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A winters day in Perth....

Guest guest9824

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Guest guest9824

It's been a lovely day today in WA, cold but sunny. Great day for tidying the garden, bonfire of leaves to burn....firepit lit this evening, chestnuts on the fire, glass of 'cat amongst the pigeons' Shiraz and toasting marshmallows! :cute: What's the weather like where you are?



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Guest guest9824
haha i did some weeding on thursday and got bitten by a bloody mozzie didnt think to put spray on ............ now have a lovely red inflamed hot leg oh joy oh bliss roll on the summer



Oohhhhhh noo...bloody mozzies, hate em......they like the taste of me too Elfie....self medicate...! Have you been to maggie river yet?



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Guest guest9824
What?? Where are you? Here in Joondalup its been cloudy all day, proper clouds too not those usual wispy ones! And quite chilly!


Chilly yes Lozza...but for winter it's been a nice day, no rain, but nice here in the hills. Just goes to show the weather is very mixed. Very very cold up in the hills tonight.....brrrrhhhhhhhhhh....




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Freeeezing in Freo!

Waited for the sun to come round to our big bank of North facing windows and warm the house but it didn't really peep out from the cloud until I was into my second gin. I'm now curled up on the sofa in a granny blanket.

Forecast for tomorrow is much the same so a fire pit sounds like a good idea, pea.

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Guest guest9824
apparently they don't like the taste of quinine ( found in tonic water) what better excuse for lots of G&T ??!!

J x



True that, it's why it's called tonic water cause it was used to help against malaria.....I don't drink gin anymore, long story!:biggrin:



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Oohhhhhh noo...bloody mozzies, hate em......they like the taste of me too Elfie....self medicate...! Have you been to maggie river yet?





Hi Pea


Margaret River what else can I say but fab really liked it down there really really liked it :o) would rather live there than Perth any day people speak and far more friendly .... shock ......... but unfortunately too far for airport runs so stuck where we are on that front :o)

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Reality check don't shoot the messanger...... This city needs water and therefore we need rain and lots of it. There is a chronic water shortage in Perth and it has been getting progressively worse over the last few years. What we all need to do is opne the curtains every morning and say we hope it pours today not how great it is when the sun is shining!! With incomers rushing to live here and public spending being reduced then good. old fashioned wet weather is what we need to fill the dams. Yeah it is great to come here and see how different it is to the UK but the problem is that the weather has changed here as well and we will suffer more and more as if it is not wetter. Rain in Perth comes down in torrents at times and so even if we get rain here it is usually only in short bursts rather than constant.


So come guys get real, open those curtains, get those fingers crossed, stop being selfish and hope for rain....

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Reality check don't shoot the messanger...... This city needs water and therefore we need rain and lots of it. There is a chronic water shortage in Perth and it has been getting progressively worse over the last few years. What we all need to do is opne the curtains every morning and say we hope it pours today not how great it is when the sun is shining!! With incomers rushing to live here and public spending being reduced then good. old fashioned wet weather is what we need to fill the dams. Yeah it is great to come here and see how different it is to the UK but the problem is that the weather has changed here as well and we will suffer more and more as if it is not wetter. Rain in Perth comes down in torrents at times and so even if we get rain here it is usually only in short bursts rather than constant.


So come guys get real, open those curtains, get those fingers crossed, stop being selfish and hope for rain....


Undoubtedly but what we also need is for people to become more water wise. I've this nifty gadget installed on my kitchen sink that diverts the run off water into a container that goes into our water cooler for drinking. You know, when you run the tap to get to the hot water and waste 5L waiting for it. Our bathrooms have 'pre-heat' buttons that warm the water prior to it reaching the taps so when you turn it on it doesn't waste loads before it gets hot.


I'd love to build my own property, I reckon I could achieve a zero rating for our water consumption providing we could recycle grey water and utilise 100% of our rainfall.

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Reality check don't shoot the messanger...... This city needs water and therefore we need rain and lots of it. There is a chronic water shortage in Perth and it has been getting progressively worse over the last few years. What we all need to do is opne the curtains every morning and say we hope it pours today not how great it is when the sun is shining!! With incomers rushing to live here and public spending being reduced then good. old fashioned wet weather is what we need to fill the dams. Yeah it is great to come here and see how different it is to the UK but the problem is that the weather has changed here as well and we will suffer more and more as if it is not wetter. Rain in Perth comes down in torrents at times and so even if we get rain here it is usually only in short bursts rather than constant.


So come guys get real, open those curtains, get those fingers crossed, stop being selfish and hope for rain....


Did you know that the water corporation as to pour thousands of litres of perfectly drinkable water back into the water system daily, to keep said rivers from potentially drying up?

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Undoubtedly but what we also need is for people to become more water wise. I've this nifty gadget installed on my kitchen sink that diverts the run off water into a container that goes into our water cooler for drinking. You know, when you run the tap to get to the hot water and waste 5L waiting for it. Our bathrooms have 'pre-heat' buttons that warm the water prior to it reaching the taps so when you turn it on it doesn't waste loads before it gets hot.


I'd love to build my own property, I reckon I could achieve a zero rating for our water consumption providing we could recycle grey water and utilise 100% of our rainfall.


The nifty gadget we use to do that is a plastic container which we fill and then we tip that into our water cooler :biggrin: Yeah folk probably need to be more aware in terms of water usage, as do house builders, but rain is the key because people saving water alone will not fix the problem. It is too big an issue what with the population growth as it is.

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Guest guest9824
Hi Pea


Margaret River what else can I say but fab really liked it down there really really liked it :o) would rather live there than Perth any day people speak and far more friendly .... shock ......... but unfortunately too far for airport runs so stuck where we are on that front :o)


Glad you enjoyed it, its a beautiful part of the world. I knew you would like it! Its very picturesque. We are off to Busselton in the school holidays, cant wait, staying at Aqua Resort, its lovely, a short walk through the resort and you are on the beach. We will fish, and just relax. Then a visit to Maggie River, and Dunsborough, hoping the weather stays nice!:biggrin:



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Guest guest9824
It's cold and grey here now in Mandurah. But, that's the way I like it. Good excuse to have a slow roasted casserole tonight.


I know I will be grumbling about the heat this time next week when back at work.


Thats my kind of food Stormy....puts hairs on ya chest! Trouble is I always have to chuck a full bottle of red in, good red too, waste really, actually thinking about it, that is my way of using less water too, I drink more bottled......:wink:

Jamies Italian sounds good too, there at the weekend, looking forward to some pasta that doesnt cost a ridiculous amount of money and tastes reasonably good! Glad it was good! Might have to partake in a Mojito or two!

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