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Freemantle furnished apartment for 2

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Freo properties tend to be snapped up within moments of viewing and there are very few apartments around.

I have a friend with a place on Leake Street but it's unfurnished. I'll ask if it's available though if you like?


TBH, if you're coming across in August get yourself a holiday let for a few weeks and look fro something more permanent when you arrive. The chances of you securing a rental when you're not in the country are as likely as someone knocking on the door this very second to tell me I'm a distant descendent of Rockefeller and they've just found a warehouse full of cash, a time machine and an envelope that contains the identity of the author of the Voynich manuscript and it all belongs to me.


As an aside I'd like to say congratulations, you have officially made it into second place on my list of awesome interweb usernames, an accolade I'm sure you're overwhelmed by. Expect your certificate in the post soon.

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The chances of you securing a rental when you're not in the country are as likely as someone knocking on the door this very second to tell me I'm a distant descendent of Rockefeller and they've just found a warehouse full of cash, a time machine and an envelope that contains the identity of the author of the Voynich manuscript and it all belongs to me.


As we're giving out awards, can I just say that this cracked me up. Thanks for the giggle portlaunay :biggrin:


LD, portlaunay is correct - finding a furnished apt in Freo is difficult. If you do find one, maybe you could post the details so others know somewhere to start their search in the future?

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