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Realistic?.... Electricity in Perth - HELP!


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I am going to be Migrating to Perth in the Near future and looking at working what my bills may be.


I will be looking at having a 3Bed Apartment/House for ME, My PARTER and my TWO are 1 & 3 Years old.


Please can you give an insight to how much I will need to budget on Electricity and If you can give me some ideas what all of you are paying, your house size, family size and where you are located in Perth that would be fantastic.


I am looking at working everything out to a weekly basis so please tell me how regular your bills are.


Thank you :)



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Posted before about the cost of living :-




I'd say $50 a month on gas/water, and $100 a month on eletric. If you own the place you have to also add water rates.


We pay $35 per month on gas and recently $millions on electric. Think the last bill was about $500ish for two months.



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I'd look at some of the other posts, as there's great variation here, and quickly can frighten people off. This is how we live.


We live in Orelia 30 minutes outside Perth. Not got the best reputation, but lets keep it that way, the fewer who know its there, the cheaper it is for us.

Rent - $360/week for a 3x1 (3 beds 1 bathroom)

Electricity $50/month (no aircon, and use BBQ for cooking alot)

Gas $50/month (Shower only)

Foxtel - $0, use freeview instead

Phones $100/month. Thats for max credit (about 10hr of UK calls per month), and ones an iphone. If you bring your own phone i pay $40/month. INcludes internet access as well.

As the house was rented there's no rates to pay, thats in the rent.

Cars - 0. Good cars are available for $2k, you can spend loads, if you want to waste money. The Rego or tax comes with 3rd party insurance. Fully comp is around $500/yr.


Food can be expensive, so shop around. Buy whats in season and have a big freezer. We use Spudshack for fruit and veg.

Cigarettes $25 for 20, so makes sense not to smoke.

Beer is expensive $40/case. Good aussie wine is however cheap, $3/bottle and great on a hot day.


I earn good money, but am happy not to spend it. Be careful how you live, and you can live well.

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Ours (family of four), is around $75pm for each gas and elec. We have no a/c and rug up in winter.

We don't really watch TV (apart from Game of Thrones). We have PS3/Xbox/Wii in the Man-cave but they're used once or twice a month.

Most of our power usage is probably in computers/laptops and we watch a few films a week.

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I'd look at some of the other posts, as there's great variation here, and quickly can frighten people off. This is how we live.


We live in Orelia 30 minutes outside Perth. Not got the best reputation, but lets keep it that way, the fewer who know its there, the cheaper it is for us.

Rent - $360/week for a 3x1 (3 beds 1 bathroom)

Electricity $50/month (no aircon, and use BBQ for cooking alot)

Gas $50/month (Shower only)

Foxtel - $0, use freeview instead

Phones $100/month. Thats for max credit (about 10hr of UK calls per month), and ones an iphone. If you bring your own phone i pay $40/month. INcludes internet access as well.

As the house was rented there's no rates to pay, thats in the rent.

Cars - 0. Good cars are available for $2k, you can spend loads, if you want to waste money. The Rego or tax comes with 3rd party insurance. Fully comp is around $500/yr.


Food can be expensive, so shop around. Buy whats in season and have a big freezer. We use Spudshack for fruit and veg.

Cigarettes $25 for 20, so makes sense not to smoke.

Beer is expensive $40/case. Good aussie wine is however cheap, $3/bottle and great on a hot day.


I earn good money, but am happy not to spend it. Be careful how you live, and you can live well.



thanks nic, this is really helpfull. What do u do for a living? How much do u earn? Do you work in the CBD??

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Hi no problem, glad to help. I'm a chemical engineer and work at one of the chemical plants in the Kwinana strip, just north of Rockingham.


Best of luck, the weather and lifestyle make up for alot here, so I'm more than happy to live this way.



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