Road called "The Esplanade" - I do not mind a small comute each morning neither.


6.) What kind of transport is available, Since I will not have a car right away, I will probably be using Public Transport, Is there a bus Metro system and what kind of Charges do they incur roughly?


7.) Banking... What is the best Bank to open an account at? the most reliable and preferably quite well known. All I require is an account to pay my wages into and allow for my standard monthly bills to come out, Use my card at the ATM and pay for things by card in Shops and Resturants. Also is there anything really different about the Australian Banking system that differs to here in the UK. Are there any charges for opening accounts etc...


8.) Medicare?... Can someone explain this please and the costs that are involved with it.


This is all I can think of right now but If you feel there is anything I have missed then your feedback will be valued and utilised.


I look forward to speaking to you all :)





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I don't know salaries for what you do, but, a good indicator is to take what your income is at the moment and multiply it by 2.5 and that will give you the amount in dollars that you need to have the same standard of living.


Foxtel is pay tv. A bit like sky.


Rent is expensive. You can pay a scary amount. Most people that work in the city live a fair way out. If you budget for $450 - 500 a week, you should be ok. Though, that will be a train ride.


Public transport is very good. The esplanade is one of the main roads in the CBD and has a train station. You would have to live a long way out to pay more than about $12 a day. There are free buses in the city.


Medicare is a bit like the NHS. You will sign up when you get here. It is free to join. However, it doesn't cover everything. For example, a lot of doctors will charge you more than the Medicare allowance. Mine charges me about $35 for an appointment. A lot of drugs can be expensive as you pay for the individual price. So, for example, I paid over $200 recently for some pills. Also, Medicare does not cover all treatment.

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Hi and welcome to PP.


Please realise that every prospective expat has the same queries and concerns that you do. You'll also encounter many more as you move further into the journey.

This forum is a huge knowledge base for everyone on this journey and at the risk of appearing dismissive I'd say, in the first instance, have a read through. You'll find a lot of information about all of your concerns and realise a lot of the questions you are asking are just too broad to provide answers to.


Flip your questions over and imagine an immigrant outside of the UK is asking you to answer them about England, it'd be pretty tough to answer some of them.


With regards to salaries, check out Seek.com for roles in your field.

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